Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 19
Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 19 article. After two poor weeks in a row we finally had some luck and posted a decent score of 76 to get us back on track and that leaves us at 64,823 overall. Well, we say luck, there’s nothing better than a successful FPL transfer decision and one that brings you 30 points is to be rejoiced! Last week we culled Kane and brought in Zlatan and captained him. Suffice to say the big man didn’t disappoint. And we won’t lie, we had a wry smile when Kane missed his penalty. Game-weeks hang on such fine margins at times. So Zlatan was obviously our bedrock but we saw decent returns elsewhere too, notably from Pedro who we had hung onto more in hope than anticipation as he had missed the previous week and posted poor scores of 1, 3 and 2 prior to that. Our patience was rewarded with a big 13 this week. Unfortunately the silly sausage then went and got himself suspended for this week which leaves us in a bit of a pickle. And said pickle only got bigger when Walker went and got himself suspended as well having posted a rather disappointing 1 pointer for us. His team-mate Erik did rather better with two assists and 10 points though. Other than Cech getting a straight 6 though the rest were fairly mundane other than our 3rd pickle… Our Itchy pick was described by one commentator this week as “simply a poor choice at the moment”, and we couldn’t agree more! Especially when he didn’t even start this week. He redeemed himself with a late goal though to give us a 5 for him and it could have been more as he was waiting to tap in the Sterling cross which Davies turned in for an own goal. Goal or not he’s still an issue which needs dealing with, to add to the others #gulp…
Transfer – Sold Pedro and Iheanacho and bought Phillips and Defoe
We will admit this one had us a bit stumped. Every which way we turned it was far from ideal. And the ideas and suggestions were thin on the ground, which in some ways was a relief, after the fighting seen recently as a result of there being so many in the past few weeks. In the end we decided to go with the tried and tested in terms of fairly consistent FPL point scorers in the shape of Phillips and Defoe. It’s not overly exciting or innovative but it probably keeps the wheels turning for a bit until better opportunities present themselves.
The obvious point here is that we haven’t really planned for Aguero’s return. In truth we are happy enough to run with Costa and Ibra as our main forwards for the time being and we will make a call on Kun in the next few weeks if anything happens to our big two or if Kun shows signs of life again.
The other obvious point is that our team does look a bit bedraggled this week, we are aware of it so don’t come pointing it out please! It happens sometimes when you encounter a few suspensions at once, but then sometimes the most aesthetic of teams don’t always bring home the bacon so let’s see what our ugly pigs can do for us this time out…
Our Captain is Zlatan
He’s been in imperious form and faces a Middlesbrough team who are without a win in their last 8 away games. It was him or Costa and both are good shouts this week and we would happily have gone with either but we went with Zlatan. Let’s hope the Iceman cometh again…
If anyone is interested in following the site teams progress then you can do so here and we wish you all the best of luck this week with your own teams.
Hi guys. Do we know the latest on Grant? Im stuck between him and mannone and it’s doing my head in.
Omg, motherfuckers. The second I did the transfer Wally went from 7.8m to 7.7m and my transfer didn’t go through. HAHAHA! FUCKERS!
Pardon me for my language. Won’t do it again. Sorry GeePee. Was just really shocked and a strike of poor luck, again.
I did Pickford to Foster, Wally to ummm Stanislas and Kane to Costa. The second I pressed make transfer something happened. HAHAA! SO MESSED UP! Off for bed. Ja ne.
Bad luck, or hopefully good luck, Raz…. best wishes!
A bit of a conundrum – any feedback, suggestions or advice is appreciated. Currently 2FT and .1 ITB…
Valencia Jones Alonso
Mane Hazard Firmino Antonio Siggy
Costa Ibra
Jaku Anichebe Amat Love
Considering Rodriguez for Antonio but a bit worried about playing time, rotation, etc. Want to bring in Lukaku / Tekkers (and planning to do so when Mane goes to AFCON)… should I offload Mane now and bring in Lukaku? Any thoughts on the Rodriguez punt? Any other suggestions?
Cheers, happy new year and best wishes.
Hey ATF, i’d be loathed to lose Mane before he plays Sunderland in GW20.
Re J-Rod, i’m a big fan but you have to be concerned that he won’t play every game in this period given his recent injury history.
Cheers Cookie, I’m pondering a punt on Rodriguez… hope 2016 had been good to you and all the best in 2017.
Many thanks ATF, same to you and the family mate.
What I meant to say before is if you are set on Lukaku then may as well get him for the Hull match.
Best replacement for Pickford? Can’t choose between heaton , grant or foster or others.
Morning Shanec,
Foster for fixtures, Grant for price, Heaton for first half of the season nostalgia.
Yeh hard 1 that cookie. Is stoke signed grant?
Not as yet Shanec but I expect they will by next week otherwise they’ll be playing Shay Given!
hi guys
azpi brunt smith
hazard lallana payet allen
ibra(c) defoe kane
bench: jakupovic fletcher nyom amat
am i good to go?
Any advices for my nxt move?
Nauj, looks good to me, good luck
thnks cookie!
Do you have any advice on my nxt moves plz?
How much cash in the bank?
1.5£ in bank
You need some Arsenal coverage Nauj
defnce or atak?
i had walcott,i trsfrd him out for lallana
Both! Payet to Ozil or Walcott?
yes i thnk i will make payet>walcott and smith>kos in the next gws
and wht do you thnk about guetting aguero after his mtch vs liverpool?
Nauj, for Kane? Yeah defo
Wenger at his presser this morning