Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 19
Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 19 article. After two poor weeks in a row we finally had some luck and posted a decent score of 76 to get us back on track and that leaves us at 64,823 overall. Well, we say luck, there’s nothing better than a successful FPL transfer decision and one that brings you 30 points is to be rejoiced! Last week we culled Kane and brought in Zlatan and captained him. Suffice to say the big man didn’t disappoint. And we won’t lie, we had a wry smile when Kane missed his penalty. Game-weeks hang on such fine margins at times. So Zlatan was obviously our bedrock but we saw decent returns elsewhere too, notably from Pedro who we had hung onto more in hope than anticipation as he had missed the previous week and posted poor scores of 1, 3 and 2 prior to that. Our patience was rewarded with a big 13 this week. Unfortunately the silly sausage then went and got himself suspended for this week which leaves us in a bit of a pickle. And said pickle only got bigger when Walker went and got himself suspended as well having posted a rather disappointing 1 pointer for us. His team-mate Erik did rather better with two assists and 10 points though. Other than Cech getting a straight 6 though the rest were fairly mundane other than our 3rd pickle… Our Itchy pick was described by one commentator this week as “simply a poor choice at the moment”, and we couldn’t agree more! Especially when he didn’t even start this week. He redeemed himself with a late goal though to give us a 5 for him and it could have been more as he was waiting to tap in the Sterling cross which Davies turned in for an own goal. Goal or not he’s still an issue which needs dealing with, to add to the others #gulp…
Transfer – Sold Pedro and Iheanacho and bought Phillips and Defoe
We will admit this one had us a bit stumped. Every which way we turned it was far from ideal. And the ideas and suggestions were thin on the ground, which in some ways was a relief, after the fighting seen recently as a result of there being so many in the past few weeks. In the end we decided to go with the tried and tested in terms of fairly consistent FPL point scorers in the shape of Phillips and Defoe. It’s not overly exciting or innovative but it probably keeps the wheels turning for a bit until better opportunities present themselves.
The obvious point here is that we haven’t really planned for Aguero’s return. In truth we are happy enough to run with Costa and Ibra as our main forwards for the time being and we will make a call on Kun in the next few weeks if anything happens to our big two or if Kun shows signs of life again.
The other obvious point is that our team does look a bit bedraggled this week, we are aware of it so don’t come pointing it out please! It happens sometimes when you encounter a few suspensions at once, but then sometimes the most aesthetic of teams don’t always bring home the bacon so let’s see what our ugly pigs can do for us this time out…
Our Captain is Zlatan
He’s been in imperious form and faces a Middlesbrough team who are without a win in their last 8 away games. It was him or Costa and both are good shouts this week and we would happily have gone with either but we went with Zlatan. Let’s hope the Iceman cometh again…
If anyone is interested in following the site teams progress then you can do so here and we wish you all the best of luck this week with your own teams.
Hi All,
Hope everyone’s had a good Christmas
Struggling to decide where to go with my team going forward and whether the new wildcard is needed soon.
I’ll be doing Kane>Costa at some point. I see having to move out Origi, Zaha, Mane in the next week.
Also there is the Kun question, and whether I need Chelsea/Arsenal Defence.
Help Appreciated
Beaker, hold your wildcard for the DGWs later in the season mate.
Kane to Costa now. Then you have 2 more game-weeks of Mane and Zaha so relax for a bit. Wouldn’t rush Origi out to be honest.
Origi would be assisting the Lovren goal
Do Kane to Costa now mate
haha Nishant, Always good to get some future insight.
Cookie, Mitro – Yes it does make sense with Kane about to go down again
It was Cookie who saw the Lovren goal
I added on the Origi assist part
On a serious note,
Kane to Costa
And don’t think of the WC now
Let Kun show his worth
Then plan if he is still a must with Costa and Ibra already firing
Great many thanks – Patience is not easy!!!!
Any risk on Capping Sanchez?
Giroud will be up top so Sanchez will revert to the LW
Who are you going for?
Currently on Ibra mate

Interesting word that
He’ll swap it at least 6 times before k.o tonight…..
Not sure what to do this GW, 1FT and 0.1m
I’d be happy to save the ft with that team
I wouldn’t mind holding the FT
Afternoon fellas, who is better to replace Vert?
1) Kos
2) Monreal
3) Mustafi
4) Jones
Bellerin or Jones
Can’t afford Bel, Nish.
Then Kos if fund isn’t the issue
Or Jones to save the penny
Oh wait I mixed Kos’ price up. I can’t afford him either so it’s either Monreal, Mustafi or Jones
Ah then it has to be Jones for me
Dont fancy Arsenal keeping CS with their fixtures?
Arsenal,have some good potential CS fixtures. I would go for Monreal if he is all you can afford
Your cap’n this week?
Costa or Haz haven’t decided yet. Think Boro will be better defensively than Stoke. You going with Sanchez?
Yes mate
Just don’t feel like not capping him 😉
Yeah if it was Pardew still in charge I would cap him no problem but I just feel Big Sam will want to make sure they don’t lose so will defend like mad.
A coin flip would be nice then
Definitely; )
Hi guys,
Been on a downward spiral since i chose Kane over Zlatan to replace Kun whe he got suspended. Feel like I need to get Zlatan in so was thinking of saving FT this week then doing Kane -> Zlatan and Siggy -> Zaha.
But now just realised Zaha is off to afcon and I’m worried Zlatan may be rested for their game on the 2nd.
Great team there
Would hold the FT
And we all made the wrong decision of having Kane over Zlatan
What a useless prick he proved
4 points in all against Burnley and Hull
Yeh terrible mate! Thinking I’ll do Kane to Zlatan and Siggy to Jay Rodriguez now, fancy a punt on him. Even if Zlatan is rested will have big man Anichebe to come off the bench
Alright chaps.
I won’t prejudice your advice by telling you which one move I’m thinking of making.
1 free transfer and £0M IB the bank.
What should I do?
I’ve been going round in circles these past two days so looking for inspiration.
Two key options I see here are Kane out for Costa (probably because I plan on that move myself) or one of Gundogan/ Capou out, not sure who for however as nobody below 5 mil seems to be performing
Thanks duthers.
Need to take a hit for Costa but that’s been considered.
Thank you.
Any other thoughts anyone?
GP – Gundogan -> Stanislas for the no hit path?
I have Stanislas and King on the list. :thumbup:
Humm King you can’t seem to afford with 1FT though? But yeah he’s pretty much goal oriented too. I see him as more likely to be benched / subbed early though than young Junior.
Hey GP. You can’t bring in Costa without taking a hit to sell Haz or Matic so I would either sell Gundogan, Matic or Capoue for Philips then next week do Kane to Costa.
Thanks Matt.
Gundogan has to go before Capoue and I’ve got an eye on J-Rod for him.
I’m also mindful that I might want Aguero in a couple of days so need a contingency plan for that.
Cheers mate. Phillips is on the shortlist as well by the way.
Yeah I’m keeping an eye on Jrod as well but think I have other targets ahead of him right now but if he picks up in form then he may come in some how.
GP, i’m struggling to see how you get Kun without selling Hazard, Alexis or Alonso… you may have to think about sacrificing Chelsea defensive coverage by selling Alonso to a proper cheapie to transfer Kane to Kun…..
In that respect I would do nothing this week and re-evaluate that on Monday…..
Thanks Cooks,
My contingency plan is Aguero in for Wilson and Sanchez to me probably :big-lol:
hee hee, you mean you’re cheaper than Anichebe?!
I wouldn’t sell Alexis to leave yourself with no Arsenal coverage with those fixtures, personally.
It’s a work in progress! Which will result in me either taking a -8 or ballsing it out without Aguero.
Option 2 from those GP, to me, probably.