Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Game-week 27 – Fantasy Premier League 2014/15
GW27 is live! We hope the transfers and captain choice have left you feeling confident, well at least until the games start. Hopefully you have accounted for the blank this GW and will see the points roll in, even in the absence of Chelsea & Spurs players. The game-week kicks off with a Saturday lunch time affair. And by affair I don’t mean to imply anything about Pardew and most certainly not Big Sam; as we all know Allardyce would never be unfaithful to that piece of chewing gum. Anyways after the Hammers host Palace we see five fixtures fly our way with a 3pm start time. The Clarets receive a visit from Swansea in what promises to be an unwatched game. We also see Sunderland visit the ever reliable United defence at Old Trafford. St. James Park welcomes in Tim Sherwood and his ego. Saints look to rebound by sending in Pelle to attack the Pulis bus despite the Italian being unable to score past a tricycle, in forever. Last but certainly not least we have ‘Los tigres’ of Hull City go and try and deal with the ‘much harder than Barcelona’ Stoke side at the Britannia.
Sunday brings us the last 2 fixtures starting with a lunch time kickoff. The Merseysiders see a desperate City side come in for what looks to be the fixture of the weekend. Many will remember when Liverpool won the title last season in this exact fixture. It was glorious! In the last fixture of the GW we see Arsene ‘Snow White’ Wenger and his seven dwarfs attend to the Toffees and their prolific couldn’t hit the side of a barn door Lu-ka-ku.
Don’t forget to also share any experiences if you are participating in any or several of the leagues. Remember scores update in real time, so you can see who will be treating you to a beer or two when the GW ends.
Saturday in full…
West Ham v Crystal Palace 12:45pm
Burnley v Swansea 3pm
Man Utd. v Sunderland 3pm
Newcastle v Aston Villa 3pm
Stoke v Hull 3pm
West Brom v Southampton 3pm
Sunday sees two fixtures to conclude GW27.
Liverpool v Man City 12pm
Arsenal v Everton 2:05pm
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for GW27 from all at FF247!
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Game-week 27 – Fantasy Premier League 2014-15.
Sighs. Feel like I’ll end up with 8 points today. Feel United will score in the second. Two CS gone.
JwP not playing. Sighs. 5 played, 8 points, if I’m lucky. 
Aaah yes, and DDG is getting more saves than Panti. Say it all really. Usually some of my hope goes to Panti saves, he just has 1 this game.
At least you don’t have Di Maria…
you will surely get 9
oh dear…. di maria off…. and i have both clyne and bertrand
Wow. Just wow.
Rightfully so. He was atrocious in the first half.
Snap!! Guess this serves me right for taking the p!ss out of FF247 last night…
i think that my team always face this-
1. the player i brought will stop starting the game /get injurred…as soon as i transfer him out he starts playing
2. my bench keeper or defender will always get cleansheet
do anyone else have the above mentioned postulates true for his team or i am the only special one ?
I took a hit to get siggy in
FU Wes Brown.
Was O”SHea, the wrong person got the red card. Crazy ref.
Both looked guilty. Could’ve gone either way.
Refs are so used to giving Wes Brown a red card that it must have just felt right to send him off.
Haidara off after 60 minutes: nice.
Off injured! Not that good at all.
see my post 39 on the same page….really true for my team
It’s a shame Dawson didn’t get awarded that assist. Most likely would have put him on 3 BPS too.
That’s a real pisser. Between 3-6 points lost. Why? I can’t see a reason.
I’ve only seen one replay, but it looked to me like he Southampton defender got to it. I’ll need to see it again but first impression was no assist.
Ah really? All I saw was a vine filmed from the other end of the pitch. Hard to tell. If that’s the case (that the defender touched it last) then of course that’s fair enough. Still… we can hope!
So it seemed. Again, i only seen one replay but it looked like Dawson missed it.
Yeah, it’s just one of those things. Puncheon’s first assist was a bit dodgy as Cressweell looked to have scored an OG, but he got credit for it. So I guess it does all even out.