Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Game-week 31 – Fantasy Premier League 2014/15
GW31 is live! Finally a lunch time kick off worth talking about. The Gunners welcome in the Merseysiders in what promises to be the last visit for several Liverpool players, Sterling ($), Gerrard (age,) and Glen Johnson (errrr) to the Emirates wearing “The Reds” kit. Well Stevie will actually watch from the stands we guess, with his stamp brother in arms Skrtel, so he won’t get one last chance to step on the hallowed ground that Wenger built. That fine looking fixture is followed by five three o’clock games. Not sure there is anything worth getting excited in that lot about. Perhaps if you went hard with double game-week players, you might be interested in seeing if any of your players have the game of their lives and produce more than 2 points. In the last fixture of the day we see Chelsea welcome in the Potters. This will be a chance for the Chelsea defence to redeem itself and show that they are not as shaky as they have appeared recently. Surely they can’t look as old and slow versus something older and slower in Peter Crouch, but nothing would surprise us with the way they have been defending.
Sunday sees the arrival of the English press golden boy Harry (greatest thing since Raheem Sterling) take the pitch against a Burnley side, that will surely be like lambs to slaughter. Long live the King! At least until the press burns him at the stake. In the other fixture we get a glimpse into the big derby somewhere up North. Known as the Tyne-Wear derby to locals and one really bad team vs one very average team to the rest of us.
On the third straight day of action, the temporary champions Manchester City visit Selhurst Park. With the Silver Fox having Palace all but safe from relegation, hopefully he will go for the win and turn this Monday night affair into an open game.
We finish it off with DGW standouts Aston Villa and QPR on Tuesday. Hopefully this will be the last time we will be subjected to a double with two teams who are MLS calibre.
Don’t forget to also share any experiences if you are participating in any or several of the leagues. Remember scores update in real time, so don’t be shy and let us know how much you are in line to win.
Saturday in full…
Arsenal v Liverpool 12:45pm
Everton v Southampton 3pm
Leicester v West Ham 3pm
Man Utd v Aston Villa 3pm
West Brom v QPR 3pm
Swansea v Hull City 3pm
Chelsea v Stoke 5:30pm
Sunday sees two fixtures…
Burnley v Spurs 1:30pm
Sunderland v Newcastle 4pm
Monday also has a fixture.
Crystal Palace v Man City 8pm
Tuesday ends the game-week with the second game of a double.
Aston Villa v QPR 7:45pm
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for GW31 from all at FF247!
53 points with Kun, Kane, Silva, Eriksen, Pantsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and cap Austin left to play. How are you guys doing?
23 pts with bonus points for Hazard and Giroud incoming. Not the best start, but got some big hitters left.
51 pts with same as you minus pants
35 points with bonuses . Pants, Eriksen, Silva, Kun and Kane C left.
And oAustin again (and Hutton :P)
52pts for me with Pantsuuuu, PvA, Silva, Kane, Kun and Austin(c) to play.
Hutton injured. 😉
Have Naughton injury myself to worry about. So many shit injuries though. Sighs. Any word on how serious the Costa injury is? Not writing him off yet for the DGW!
@BenDinnery: “My medical dept is fantastic, there is no problem. Next week plays Remy & Drogba. For sure that injury will be a couple of weeks min.” #CFC
Tnx mate.
Slightly confused by that tweet init. One sentence says there is no problem, then another says a couple of weeks min?
Wait, I misread. Thought it said Costa instead of Drogba. Thanks for the update
Tekkers he’s saying there’s no issue with his back room medical team in the first bit in relation to Costa being able to play. Apparently the scans etc showed no real damage so he was defending those. Not saying there’s no problem with Costa now as there clearly is.
Here we go, puts it into more context…
@BenDinnery: “All the scans they did two days ago the muscle was clear, the image was clear & Costa trained twice when he did much more than today” #CFC
Lol. Can someone with an equally shit score as me post their score please?
24 points before BP Tekno, I feel your pain. Logging on here after a day’s results feels like comparing exam results!
Yep I’m in that boat to Tekno, 21 points for me. I have a feeling there is quite a few of us. I made the mistake of keeping Costa in my team and not transferring in Austin for the DGW……. Ahhhhh we live and learn, now the next trick is to find someone reliable to replace Costa with…..
39 with 5 left plus Austin capo to go again. Bloody Costa cost me and I don’t even own him! Planning ahead for him meant no Hazard or Sanchez this week with a view to him and Haz in next week. Oh well, plus side is I’m rolling in spare dosh now!
In same boat as you. Was going with either Sanchez to Mata or Jaku to Myhill. Guess which move I made to free up cash to get Costa for the QPR game. At the moment considering taking out Chelsea defenders (have both Terry/Ivan). Or should I hold on? F-ing Costa. He ain’t even good looking.
He’s no Giroud I’ll give you that. He’s no Peter Beardsley for that matter
I’d hang onto at least one of them Raz. For their goal potential if nothing else but having the 2nd best defensive record is no coincidence either. They’ll keep a few between now and the end you’d have to think.
Have Terry, Iva and Haz. Should I pick another mid for the DGW and take one of the Chelski defenders out? Or?
It’s not like Chelsea have easy fixtures coming up. Now Costa is injured I could do Austin to Rooney and Terry to Toby. Get a different goalie for GW33 and get Fabs or Oscar for the Chelsea DGW? Wow. That came out.
Raz the world is our oyster now, we have so much spare cash. May get Ronaldo
Oh Init, how we would all love to get Ronaldo in.haha
Those were the days…
Ha ! Init, 1968, were you on the planet then ?
No not at all, very few left who were I imagine 😉 Great song though
Well i am. 😮
PensionersRUs Well, you 😉
im really happy with a respectable 72 points!
So, so pleased that my catch-up gamble of capping Hazard paid off! Still have Eriksen, Kane, Aguero, Pantu, yun and Austin to play.
I really needed this – Ive has some absolutely terrible gws recently… Feel great today tho!!
Hey there Bobby! Welcome back. Fantastic ‘respectable’ score there pal. How’s things?
Thanks innit!! It has been a while hasn’t it?
On my score this week, i would say it makes up for all the woeful decisions or well, lack of decisions ive made on my team but it doesn’t haha!! Still though a step or two in the right direction considering im playing catch up bigtime…
Life’s good really – I can’t complain too much – but I just don’t have anywhere near the amount of free time i used to. Still a bit down about half my friends leaving the school but that’s how it goes sometimes and i just need to remember that it could be a lot, lot worse. Must say though, there’s no feeling like getting your captain choice right and seeing a nice number of the “this gw score” thing!! Went to my first concert too which was great!!
having a good week so far yourself?
Middling mate, capo Austin so good there but poor in other respects. Hoping Panti holds this CS! Off on Hols tomorrow which is good but means leaving Elle in charge of the doubles and judging by this week I’m a little scared now
yea, i really i think a lot of it all is luck really! You do still have aguero and silva not to mention Austin again!
hahahaha!! At least you’ll have Hazard right? Cough cough, THE TOP FPL SCORER, Cough cough. 😉
have a nice time on holiday too!
Where you been Bobbybilly ? Long time no post. 😮
hey elle! yea it has been a long time…
Simply put, im in year 10 now, and GCSE’s are not a walk in the park haha. In a strange way my lack of posting I think isn’t a reflection of how little free time i have now but how much i had before!! To be fair, i really do spend much more time than necessary on essays and such. But yea, but my posting and team have taken a toll for sure… Sorta doesn’t help that i dont leave school until like, 5 oclock usually so by the time i get home it’s too late because of the time difference.
It’s the home stretch now tho for fpl so I definitely hope to be online more frequently!! Finishing 8th in the league will be just embarrassing after winning last year!! :O
33 points with Pant Aguero and Kane C to play… do I lose? haha
Took out Sanchez and Zouma for Mata and Ivan this GW
Naughton and Kos injured…
Costa ruining everyones DGW plans!!!
So the main 3 Chelsea players to have for the DGW were Hazard, Ivan and Costa. Who would replace Costa in the must have books for you??
Hey Peter, I’d go Fàbegras, should he survive next week yellow card deadline.
60 points with 10 left to play inc Austin Captain! Hopefully a great week from a shite season for me!
How you boys doing? Made 2 changes already – Austin to Sturridge and Sanchez to Henderson – i like my gambles ….. which is why i’m horrendously crap at this game! – Fun though! 😉
Sorry i meant 9 left to play
Hats, Hutton may not play, so its only 8. :p
How very dare you!!! 😉
Hats, good scoring all the same, well in. :thumbup:
Ouch….. I’m 27 with 5 to come. Kane (c), Aguero, Eriksen, Silva and PVA to come. Was planning on Giroud -> Austin and transferring back next GW, however I managed to miss the deadline (I thought it was an hour later, except daylight savings ending in Australia f*cked me over). So frustrating…… ARGGHHHHH!!!!! At least Giroud scored though I guess
Bad luck Nosaj! Yeah at least Giroud scored – actually given his stats (5 goals in last 4 games) versus Aguero’s (0 goals in last 4 games) you’d probably have been better off doing Aguero –> Austin!
Aguero’s a must for me. The week I get rid of him, is the week I guarantee he will get a hatty!
Morning all!!
How’s is everyone’s GW going so far?
I know it’s a bit earlier for GW32, but could you cast your eyes over my team and let me know your thoughts? Ideally I would like to sort out my defence either Hutton or PVA need to go ASAP! Got 1.3m ITB – was thinking alderwield?
Ooops team
Morning Mitro,
I see you got rid of Ozil, apologies if I had anything to do with that!!
Would you not get rid of Haidara?
Lol!! Don’t worry mate, hazard as cappo made up for it! Just need Kane to blank and I will be ok
I’m thinking of players that won’t be playing in GW33.
But Haidara is out for the season 😉
He was bench fodder
Okay Hutton PVA or haidiera need to go
I vote Haidara
To alderweirweld?
Sounds good to me.
Deja vu again!! ….. good thing is he won’t score after I take him out!
Forgot to ask, how you feeling on this glorious Sunday morning?
Football aside I’m feeling great! Currently out on the beach with the dog
@ Kops
Oi KOPS. YOU WHITE FOLK SHOULDN’T BE IN THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll burn alive. That’s why the created spray tan, for English folk. 😉
Who said I’m white? And I’m certainly not English 😉
Sorry Kops, noticed you’re Irish. FFS. GET OUT OF THE SUN! The Irish are an even whiter shade of pale.