Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18
Welcome to Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18. Just the 9 fixtures to negotiate this week as Liverpool swan around in Dubai, meaning many an FPL manager could conceivably have something like 20% of their FPL budget riding their bench.
We begin on Saturday lunchtime with what will probably be Big Dunc’s last hurrah in the dugout at Goodison, at least for a while. We all know what’s coming and more importantly Arsenal know what’s coming. Could you pick a less spineless side to sign off against in what will be a thunderous atmosphere? No. Good luck Mesut and co…
3pm then sees a veritable feast of mid-table / relegation candidates battle it out in 5 fixtures you probably wouldn’t want to pay to see with stolen money.
Saturday evening is more like it as Man City host Leicester to see if either can gain some sneaky ground on Liverpool, in their race to finish 2nd.
Sunday sees a swift finish to GW18 with Man United visiting Watford at 2pm before Spurs and Chelsea do battle at 4pm.
The games in full…
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek 18 from all at FF247!
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18.
Son and Mount to Salah and Dendonker? Would mean playing 442 most weeks, but seems the best compromise?
Yes, try and use the £500k to improve Dendonker if you can.
Seems reasonable
That’ll be some midfield! Eye-watering team value. Why not? I’d go for it.
Does site team mind price changes :biggrin:
i mean, have you ever considered early transfers in cases such as Son’s.
If you want a player go now, no point waiting!
No idea what to do now. Looks like son dropping tonight. Any advice? Still got my wc
Straight swap to Salah?
Do you think Son drops tonight?
According to fantasy football fix he might be
Is that thing ok to use? They make you log In with your team credentials?
Good evening. What an unpredictable day! Rashford blanking was just an appetiser. I’ve been having a shocker overall…
My original plan was McGinn —> Grealish, which would’ve probably been far more predictable, but now I see Son’s red as an opportunity to bring back Salah since his return to form — especially since Mané was removed before this weekend — any thoughts? I’ll have £5.4 for a midfielder: Traoré might have to return too.
Yeah that sounds good James
I’ve just confirmed it, beno, and taken my 3rd hit of the season already. Cheers for the reaffirmation.
I am in Bulgaria at the moment for the holidays and watched WAT vs Man U in a Manchester United friendly pub,(shameful result anyway
I didn’t see of a single racial abuse. This unnecessary abuse needs to stop at home (UK) as other idiots replicate and spread it across Europe. UK is the firs to get it right and sort out the matter before getting eager to blame Eastern Europe.
It’s done
How’s the first draft looking?
This I think
Almost identical to mine! I think that’s a great team!
It’s nice — helpful — that you’ve had (i.e. held) KDB for so long. What a fearsome front 7 that defence permits. Ings has continually defied logic and I can’t seem to process it! You’ll have plenty of captaincy dilemmas.
How much money did you have to build your team?
Just curious as considering having Salah/Mane/Kdb/Alli/Vardy/Abraham in my WC and maybe a Pool defender as well, and wondered how much you had overall to spend.
That’s the midfield I wanted, I started from there… Kind of picked itself from there
104.5 is my team value. Ideally I would like to get a double rise in Grealish if I can do it so I can get Kelly instead of Taylor. Feels weird ditching TAA I think though
Well for me to have that midfield/strikeforce, the rest is going to be naff. my team value is only 101m so there is no way I can do the same. Think I would have to sacrifice either Mane or Salah to do the rest of it if I am honest.
Yep, mine is 104.4
So, to downgrade in my case, Mane or Salah?