Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18
Welcome to Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18. Just the 9 fixtures to negotiate this week as Liverpool swan around in Dubai, meaning many an FPL manager could conceivably have something like 20% of their FPL budget riding their bench.
We begin on Saturday lunchtime with what will probably be Big Dunc’s last hurrah in the dugout at Goodison, at least for a while. We all know what’s coming and more importantly Arsenal know what’s coming. Could you pick a less spineless side to sign off against in what will be a thunderous atmosphere? No. Good luck Mesut and co…
3pm then sees a veritable feast of mid-table / relegation candidates battle it out in 5 fixtures you probably wouldn’t want to pay to see with stolen money.
Saturday evening is more like it as Man City host Leicester to see if either can gain some sneaky ground on Liverpool, in their race to finish 2nd.
Sunday sees a swift finish to GW18 with Man United visiting Watford at 2pm before Spurs and Chelsea do battle at 4pm.
The games in full…
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek 18 from all at FF247!
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 18.
Good luck everyone!
Hey Cookie, what happened to the regular Init response?
Fortunately, Init was busy swapping McGinn for Grealish!
What do you think init thinks about Ancelotti as manager Cookie? And what do you think? I’m personally very excited to see what he can do!
Come on Cookie, Tekkers wants to know what you think I think! :wacko:
Well it seemed like he knew what you were up to! :big-lol:
Tekkers, Init is confident that Ancelotti is a decent upgrade on that wally Silva but will only be satisfied if he is allowed to go out and buy a decent striker.
Thanks :wink2:
Good luck everyone.
May your arrows be green.
Last minute fire sale.
My team don’t look bad this week I guess the wildcard can wait to the last week. One free transfer.
Perfect timing to bring Mane and/or Salah for the two home games after Leicester.
Yeah that can be done on wildcard looking at it. Might just need to be a boring defender in for Tomori
As I don’t have the luxury of WC planning to save the FT and bring back Mane, most likely for Mount in a combo with downgrading Gabriel. It might even involve a hit.
Did anybody’s transfers not work this week? On Thursday I did Mane and TAA to Martial and Dot. Set up the team and captain but just logged in there and the team has Mane and Trent! I’m so confused right now.
Mine went through
Just have to hope Martial and Dot do nothing now and somehow Nakamba scores haha
Went with Lundstram as C this week
Wasn’t fancing any one particularly in attackers! Lets see!!!!!! :hippo: