Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 21
Welcome to Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 21. Much like Boxing Day we have 9 games on New Years Day, again with the potential to watch 4 on the bounce. This really hasn’t been a great one for family unity has it?! Screw it, the damage is probably already done by now…
Brighton and Chelsea along with Burnley and Villa kick us off at 12.30pm. We then have 3 games at 3pm, followed by another 3 at 5.30pm before Arsenal and Man Utd finish us off at 8pm.
The whole show comes to a conclusion on Thursday with just the one game as Liverpool welcome Sheffield United to Anfield.
The games in full…
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek 21 from all at FF247!
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 21.
Mane out. Come on Salah. One more. Take the max points.
Not happening
No BP for Mané it seems
Yep, so it seems, Sheffield need to score for Mane to get bonus…
Come on Salah. Geeez. :aikido:
1 goal, nearly an assist, 90 mins-ish and a CS; he’s done plenty
. Hopefully some bonus points too, once they’re finalised by 10:45pm.
Didn’t captain or VC either of the two, but still decent 19-20 points from Mane and Salah saving the GW really.
Had VC on Mane so add in 8pts for me! :yahoo:
My main anxiety, or rather relief, is for the people who were in the Slough of Despond last night; I hope they’re all ok and a little happier, released from the perceived blows they imagined being rained down on them by fate.
Hahaha! Tis always darkest before the dawn!
and the coldest
Salah (vc) and VVD will have scored more than half of my 55 points once the BP and subs are done
Good show. Something of a gamesweek for the connoisseur.
Will you be looking at the TC chip in 24? 1st time Salah has had a dgw I think. Or is rest to much of an issue?
What are the usual double weeks? Not the easiest two games there
That fact both are away is the big issue, kind see less then 4 points to liverpool though
Dunno if you’re asking me but if so probably not as I tend to hoard the chips until later in the season – there will be other DGW, maybe even Liverpool again.
However should either Wolves or WHU’s defence suddenly be afflicted by Bournemouth levels of illness/ill-fate or whatever, then Salah or Mane as TC isn’t the worst of punts.
Mane is in the form of his life, 15 points over the 2 games is a very doable. Hell be my cap at worst
Not a bad about for TC this DGW. It shall anyways be better than the Negredo,Kane/Duffy debacle. :rofl:
Kane and sterling have hurt me in the past two seasons… its almost better using it in a normal week :hippo:
Yeah I do t think it’s bad that’s why I was asking what weeks are the doubles as you can at least see one of the games
With Liverpool being defensively sound of late, picking 3 out of 4 wont be easy
Or you can’t really go wrong
I think events of the GW prior to the DGW may and probably will determine what happens, for many managers e.g. Firmino scores, Mane blanks, and so on.
Perhaps something unlikely and remarkable will happen and they’ll re-sign Sterling, merely as er defensive backup for the DGW, and he’ll get in the side somehow, allowing you to field 4.
Since I have Robinson and mane already I am looking at Bobby or vvd as the 3rd. Salah cant fit in less the 2 big moves.
Why not TAA instead of VVD?
I think vvd is more locked in is all
@ The Dreamers they looked really good at the back. 5 clean sheets in a row. Teams are afraid to throw men forward. For me double at the back and one mid and spend the cash upgrading the rest of the team.
Good advice. (Unsurprisingly) fewest goals conceded in the Prem so far as well. And the two at the back, especially of the full-back breed, tend to weigh in with an assist or two; all the defenders are very good for BPS.