Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 35
The long game
You may have noticed that there are a lot of games this week. If you haven’t and this is the first you know of it then you may be in a bit of trouble here. There are 15 in total, spanning 7 days in total, with at least a game on each day. 8 teams play twice and 1 other (Man Utd, aka Bruno) play thrice.
We shan’t bore you with our usual pithy comments about each one, as 15 of those would probably be pushing the envelope a bit. Other than to say that come the end of it Champions will most likely have been crowned, some CL places will have been sorted and at least 1 more team will probably have been relegated.
And of course, as is fitting with this season; GW35 ends on Thursday at about 10.30pm and GW36 begins about 20 hours later on the Friday. The line-ups will be interesting then, if nothing else!
The games in full…
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek 35 from all at FF247!
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I was a gnat’s hair width from going (C)avani.
Remember this tweet.
Good luck everybody!
Salah though.
Ah – it’ll never come to bite you GP! FPL Gods are with our favourite Scottie this GW!
See you mate!
P.S. My daughter is watching The English Game – I think Nicole S will be gaining even more fans! 😉
Same here. I was so close to making Cavani captain. In the end I guess I just figured I pressed my luck enough with bringing him in.
Good luck all.
Here we go….All the best folks!
Good luck folks! Any last regrets?
I took a hit for a player that blanks next week, and regret not cap’ning Salah
Regret. Wanted to save a FT and just do Son -> Greenwood. Forgot that I had been toying around and had put in Phillips for Mitchell. Hit the button and did both.
Ah well, still better than my last minute arsony I reckon!
I’ll be honest, yes.
I had a take-away jacket potato for lunch today, but a proper home cooked one so that the skin is crisp, yet delicious. Except I’d forgotten to bring the proper metal cutlery from home and so I had to use the (Covid friendly) disposable ones from our canteen. I was left with a cluster fck of broken plastic utensils.
Lesson learned though, I’ve stashed spares in the car now.
A lesson for us all big fella!
Feels like an eating-meatballs-with-fancy-white-shirt-before-important-meeting kind of dining Init!
Good luck folks!
Leicester v Newcastle
Evans injury during warm up.