Fantasy Football Pottys Predictions Gameweek 9
Hi my unhappy Potty Punters? I say this as no doubt the enigma that is Costa seem’s to be costing you all many sleepless nights so lighten the mood and enter the World of Potty and have a breather from your transfer problems.
Yesterday I went to Next for a suit fitting for the looming Fantasy Football Blog Awards and those of you who frequent twitter will see it went slightly wrong, but the flip side of my clothing bargain mean’s I won’t go unnoticed in Manchester.
Last weekend and including midweek here at Potties Bookies I held 3 Competitions and here are the Winner’s and also this weeks main comp!.
GW8 Results
34 is the Magic Number – with such a high scoring weekend in fantasy points you all, barring 4 failures, (you know who you are) made the 34 points needed to qualify for the Monday night play-off, and with 31 points gained from that fixture the winner was… RUBEN.
UCL – Eastern Block my Cock – hell of a dogfight this one with Cookie leading the way but a woeful showing from his namesake the Hulk meant Cookie pocketed 48 points, then the power shifted and with 49 points grabbed in total the winner in the end was… SILVERBACK.
UCL – 4 Wednesday Wonders – this was tight and in the end nobody could separate these 2 site regulars as both ended up on a measly 11 points each so a tie it was, but still they were winners… FACEPALM and INITTOWINIT.
So onto this weekends Competition and let’s play “Bargain Basement Hunter’s”
The Rules are –
1. Select 4 player’s only.
2. They may if you wish all come from just the one club.
3. Nominate a Captain for Double Points.
4. The chosen teams for your selection’s are, SUNDERLAND / BURNLEY / NEWCASTLE UTD / QPR.
5. Only one entry please per-person.
6. FF247 user with the most points gained Wins.
Start picking your men, lads and lasses.
PS, if you’re a Potty Winner then e-mail me at
Also current potty post on its way is to RAZIEL / JON 9898 / ELLEFFCEE and POKEY DAVE so all enjoy.
New daddy NZ ALEX also has post too.
Thanks for listening,
Hairy Hugs,
46=owls rule V dzeko and the buunymen=49
17=gallowgators V ff247=37
Wow wot a tie
The site team … Love it
Well good luck 247 lads
Should be a belter tie
I’m pretty well set up with no hits so it will be close
Should be a fairly easy one there, a bit like a bye for the 247 team 😉
We shall see
we shall see 😉
53=wolf pack V arsens buying spree=47
and finally……
5=cookies monsters V the gallant pioneers=24
Another great tie
Damn you potty
I was in the hat with 4 teams remaining and one was cookie and I didn’t get him grrr
247 site team is next best I suppose
Really looking forward to this.
This concludes the 3rd round draw
I am off for a beer
Thank you Potty you are a Fantasy Football Legend
Thanks Potty, enjoy the beer and well done in our H2H last weekend, pipped me with the Berahino
Next up for me in that h2h League is that Geordie fellow
Walk in the Park for me
Only got eyes for 247 tie this week mate, take it away v me if you can but I’ve bigger fish to fry in the 247 site team.
V tough contest but what I wanted.
Will have a look at their team now as I’m
Not transferring until I get solid Costa news
Don’t believe the site team has him?