Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 15
Here at FF247 towers we’ve often wondered what driving forces hide behind a comment or a rate my team reply, do we really know the mindset and the persona of the people we are conversing with?! To find the answers to these questions we have lured some regulars from out of their caves and got them to endure a simple Q&A session.
Hopefully this will help us to uncover whether each member can be viewed as a ‘fellow sports enthusiast’, ‘colleague’, ‘fantasy friend’, ‘internet troll’ or indeed ‘sociopath’! Let’s take a look inside the minds of our latest two ‘victims’ then and see whether, hiding behind the cute monkey gravatars, lurks a sadistic, megalomaniacal, psychotic keyboard warrior. Or just a normal guy or gal who likes to play fantasy football…
We will add a disclaimer here – we have resolved to not edit what is sent in at all. What you see is what you (we) get. FPL ranks were correct at the time of sending as well so may be much worse by now! Or better…
Next up to the examination table are The Dreamers and Lawdogg.
The Dreamers
Members name:……TheDreamers
Real name:……Pa (Patrick) Fealy
Occupation:…….Accountant but more time spent in sales and operations really
Country of residence:……Ireland
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game:……..7016
Current position for the season……….45,135
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……Top 5k
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……top 10k
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words:……Married, 2 kids (both girls, 4 and 2), 2 dogs (both bitches) so surrounded by women. Family means a lot to me. Big into sport. Easy going type of fella in social life, possibly a bit demanding in work life. Conflicted at times – liking to give direction but then people chasing you down for advice.
Food:….. Steak, fried mushrooms and onions (not onion rings) with chips and salad
Drink:…..Carlsberg, moving to vodka or other spirits on a big night
Band/Type of music:…..more songs than a particular band so ones like The Script have had a couple, Nirvana, Red Hot Chillis. Probably listen to most chart type music if it was on
TV Programme:……The Walking Dead, Love Hate (look it up)
Films:……Seen the Shawshank Redemtion lately again. Class film.
Book/Author:……Need to read more… Have a book that I have read 38 pages on for like two months. Read a bit of the Karen Slaughter type stuff.
Joke………….More a story person. So I’ll tell a story.
I got “lost” in Prague on a stag prob about 4 years ago. Thought it was a good idea to walk home from the club on my own. Worst still, I rang my wife to tell her I was lost (she was in Ireland). Never a good idea. Leaving out a few things, my brother found me wandering the streets. Some weekend.
Country visited (and state why!):……Canada, Vancouver. I have never seen so many good looking women in the one spot. Egypt was class too – historic. Had the craziest plane ride ever there. Scary trip on a tin box plane
Country would most like to visit (and state why!)………Maybe Venice Italy. Seems a classic spot.
Sport:……Football (almost said soccer….). Follow GAA (hurling is seriously the best game on earth), rugby, boxing (a bit)
Sporting Team:…….Liverpool, Kerry
Sporting Personality:…….Just one? Henry Shefflin – class
Sporting moment on TV:……2005 CL final comeback. Will never be repeated.
Sporting moment witnessed live:…….Havent been to that many live games. Kerry V Dublin in gaa football was good
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit:…….Anfield. Need to get there – no excuses
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about…………You have got to celebrate the successes right? Won Munster medal in when about 13 in school. Played in goals. Missed the final, had glandular fever and was off school for weeks but still got the medal as had played to then. Right its scraping the bottom of the barrel, but what can you do. Played a couple of minor ( under 18) county hurling finals
Your celebrity look-alike is/are…………….not a clue. Was referenced to Nidge (Love Hate), recently. Might be the receding hair line.
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party:……Micheal O Muircheartaigh, Gary Neville (like his honesty), Freddie Mercury (think he be fun), Kurt Cobain, Dara O Shea and Cheryl Cole (watching X factor at the moment)
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!):…….laptop, really really really long extension cord, phone (with charger)
If you won £100 000 what would u do with it:………prob go on hols, give some to family, pay off bit of mortgage
The perfect afternoon would be spent:……..few beers with family and friends watching the match
My Epitaph would read:…….Family man, trusted, comes through for you.
Members name: … Lawdogg
Real name: … Aaron
Occupation: … Attorney
Age: … 37
Country of residence: … USA
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game: … 99,990
Current position for the season: … 736,050 as of GW 21. This season is an experimental one for me.
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015: … Beat my previous best. Anything else is gravy.
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015: … Don’t know. This is an experimental season for me – I played the first half of the season chasing team value to see if it would give me an advantage in the second half. We shall see.
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words: … Proud husband and father, Arsenal fan and attorney. aspiring novelist and journalist. I love to cook. I’ve been following football (soccer to us Yanks) for 5 years now. I was a creative writing minor in college and I love to write. I’m in the Captain’s article rotation for FF247 and write a weekly column for FF247 that is published on the Fantasy Football Fix website. Sorry, I’ve never been good with word counts…
Food: … Do I have to pick just one? I’ll go with Lebanese food? My paternal grandfather was from Lebanon and my grandmother learned to make the most amazing kibbe, grape leaves & tabouleh for him.
Drink: … Bourbon, Whiskey, Scotch (in that order). Shiner Bock or Maredsous 8 if I’m drinking beer.
Band/Type of music: … Zac Brown Band, Nirvana, Beatles, Reel Big Fish, Foo Fighters, Tom Waits, the Pogues, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones & Twenty One Pilots… I’ll listen to almost anything really as long as there’s a good beat and no autotune nonsense.
TV Programme: … I think you misspelled “program”. I kid, I kid. The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Justified, The Sopranos.
Films: … As a student of film I can’t possibly answer this. I’m a huge fan of Quentin Tarrantino and Wes Anderson, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Book/Author: … Any and all things Stephen King.
Joke: … Anything with John Terry as the punch line.
Country visited (and state why!): … the Republic of Ireland. As I’m 25% Irish (and 25% Scot) the wife and I went to Ireland for our honeymoon (sorry Scotland!) and the pictures simply don’t do the country justice – a stunningly beautiful place. The people are the most friendly of any country I’ve visited – we met new friends every night and everyone we met went out of their way to be friendly. I could go on and on, but I’ll just say this: spending a week in Ireland (anywhere, really) is something that should be on every person’s bucket list.
Country would most like to visit (and state why!): … tie, Scotland and England. England probably gets the nod as I’d have a chance to finally see an Arsenal match live!
Sport: … Soccer Football and American Football. Trying to get into Rugby but its hard in the USA as the only channel that shows rugby costs $20/month.
Sporting Teams: … Arsenal FC, Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, Dallas Stars
Sporting Personality: … Jim McMahon and Andre Agassi were my heroes growing up.
Sporting moment on TV: … 1992 Super Bowl & 2013-2014 FA Cup Final.
Sporting moment witnessed live: … Game 7, 1998-99 Stanley Cup Western Conference Finals. The crowd was electric. Dallas Stars won the game and then went on to win the Stanley Cup.
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit: … The Emirates, of course!
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about: … won a few tennis tournaments in my younger years
Your celebrity look-alike is/are: … a slightly-overweight Toby-Keith look-alike who looks nothing like Toby Keith
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party: … Jesus Christ, Winston Churchill, Stonewall Jackson, Stephen King, George Washington, St. Francis of Assisi
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!): … The Ignatius Bible, machete, and the book “Idiot’s Guide to Making Bourbon on a Desert Island”
If you won £100,000 what would u do with it: … Put it in the bank to pay for my ‘lil Gooner’s college education. Sorry, I’m boring.
The perfect afternoon would be spent: … at The Emirates with the wife & son watching Arsenal win the league with a stoppage-time goal against Spurs.
Many thanks to both The Dreamers and Lawdogg for being so candid! We hope you know your two fellow ‘fantasy friends’ a little better now.
If you feel that you would like to expose your inner self then please feel free to mail us at contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk and we shall have peakydave interrogate you! If you have already submitted one, which many have, we are publishing them in the order received and hopefully yours will be along soon.
This is one of my favorite sports reads. Thank you @innit and the rest of the FF247 team. At least we know we aren’t the only crazy mid-30s man-boys around
… on to serious stuff – i wonder how much Paulista (recent transfer to Arsenal) be valued around?
Morning everyone.
Well done Chopper, Kop, PeterPan, peaky, Dreamers and Lawdogg for their contributions.
Enjoyed reading these when they’ve been released but been very busy this week to get on and say so until now.
Well done all !
Morning all,
Terry and an £8,3m mid or Jones and ADM?
Morning AT – be thinking Jones/Adm
Allows you more attacking Chelsea options, also if Adm isn’t doing it, can switch to Silva etc.
Thanks Dreamers

The Walking Dead fan I see
Ya its a good show. Don’t think they shud have killed off ur one and end of last season though.
Jones & Di Maria.
If Di Maria isn’t working then look at Silva, Oscar, Fabregas or Sterling.
I think Terry has better chances of keeping cleansheets in the next 6 GWs. About the mids, there is a great variety of mids available in the budget or midrange bracket such as Puncheon, AJ, Chadli, Tadic, and all of these mids come at a very low risk, but have the potential to offer consistency. Id go with the first combo because believing in ManUtd clean sheet potential is a bit optimistic. Also, we still need to see whether LvG will play ADM in his best position or not.
guys any suggestions on this current squad??been going through the worst captain decisions for past 6-7 weeks.. fetching only 2 to 4 points at max..anything o be done on the bruce situation? no FTs/WC left..dropped from 30k to 540k in ten GWs… So, suggestions are needed
Wow. Thats harsh.
With 0FTs Id suggest you play this team as it is. You might have to double up on Sunderland defense with Panti+PvA, but both could get potential clean sheets to be honest. Bench Hutton, Bruch, Guzan and Colback.
For next GW you might have to look in to trade Downing since fixtures have taken a dip. Puncheon/AJ are decent shouts.
Dont take a hit, will further degrade your rank.
Bruce to Baird maybe but not urgent as I’m guessing you wont be playing him anyway? Elia is a gamble
but you have both Costa and Aguero so the money runs out somewhere…… I reckon your team looks good overall. Good luck with the captains choices, you are not alone on that front
thank u The B and Magic.. Yupp I believe I’ll hold the transfers for now.. any suggestions on whom to play.. Downing or Ellia this week?
also, is captaining sanchez a good decision??
I’ve capt Sanchez provisionally so I hope so!
Would you guys bench Downing (Liverpool away) or JWP (swansea home) this week? Rest of my team picks itself really so its a straight decision between the two.
Play JWP. He is showing some consistency and Swansea looks terrible at the moment.
Downing could get some points too at Liverpool, but i prefer fixtures over form. So your call.
I think JWP plays then…… You are right Swansea are pretty poor right now
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My nemesis activated his Jan Wildcard after the Siggy suspension. W00t, w00t. HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I can already field an almost perfect team that’s just freaking awesome. :dance:
Are you leaving your wildcard to the last minute?
Also are you ahead of him?
Yes and yes.
I have a shit team for this GW but Im still waiting. Why?
1. Want to know more on Baird, Bellerin and Ospina.
2. Sturridge is back, and could get minutes against Chelsea in midweek and will play coming GW against WH.
3. Aguero has Chelsea, so no motivation to restructure the team.
Well, also. You can’t make any money on WC teams at the current time. It’s like everything is put in a deadlock. I can field an almost perfect team (if that’s possible with Kun). In my opinion that is. Scrap that, 2 out of the 3 times I figured I had a perfect team I scored the 2 lowest scores. HAHA! Weird shit happens, I get jinxed by myself. :dance:
Anyway with 1 FT I can field this at the moment. Was thinking Silva to Di Maria but I’ll wait on the move as long as possible.
As for Sturridge. At the moment I have Sterling, I think he’ll become more interesting once Sturridge is back. He was never in my provisional WC team but who knows what he can do with Daniel back. Daniel is at 11.1m or smt, still a lot of money. Main thing Sterling has been missing is someone like Daniel, he can’t take his position but in a more free role he will do perfectly. It’s the same as with Di Maria. Players like Ronaldo/Robben can play as striker if needed and they still score, but Di Maria/Sterling just can’t. On that note, even though Sterling hasn’t looked all that good he still scored almost 100 points, just figure what he will do when he and his team do look good.