Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 2
Here at FF247 towers we’ve often wondered what driving forces skulk behind a comment or a rate my team reply, do we really know the mindset and the persona of the people we are conversing with?! To find the answers to these questions we have lured some regulars from out of their caves and got them to endure a simple Q&A session.
Hopefully this will help us to uncover whether each member can be viewed as a ‘fellow sports enthusiast’, ‘colleague’, ‘fantasy friend’, ‘internet troll’ or indeed ‘sociopath’! Let’s take a look inside the minds of our first two ‘victims’ then and see whether, hiding behind the cute monkey gravatars, lurks a sadistic, megalomaniacal, psychotic keyboard warrior. Or just a normal guy or gal who likes to play fantasy football…
Next up to the examination table are B-Bash and NIN.
Name…… B Bash
Real name…… Steve Faulkner
Occupation…… Police Officer
Age….. 45 (ish)
Country of Residence…… England
Best finish in Fantasy Football…… 82nd
Current postion……. 23,732
Planned finish…… 1 (Surely thats everyones) 😉
Expected finish……. Top 10,000
Describe yourself in 50 words…… Football fanatic. Love Liverpool FC. They frustate the hell out of me! Sore loser so I avoid ‘banter’……. Love sport especially squash, but love beer equally so will never be in shape. Did FPL for giggle & ended up obsessed. Father of 2 great (Liverpool fanatic) kids.
Food…… Curry
Drink…… Hobgoblin
Music…… 80’s
Tv programme…… Only Fools and Horses. Phoenix Nights
Films…… Lord of the Rings (all of them)
Book…… Alan Carrs Easy way to stop smoking (saved me several years ago!)
Joke…… Bernard Manning has a new neighbour who has the same size living room and neighbour calls round to ask how many rolls of wallpaper to decorate the living room. Manning tells him 12. Two weeks later, neighbour says to Manning, ‘you say it will take 12 rolls of wallpaper to decorate my living room. I have 4 left over’. Manning replies, ‘so did I’.
Country you’ve visited…… America. Just so exciting. Everything done on a large scale! They love their sport too!
Country you’d most like to visit…… New Zealand. Hobbiton of course!
Sport…… Football
Team…… Liverpool
Sporting Personality…… David Beckham
Moment on TV…… Champions League Final 2005
Moment witnessed live…… Either Michael Owen scoring 2nd against Arsenal in FA Cup Final 2001, or scoring 2nd v Man Utd, Worthington Cup final 2003.
Venue most like to vist…… Bernabeu or a Grand Prix
Any personal sporting achievements….. I wish!
Celebrity lookalike…… Carl Pilkington – so everyone tells me! (editor can confirm – yep!)
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would you invite to a dinner party. Bob Paisley. Jesus. Einstein. David Jason. David Attenborough. Paul Gascoigne
3 items i’d take with me on a desert island (no humans!). Ipod, phone, family pics.
If I won £100 000…… I would spend it on – property.
Perfect afternoon would be spent…… In a beer garden on a sunny day in South Wales with football on and Liverpool and Barntons Bashers cruising!
Epitaph…… A good Dad. Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened!
Members name:…… NIN
Real name:…… Paul Ryan
Occupation:…… Limbo
Age…… 30
Country of residence:…… Ireland
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game:…….. Come back to me in May 😉
Current position for the season………. 73, 273
Planned finish (at the start of the season) for the FPL game in 2014/2015:…… Top 25K
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015…… Top 25K
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words…… But, my response took 53 words!?! If i shorten it to 50 then i’ll have to take a -3 this week and I’m not sure that’s the right thing to do given the strength of my vocabulary 😉 Oh alright then.. I’m an avid United fan and find it hard to get out of bed in the morning unless coaxed by fried pig innards.
Food….. H2H opponents
Drink….. Tears of H2H opponents
Band/Type of music….. Cries of.. okay fair enough. Nine Inch Nails.
TV Programme…… Father Ted, The Big Bang Theory, Frasier. Hilarious.
Films…… Leaving Las Vegas.
Book/Author…… Papillon/The Dice Man.
Joke…………. “How do you make a duck sing soul music?….. Put it in the oven until its Bill Withers”
Country visited (and state why!):…… The Netherlands. Reasons are classified.
Country would most like to visit (and state why!)……… Anywhere is Scandinavia. My reasons are, scenery, and really nice people.
Sport…… Football.
Sporting Team……. Manchester United.
Sporting Personality……. Alex Ferguson.
Sporting moment on TV…… 99’… what else? Pure magic. The words “And Solskjaer has won it” will rattle me until the day I kick the bucket.
Sporting moment witnessed live……. Probably watching the Dutch national team vs Ireland in the Euro96 qualifier in Anfield. Ireland were terrible, but the Dutch had a lot of my favorite players on display so it’s a memory that will stay with me.
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit……. Tough one. Probably the Mestalla.
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about………… I once outran a fat dog. Other than that, no.
Celebrity look-alike………. John O’Shea.
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party:…… Robin Williams, Freddie Mercury, George Carlin, Trent Reznor, Shane MacGowan and Jello Biafra.
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!)……. A dingy, a tent and my trusty pooch.
If you won £100 000 what would u do with it……… Abuse it.
The perfect afternoon would be spent…….. Abusing £100K
My Epitaph would read:……. Abused £100K like no other. You got your cut, now cry a tear and bog off, please.
Many thanks to both B-Bash and NIN for being so candid! We hope you know your two fellow ‘fantasy friends’ a little better now. Next up for inspection are Alex and Ellefcee…
If you feel that you would like to expose your inner self then please feel free to mail us at contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk and we shall have peakydave interrogating you quicker than you can say ‘no really, that is my wife’s bra’.
Thanks for reading Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 2- Fantasy Premier League 2014-15. This article was written by peakydave
The FBA Awards
You may have noticed a banner on the right hand side of the site. We have been entered into the Football Blogging Awards in the category of ‘Best New Football Blog’. This is quite a prestigious annual event and we have to say we would love to win it! If you get the chance we would appreciate it if you would vote for us via the links.
Enjoying these articles — very amusing! Nice to get a bit of insight into some of the community on here too! And it certainly beats much of the international football in terms of entertainment value…. 😉
Nice article guys. Ime glad this site is around when internationals are on. I become so bored of a weekend without fantasy football
Yeah me too!
This is very entertaining guys keep up all this good work
Morning! 2 FT, 0.3m itb. What would you do? Obvious lack of City cover but otherwise not too bad.
How bothered are you about City coverage? Or lack of it?
Wow. This seems like a great team! Dont know where Id use the FTs though. You might want to lose one of Falcao/ADM since ManUtd faces Chelsea, City and Arsenal in coming 5 GWs, so it might be wise to opt for City cover instead.
Not sure on Silva’s potential, but you should definitely prepare for Aguero. Cant see where you will downgrade to arrange a couple of millions, but it would definitely be from the midfield, which would be harsh! :cuckoo:
Cookie I probably need 1 and probably Aguero as B says.
At this moment in time I think Aguero is the only one worth considering
Who would you lose then?!
That’s the problem!
It would have to be Falcao, but even then you’d be roughly 1m short!
I know, I mean in order to raise that 1m
Baines to Ivan would free up the necessary cash, but I know you wont do that.
Alder to a 4m defender is a possibility, but then you’d have 3 4m defenders and I don’t think that’s a good idea.
In the middle, both ADM & Siggy are currently undroppable (imo), but you could look dropping either Sterling or Cesc, most likely Sterling.
init – in view of the imbalance Aguero will cause, is he really worth it? He looks sharp, but at only around a goal a game at best at this stage, I’m not sure it’s worth the 12.2m investment. I’d suggest using one FT and the 0.3m to upgrade Alder to Bertrand this week and wait and see with Kun.
Init, the only option I can see is Falcao + Fab/Sterling to Aguero + Chadli or other 6.0 ish mid.
I’m a big fan of Falcao and I expect him to produce much more than his actually has been producing so far but looking at Aguero’s last game I’d be much more concerned by not having him in my team. He’s back fit and looking really threatening and City fixtures will improve in the short term.
Kop, Albertini, yes those are my only viable options really aren’t they. Nobody seems too fussed though! Which I’m not either really but with Falcaos fixtures vs City’s I think its wise.
Blue I get what you mean but that 1 goal hurts me every week! Not sure I can carry on without him.
enjoy reading these articles guys, well done to Peaky and all the managers that take part… it keeps us ticking over nicely over the intl break
Here’s a question for you: is Yaya worthy of consideration? It’s not his birthday any time soon…. Is GW8 the time he explodes into life?
Blue, Ii wouldn’t consider him just yet. It’s not like he’s been playing well and has just been unlucky not to pick up points, he’s been sh1te! And at 10.7m there are much better options.
That said, if you are looking for a differential and are prepared to take a risk, well…
Cheers Kop – can’t disagree there. But just can’t believe the complete silent treatment of him.
3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 11 probably explains it. 19 points in total and it was 8 in 6 GW’s prior to last week. 46 other midfielders have scored more than him including names like Arfield and Mahrez. If he scores this week I’m getting him though! :smirk:
i think yaya is always worthy of consideration, we all know how good he is. Atm i’m adopting a wait and see policy but if he starts firing i’ll be bringing him in somehow
blue moon, as Init has pointed out his points are rubbish for his cost. bear in mind his summer of discontent. Poor World Cup, brother passing away, no birthday cake, rumours he wanted out, news he wanted to leave but wasn’t allowed……he still doesn’t look that happy to be honest.
Bear in mind too that Kun has stayed fit thus far, so he Yaya is not on penalties……and how many of those did he score last season?
Yep, hard to argue with that. Cheers mate.