Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 3
Here at FF247 towers we’ve often wondered what driving forces skulk behind a comment or a rate my team reply, do we really know the mindset and the persona of the people we are conversing with?! To find the answers to these questions we have lured some regulars from out of their caves and got them to endure a simple Q&A session.
Hopefully this will help us to uncover whether each member can be viewed as a ‘fellow sports enthusiast’, ‘colleague’, ‘fantasy friend’, ‘internet troll’ or indeed ‘sociopath’! Let’s take a look inside the minds of our first two ‘victims’ then and see whether, hiding behind the cute monkey gravatars, lurks a sadistic, megalomaniacal, psychotic keyboard warrior. Or just a normal guy or gal who likes to play fantasy football…
Next up to the examination table are Elleffcee and NZ Alex.
Members name:……Elleffcee.
Real name:……Elleffcee. (Ed. Really? B-Bash doesn’t automatically investigate all scousers you know 😉 ) (although maybe he should!)
Age:……53 / 54
Country of residence:……Good Old Blighty.
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game:……..32,457.
Current position for the season……….114,912.
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……1st.
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……To try and better 32,457.
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words:……Typical family man who loves Liverpool FC and had a season ticket for 39 years, I like a good laugh and I need to with the characters on FF247, who are all great by the way.
Food:…..Indian but partial to a good old Beef + Yorkshire pud.
Drink:…..Lager, Champagne.
Band/Type of music:…..Black Sabbath, Stone Roses, I hate pop.
TV Programme:……Only Fools And Horses, a classic.
Films:…… Anything Funny.
Book/Author:…… None. (Ed. can’t read? :p )
Joke………….I was driving down a lane with a mate when suddenly a huge rabbit ran into the road and i ran over it, we got out of the car to check on the animal and I must admit I thought it was a goner. My mate took this container out of his pocket and sprinkled some dust on the animal, as if by magic it jumped up and proceeded to run to the top of this nearby hill then it gave us a wave, the animal then ran down the hill and up another one, at the top, it gave us another wave, then ran down that hill and up another one, and again it waved at the top. I turned to my mate and asked him what it was he sprinkled on to the animal. Hair restorer with a permanent wave was his reply.
Country visited (and state why!):….. Spain, especially Barcelona, football.
Country would most like to visit (and state why!)……… America, I would like to drive coast to coast.
Sport:…… Erm, let me think, oh football.
Sporting Team:……. Liverpool
Sporting Personality:……. Muhammad Ali, the greatest sportsman ever, he beat the system.
Sporting moment on TV:…… Champions League Final, Istanbul 2005. I gave my ticket away as I was going on holiday the next day so couldn’t go.
Sporting moment witnessed live:……. FA Cup final 1989, Liverpool v Everton, not the score, but the way a city was united after Hillsborough.
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit:……. Soldier Field, Chicago, to watch the Bears play.
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about………… No.
Person you most look-alike in the celebrity world……….. None. (Ed. Oh come on, Jim Royale, surely!)
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party:…… Ali, Ozzy Osbourne, Shankly, Pele, Mum and Dad (mum died just over 2 years ago, dad died when i was 20 months old, both celebrities to me).
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!):…….A football, television + a sky box (with connection).
If you won £100,000 what would u do with it:……… Spend it.
The perfect afternoon would be spent:…….. Watching Liverpool win, to clinch the League title again, when I do not know.
My Epitaph would read:…… A Great Guy, Sadly Missed.
Members name:…… ‘NZ Alex’, team name is ‘Owls Rule’ which they do (in possibly my eyes only)
Real name:…… Mmmmm Alex?
Occupation:……. PE teacher (AKA not a real teacher!)
Age………….35 Famous for sharing my birth day with Dominic Scott (google him)
Country of residence:…… New Zealand (but from Sheffield)
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game:…….. 10,957 in the ’10/11 season (in an odd twist, it was an improvement of just 44 places on the season before!)
Current position for the season………. 1,137 (my highest ever position)
Planned finish (at the start of the season) for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:…… top 10,000
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:…… top 100 would be nice.
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words:…… Married farther of 1 or 2 (I’m not drunk and can’t remember, we are expecting our second any day!) Sporty guy who still plays football to a serious level (as serious as you can in NZ!) Addicted to fantasy football and travel (until kids put an abrupt stop to the second and meant my obsession with the first only increased!)
Food:….. Anything Italian
Drink:….. Anything Italian
Band/Type of music:….. Anything Italian! Jokes, their music is crap. Oasis, KoL, Mumford and Sons etc etc
TV Programme:…… Lost (hands up if you remember that!?), Benefit Street; reminds me why i left the UK! (Sorry any Brummies out their!)
Films:…… Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction
Book/Author:…… Im a big Lee Child fan, I see myself as a bit of a Jack Reacher. In my dreams anyway!
Joke…………. Knock knock…………….
Country visited (and state why!):…… This is a tricky question as I’ve traveled to over 40 countries. My wife and I did four continents in 6 months one year! Reason: we love seeing the world and different cultures. And I try to see footie matches where we travel too, so far; Spain, Bolivia, Argentina, Australia, NZ, England, France, Scotland, Thailand; I love it, my wife hates it!
Country would most like to visit (and state why!)……… Nepal. During my first visit I trekked to Everest Base Camp, next time I want to trek to the top.
Sport:…… Football
Sporting Team:……. Sheffield Wednesday
Sporting Personality:……. Chris Waddle. Oh and David Beckham. When he talks it makes me laugh. A lot.
Sporting moment on TV:…… Wednesday going back up to the Championship
Sporting moment witnessed live:……. New Zealand V Qatar. NZ needed to win to reach the World Cup. Qatar missed a penalty (after the guy dived and winked at the crowd as he got up. Tosser!) The kiwis won 1-0.
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit:……. An Old Firm derby at either ground. Think I’d sit with the home fans though!
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about………… Scoring the winning goal for my team meaning we clinched Div 1. Lets not tell anyone the ball went in off my chest as I misjudged heading it shall we?
Person you most look-alike in the celebrity world……….. Apparently Peter Crouch but i’m hoping that’s just because i’m tall and skinny!? Peaky you can judge this over beers at Xmas as we plot our Doubles team’s success!
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party:…… The Playboy Bunnies (3), David Hasselhoff, Peter Kay and a Geeky member of an Environmental Awareness Party. Shit that would be funny!
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!):……. Water, food and a fueled powerboat!!!
If you won £100,000 what would u do with it:……… Travel, travel, travel. Football. And a car.
The perfect afternoon would be spent:…….. At a football game or beers and a BBQ with mates (and live football on the tv maybe!?)
My Epitaph would read:……. Decent bloke but couldn’t head a ball to save his life!
Many thanks to both Ellefcee and NZ Alex for being so candid! We hope you know your two fellow ‘fantasy friends’ a little better now.
If you feel that you would like to expose your inner self then please feel free to mail us at contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk and we shall have peakydave interrogate you!
Thanks for reading Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 3- Fantasy Premier League 2014-15. This article was written by peakydave
The FBA Awards
You may have noticed a banner on the right hand side of the site. We have been entered into the Football Blogging Awards in the category of ‘Best New Football Blog’. This is quite a prestigious annual event and we have to say we would love to win it! If you get the chance we would appreciate it if you would vote for us via the links.
Loved that read chaps, and loved that joke Ellr!’!
Chins, how are you fella? Just us ex-pats around at this time! Hows the WC looking?
Sorry mate, only just saw this!
Not been looking at the WC tonight. Far too engrossed in trade proposals in Fantasy NFL. It has completely taken over my life.
I’m good though thanks mate. Will make sure I get my team up on here soon for some late night feedback!
Take it easy.
Alright Chins, I look forward to seeing it pal, get it up soon.
Good luck with the NFL
lol Alex u look like crouch 😛
talk and skinny you should give a try out to play for stoke lol jk
NZ Alex
Suggest pls mates !!!
Which two should I pick this week?
Naylor against Stoke away
Rafael away to WBA
Duff home to WHM.
SOS !! SOS !!! SOS !!!
Offside, it’s got to be Rafael and Duff for me pal.
And it’s not an SOS situation quite yet – The games more than a week away!
Cheers mate.
SOS for me since I will be quite busy in my official duty and might not ponder over this matter.
Thanks indeed.
” I will be quite busy in my official duty and might not ponder over this matter ”
Just what sort of sicko are you, posting stuff like that on a Fantasy Football site ?!?
This is team selection we’re talking about here Offside. Life and Death stuff.
Now go and sit in the corner and think about what you’ve said.
Rafael and Duff. Although I dont think WH would exit the stadium without scoring. So maybe Rafael and Naylor.
These are brilliant, I love reading them! Thanks to the FF247 team!
Early captain thoughts for next week? Currently have Welbeck :biggun:
That’s the spirit Veer. Nice and early start to a week of planning / tinkering. Some posters could learn a lot from you. Looking at you, Offside! 😉
Anyway… I can see why you’d say Welbeck Veer after his recent performance(s), but it’s that sort of crazy logic that make people forget that the rules clearly state, Costa must be captained every week unless injured.
I joke of course… I think it’ll be between Welbeck, Costa and ADM/Falco/RVP this week.
I’ll wait to see this weeks captains article to see if they can persuade me to anyone other than Costa.
Very funny Veer. Now who’s your real captain? 😉
I have it on Aguero at the moment. Home game against Spurs seems interesting.
Makes it a bit more interesting now that lloris is injured
Yup, the main reason why I am thinking Aguero will have a good game. Also, its Ettihad.
He travels something like 12k miles. When does he get back?
The B, me too. I think this is his week to go crazy 😉
I have mine on Angel. Look at those stats.
I mean… even compared to Costa.
Reuben, your right. Its crap he didn’t score anything at WHU 😉 It is compelling viewing but his stats suggest he is punching above his weight and that he will slow down, that said whilst he is riding the wave jump on!
Yeah that’s true. Costa is like a guarateed 6 points, with the potential of more, but I will take the risk and hope that Angel explodes again.
Interesting point about the distance Argentina and Brzil have travelled this international break, may be changing my mind on Augero. And for you Reuben, ADM.
Morning all!
Great read on Alex and Elle (aka Kev) Background checks are underway! 😉
I recommend everyone to have a go! Its a good bit of fun and fills the gap of these tedious International breaks! My Bernard Manning joke is hilarious when he tells it, but possibly lost somewhat in translation!
Veer, I like your style mate. Still thinking FPL. Armband is currently on Costa, but may get tempted by ADM. Welbeck wont get it this week.
The funniest thing about that joke B bash is that they’re aren’t any F or C bombs!!! 😉
Peaky, I left them out! Should have left them in!
B, do it now, do it now………… 😉