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Fantasy Football Live Match Chat / Fantasy World Cup 2014

Fantasy World Cup Final Live Match Chat

Fantasy World Cup Final Live Match Chat

Fantasy World Cup Final Live Match Chat

And so it’s finally here, or at least it will be tomorrow. We have the most pointless of pointless games to get out of the way this evening as Brazil and Holland must somehow pick themselves up and face each other in the 3rd/4th place play-off. From a fantasy perspective though this one could be crucial as it is part of the final round of games. Team news will be key here and we advise that you have your desired squads in place but also be poised to make changes once these line-ups are announced ahead of the deadline which is 8pm UK time. Don’t be surprised to see wholesale changes to both sides as they may well look to ‘reward’ the squad players who haven’t featured much so far and in Brazil’s case probably shield a number of players who flopped in dramatic fashion in the semi and well and truly had sand kicked in their faces as the Germans brushed them aside on their way to lay their towels on the ‘final’ sunbeds. This could go either way and we could see a dour game as the teams just go through the motions, suitcases in hand, but you never know and we wouldn’t be surprised to see them throw caution to the wind and treat us to a lively open game. Although in Brazil’s case we suspect they may not be so up for that after last time!

Sunday evening then sees the big one as the heavyweights of international football, Argentina and Germany, clash to see who will be crowned World Cup 2014 winners. We will not have the luxury of seeing the line-ups for this one but the teams themselves should not be too difficult to predict. German boss Joachim Loew will have to decide whether to stick with newly crowned all time WC goal scoring record holder Klose or tighten things up and perhaps bring in an extra midfielder which will see Muller revert to the centre. Other than that the rest of the team will be as you were we suspect with Lahm continuing at right-back as we don’t think that he will be rushing back U-boat Mertersacker to face Messi, unless Hummels doesn’t recover from injury in time.

Likewise with Argentina, Alejandro Sabella will have a decision to make with Aguero having returned in the semi from yet another injury. A lot will depend on how tight the canny Sabella decides to make this one as he does have a history of shutting up shop and trying to snatch the odd goal in big games. If he does then we could be in for another turgid affair and it won’t be the spectacle that the occasion deserves. Not that the Argentinians will care a hoot if it sees them over the line. Messi has gone some way to confounding any doubters with some wonderful contributions to the competition so far but was strangely lacklustre in the semi final to the point of almost anonymity. We doubt many will be brave enough not to include him in their teams but a poor 6 point return last time could tempt some to spread the money around elsewhere and give themselves a bigger squad to choose from.

Whatever you decide to do we wish you the best of luck and we want to take the opportunity to thank every single one of you who has helped to make this a successful and enjoyable Fantasy World Cup, from the contibutors who started the ball rolling with the group reviews way back when, to everyone who has read and commented throughout, to Potty and his wonderful competitions, to Bench for running the Mirror league right through to the FF247 team itself for somehow pulling it all together. Thanks everyone!

Thanks for reading Fantasy World Cup Final Live Match Chat – Good luck everyone!

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  1. 19
    Jeet T4 says:

    Manchester City are in advanced talks with Porto to sign France defender Eliaquim Mangala for about £32m.

  2. 20
    Tekno-kun (The 69er, Winner of Potty's 1st ever Twitter Comp; twice CL Comp winner, current profession: Bulrog, formerly: mage, big bad dawg; hallway monitor; tranny; wannabe Nazi commander) says:

    I had both RvP and Blind in Mirror up until this point, but got rid of both before this round. Ugh

  3. 21
    Mutley says:

    Slow down Holland.
    My cash is on 0-2 and 0-3

  4. 22
    Desmo says:

    another blow for brazilians?

  5. 23
    wolf pack says:

    Brasil leaving a lot of space. No wonder they get beaten by large numbers. Argentina is playing a lot more tight in defense.

  6. 24

    Not expecting a medal for this groundbreaking observation, but David Luiz is an awful defender.

    • 24.1

      And is it just me, or does it sound like the crowd is made up entirely of school children?! Its screams, not cheering that i’m hearing on my tv.

      • inittowinit says:

        I thought exactly the same Chins, it’s like a Carling Cup crowd, full of people who don’t normally get to go to football matches.

        • Beats those #*!*ing vuvuzelas!

          Totally agree though; one of my best mates at school was Brazilian, and he always said that the fans there were just so much more passionate than in England. Guess none of them turned up! It’s more like the Commonwealth Games or something. Mind you, I do think you get much more passion at Anfield or Villa Park than you do at Wembley – there’s too much inter-mingling of fans from different teams that normally hate each other laugh

        • Hi Calvin, seeing your name just reminded me, i don’t think we made any changes to our doubles team! Or did you take care of it? 😉

        • inittowinit says:

          We did ours B)

        • inittowinit says:

          Well oiled machine, you guys need to pick your game up for next season 😉

        • I think you guys already had it wrapped up mate. Calvin and i clearly have our work cut out to take your FPL prize.

        • Chins my friend, I did have a quick little dabble! I was in the city centre all afternoon and only got back around 8 so didn’t have time to discuss it with you. Checked for anything from you and there was nowt so quickly made a couple of changes, nothing huge like. Forgot to email you the good news!

          It’s ok init, the Double Chins are letting you and your non-existent partner have this one, we’re focussing on the coming FPL season. We’ve had an emigration to navigate around! Once we get Whatsapp sorted you will be fried chicken 😛

          ps. technically I think we will still be the highest placed doubles team in the doubles league now that elle has jumped ship!

        • He’s got you there init! You’re technically not a doubles team! smile

          Calvin, i’ve got myself one of those clever phones now sonwe can whatsapp away! I’ll email you my number.

        • inittowinit says:

          Calvin he actually did the changes tonight not me! Which usually means a dip in form to be honest! I know he’s been AWOL on here but he’s still been in touch off site, I’m just poking him to comment which obviously isn’t working. Apparently he caught the Sneijder injury in time and switched to Ozil which wouldn’t have been my choice but there you go.

        • inittowinit says:

          Chins I just sent you a pic on FB via messenger of proof of our doubles partnership.

    • 24.2
      Tekno-kun (The 69er, Winner of Potty's 1st ever Twitter Comp; twice CL Comp winner, current profession: Bulrog, formerly: mage, big bad dawg; hallway monitor; tranny; wannabe Nazi commander) says:

      Back Page Football
      Some great answers – William Prunier, Paul McShane, Lionel Hutz, Oscar Pistorius’ lawyer, France in WWII #DefendersBetterThanLuiz

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