FF247 Site Team Game-week 6 Wildcard
Welcome to the FF247 Site Team Game-week 6 FPL Tips article. Ouch. Oh dear, if we thought GW4 was bad then GW5 was a complete disaster. 41 points saw us fall from a rank of 78,944 to 262,127. Only our forwards did anything and we even cocked that up. It started of course with our capo decision, which ultimately led us towards Ibra after it looked all the way as if we would skipper Iheanacho at home to Bournemouth. A goal, an assist and a bonus point later and Ibra had a lot to do 24 hours later – the fact that he got given a ‘dodgy’ assist probably saved us and our headquarters of being smashed up by those who were voting for Nacho. Let’s not forget Costa – he scored for us vs Liverpool – we need all the good news we can cling on to. Our next best scorer was Nathan Redmond – and only because the Saints kept a clean sheet, which just about sums our week up…
Now of course we aren’t of a nature to panic and we had planned the Kun return carefully, to the extent of making a conservative transfer last week and saving two free transfers to bring him back in this week. It all sounded good in theory but whether it was the disappointment of a poor score and a sudden rank plummet or having spent all week looking at everybody else showing off their shiny new wildcard teams on the site boards with all these trendy point scoring players we can’t be sure. Or maybe it was just the sheer horror of looking at the team again in the fresh light of day, like that ill judged drunken one night stand, we all know that horrible morning after feeling when you take a peak and painfully pull the duvet back over your head… Either way, despair in the camp, together with underperforming players and possibly other players who may prove out of reach in a couple of weeks have forced our hand and so we have decided to act decisively to arrest the decline and play our wildcard.
Key Decisions
We won’t bore you with a justification for every player, you don’t need one as our Tips article earlier on in the week did a good enough job of that (explaining the players we mean, not boring you, calm down GP!) as it covered a good number of our picks and a few others besides – GW6 Tips – Wildcard Special What we will do is give you a brief rundown on the key decisions and why we made them.
No Ibra!
This was a tough call and it could come back to bite us but the general consensus was that his absence and subsequent spare funds allowed us to upgrade in midfield to the likes of Sterling and Firmino but also balance the defence a little better with some coverage from the likes of Arsenal, Spurs and Everton rather than scratching around for bargain basement signings from the lower clubs in the hope that one or two may occasionally post a clean sheet. We are playing the odds a bit here but as they say you never see a poor bookie!
Straight from playing the odds to taking a gamble. Or is it? His stats say not but Jose will dictate whether it is. We just felt that he would almost certainly now be handed a few starts to prove his worth and whenever that has happened in the past he almost always has. He’s worth the punt for now and if he doesn’t deliver in the next few games then we will reassess as there are a couple of other options in that price range – Deeney was very close to being in there anyway and we have an eye on Austin to see if he can nail a place in the starting line-up at Southampton, either would be suitable replacements.
Sanchez or Kevin De Bruyne?
Ideally we’d have had both, of course, but it would have meant too many other compromises. It was difficult to split the two but we went for Sanchez mainly because he is playing up front at the moment, unless Perez can force his way in, which he may do sooner or later. But also because the alternatives to both meant a choice between Sterling or the likes of Cazorla / Ozil and we felt that a combination of Sanchez and Sterling was better.
Captain – Sergio Aguero
Despite not having scored against Swansea since his debut game back in 2011, and having not scored in 7 games against them since, quite frankly we are just too scared not to give it to him given how City have been shaping up under Pep! Yes, we are going with the sheep strategy on this one.
– The team isn’t necessarily perfect for this week alone but nor should it be – you pick a wildcard team for the long haul not just for one week.
– We’ve taken the odd punt (Rashford) but generally stuck to the tried and tested players in terms of form and team performance / potential.
– We’ve tried to go for an overall balance with predominantly players from the stronger teams throughout right from the keepers to the the forwards.
– If the comments on the boards this week have proved anything it is that there is more than one way to skin a cat, as we have seen hundreds of different interpretations of a wildcard team, and who is to say which one is the best, ours probably isn’t but this is what we picked and we can but hope it does well.
– If anyone has specific questions about the selections above then we are sure that some of the committee who selected it will be online tomorrow to answer them.
If anyone is interested in following the site teams progress then you can do so here and we wish you all the best of luck this week with your own teams.
Thanks for reading FF247 Site Team Game-week 6 WILDCARD
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Fixture Tracker – the next 6 games
Struggling who to sacrifice for Kun… Costa or Ibra? What do you think
That’s what I’m thinking. Just saw people are shipping him out, so thought I’d missed something…
is Ozil your 5th mid for the bench?
Costa+3rd fwd
So which def and mid is better
basically have to decide if payet in for sterling is worth a weaker defence. Cheers
Who are your forwards?
I never get why people post half their teams. Either post your entire team or don’t post at all. >.<
Posted half my team because that was my question Raz. I dont want peoples thoughts on my full team but only on which of the above is better.
2 is better. But it’s about the balance of the whole team not just the back 5 and the midfield. 😉
I prefer number 2.
Cool thanks guys
Is Marshall likely to play now after Stoke game? Him and Pickford rotate well, but Jakupovic starting worries me
Seems Phelan prefers Jakupovic still so bringing in Marshall is risky just now.
Cheers GP. Trying to find funds for Cech really but struggling. Although I wouldn’t play Marshall for the first two weeks anyway so I might actually punt on it. May be needlessly risky.
Are you wildcarding? How’s your team?
I’m sure the £1M difference between the two would come in handy elsewhere, no?
Just two transfers for me this week to get Aguero in. Haven’t decided on which yet. Wildcard went three weeks ago mate.
It would! But don’t really want Pickford as my only playing keeper haha. May have to reevaluate now anyway if Holebas is injured.
Ahh, I remember now. Slow and steady till January now then haha
Afternoon all!
Would you mind a rating of my WC team? Would have loved to have got Sanchez in there, but never mind. Can’t have it all!
Mane to Firm and KdB to Sanchez and you’re done. What is your problem? :p
Ah, sorry – meant I would like Sanchez as well as KDB! But, yes, that had crossed my mind too.
I personally prefer that option, Swirly. THat’s just me though.
Hi theswirly
Why not also downgrade a bit your defence, one cheap GK and Williams to Jagielka?
Agreed, way too much money put in defense. Something that hasn’t paid off, at all, this season. New ref rules makes it hard, even for a top defender in a top team..
Foster to Pickford and Smith to Amat or Kingsley first off mate. Too much needless money spent at the back I think.
Cheers guys, will have another look and tinker!
Starting XI? Advice? On WC so can’t play AOA!
Hi guys,
Currently on WC and would like your advice. Which pair do you prefer?
1 ) Costa + Bolassie
2 ) Lukaku + Antonio
oups, sorry…
Good to go for me, impressive attacking power!
Actually asking about defense, play Kelly or McAuley
Poss Holebas injury might make that irrelevant
Hey Takasaki, thanks for your stat analysis/suggestions the other day in regards to budget defenders. I’ve brought in Smith and Jaku on my WC to cover Bournemouth and Hull’s decent upcoming fixtures. Now I just need to figure out a 4.5 replacement for Holebas possibly. Thought I was all done, ha!
Capoue on your bench, you are doomed.
Have him on bench from gw 1 and still in top 10k lol
Last week finally got his taste with Firmino injured and came on as my sub but now atleast have Deeney in there!
Yeah, some really lucky people in there. REALLY LUCKY!
Hey Snookie
I like that team a lot and I think you have it lined up correctly. McAuley ahead of Kelly. Just.
GP thinking of getting rid of Bolasie and avoiding headache and upgrading to Cech and Walker all other mids have great fixtures so will play them. This looks good?
Afternoon guys anything else you would do to my team before deadline or am I good to go..done my transfer so will be going ibra to kun next week cheers DC
Looking good mate. I would consider capping KdB if I had that team.
I agree with Raz here. Good team and KDB is a good choice.