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FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 26

FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 26

FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 26

Welcome to FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 26

From a relative feast to a a relative famine. Although it is essentially only a couple of games either side of the usual threshold.

Just the 8 this time then, with the bulk on Saturday. Bizarrely, there is no early game, so we go at 3pm with Forest at Villa, Brighton hosting Everton, Palace up against Burnley and Fulham going up to Old Trafford. Lots of travelling there then, in the latter 3 games, albeit at a sensible time.

Saturday continues at 5.30pm with Bournemouth welcoming Man City, not great but still manageable on a train.

That’s before Arsenal and Newcastle do battle into the night at 8pm. Just the 300 miles / 5-6 hours home then, if they’re lucky. At 10pm on a Saturday night. rtfm

Sheffield United fans have far less hassle on Sunday with a short trip to Wolverhampton at 1.30pm. The sole game on Sunday.

Ditto Brentford fans off to West Ham on Monday at 8pm.

The games in full…

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek 26 from all at FF247!

Thanks for reading FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek XX.


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  1. 7
    The Padster says:

    1st goalscorer Watkins 4th min

  2. 8
    The Padster says:

    1st goal scorer Watkins 4th min

  3. 9
    Raziel says:

    1st goal scorer Watkins (4th minutes), Bailey assist.

  4. 10

    Why didn’t I go with my guts and bring in D Luiz aggressive

  5. 11
    MrMajeika says:

    I know it’s easy to say now but I went for garnacho over Luiz even though something deep down told me Luiz. Even more annoying as my main rival went garnacho too

  6. 12
    • 12.1
      ODT says:

      Uggh KdB on the bench again!

      • That’s what I meant earlier today.
        Then again, let’s hope he does a supersub like has been in the past many times.

        • What’s more upsetting is that Walker is benched again. I knew I should have taken a hit and get a backup defence.
          Quite frankly, had enough of Pep’s ridiculous roulette and might get rid of all City players apart from Haaland.

        • ODT says:

          I’m certainly thinking of dropping KdB. Too much money for 20 minutes or less per week.

        • Reg83 says:

          Foden essential along with haaland i would say.
          Kdb too expensive for the points he gives plus nagging injury issues. Prefer salah or son to him anytime.
          I too have walker but trippier will sub in for him. Of course now city do get a cs when walker benchd

        • Reg, I agree. There are too many issues now to waste a transfer on swapping KDB with Foden but definitely has to be done with the upcoming WC which most likely will be around GW 30.

        • ODT says:

          I just know that when I get rid of KdB Pep will stop rotating and he’ll score a brace 3 weeks in a row. Still though I have a benching problem and a cheap mid would solve some of it.

        • Reg83 says:

          Its more to do with kdb not being 100% fit i think. Otherwise he wouldn’t be benched twice in a row.
          Nonetheless with ucl and fa cup reaching its business end, some rotation is expected for man City.

        • Mid-priced myself says:

          Just checked out Foden stats, 24 starts out of 26. So pretty much nailed, maybe still not essential I think.

        • More fun at the discount market after all smile

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