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Good luck for GW20 from all at FF247!
Williamson loses his clean sheet in the final few minutes, piss right off.
To a penalty as well..
Low average score expected this gw gents?
I’m currently on 42 pre bps. Games to finish up and Rooney still to play.
Won’t be anything impressive IMO!
Im the same, 44 woth rooney left. Tbh i think it will be decent score worldwide, but personally if you like to aim high it might not be!!
Hoping Rooney does the business…
Im on pretty low too. Just hoping i can beat my cup rival, which seems quite difficult right now.
Is there an assist? Anyone but Walcott please…
Arsenal goal!hahaha bendtner!!
Bendtner! Arsenal score! Yes! Oh and SAGNA ASSIST omg get in!
sagna assist? woohooo
good news for me