The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?
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Good luck for GW20 from all at FF247!
How many of you looking to play WC right after this GW ends?
There are around 10 days to hunt for good players and build a bit of team value in pennies.
I know I will – The B !
Team is a ship-wreck :-/ …
Same here HL.
Been trying since the last month to get in Rooney without taking a hit, and oh well, I have failed to far.
I think I will finally hit the button, as i have an injury and suspension in the team too.
It depends what shape your team’s in. I’ve taken a few hits recently to get mine in good order so now I can (probably) wait till late-January when a few important transfers may have gone through.
The B
I will for sure, too much deadwood to sort out.
Just noticed, I am through to the 4th round of the cup, result
Nice one. Me too. Barring a few own goals or missed pens from Rooney, that is :p
Only other time I got this far in the cup I still ended up being knocked out by a zombie team, though
Haha yep true, or a De Gea red card, then I may he in trouble
Ahh, how many seasons have you been playing? Last season was my first time and I made it to GW 23, remarkably!
You and me both if nothing weird happens in the last game. I think our teams really look alike right? Did you hold on to Oscar even though he was injured?
PS. I think he’s first choice again now Mata flopped again today. Whooohooooo. Oscar over Hazard any day.
Just checked, yeah our front lines are very alike, I’ll be sure to hear your opinion on who to captain in the coming weeks then as we face a similar choice!
I did, it burned me at first, but now it seems I may reap the rewards
Evening all, haz + nasri out, oscar + silva in ?
Very good moves, although i still prefer Hazard over Oscar.
But Oscar should get more game time now that Mata has disappointed again in doing something big, while Oscar came from bench to rip apart the opposing team.
Good luck. And yes, Silva is currently the best option from City’s midfield to create goals.
Silva creates 4.1 100 percent chances per game. Heard something on those lines not so long ago. Dude will do much better with kun playing though. Now off, tablet typing is shite.
Happy New Year everyone,
Just activated my wildcard, will post my team later…
Also, looks like I’m going out of the cup to someone who hasn’t made a transfer all season.
B-Bash – u around, mate ?
ADE just scored for ya ! Hope you kept him in r team !!!
Anti Top 4 will be pissed.
He took out Adebayor for Fletcher.
Just stopped dancin around mate! They think I’m a Spurs fan in here!
B-Bash, haha…forgot you’re off to the pub…
B careful then
K2 scores
Eriksen assist