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Good luck for GW20 from all at FF247!
After this gameweek, I am struggling with the choice to wildcard :/
What’s the dilemma mate?
Just a poor score. Think I am going to hold off for January’s big signing
Play now, ASAP….or hold out until the end, IMO….best wishes
Zabaleta/ Sagna/ Coleman (2.Turner/3.Ward)
Lallana/ Sterling/ Walcott/ Yaya Touré/ Hazard
Rooney/ Suárez (1.Rodriguez)
WC active any changes? struggling to pick a field X1
Very strong looking team on paper. Just wondering how long Sterling will keep his place with the imminent Sturridge return. Your starting back 4 is very solid! I would maybe go Koscielny over Sagna as he has on average higher scores (Sagna got lucky with his assist yesterday). Cabaye may be an alternative option to Lallana even though he seems to have tougher fixtures?
yeah, sterling will be replaced by mutch, in order to fund rooney—> aguero when he is fit.
yeah, i gues mert is the pick of the arsenal defence, but is at 6.4. (which i cant fund without changing whole def) they both have the same points and sagna has played much less (has a goal and 2 assists). but koscielny is a regular, so is hard to say. s’oton fixtures are too good to ignore, and lallana looked good last game.
Koscielny and Sagna have played same amount of time (give or take 17 minutes!). But yeah you might not get that much point difference between the two at the end of the day. Still leaning towards Koscielny though (got him myself).
Agreed with Lallana, he might outscore Cabaye. Hard to tell. Just wonder if Osvald back will affect his game time.
Good move with Sterling and Rooney for Mutch and Aguero but wait and see how Agiero does when back, he might take time to be back at his best. I am also holding aiming at having him back in the team!
ok, ill have think, leaning towards koscielny myself.
i doubt it, lallana has been one of (if not) s’otons best players,
yeah think ill wait a week, imagine pellegrini will play him 20 mins at the end of a game, then the first 60 mins of a game, then play normally again!!
+1 and good luck!! Hoping that the next few weeks will not be as stressful at the last with all these GWs packed in such a short time!! 😉
Sterling could be a problem with Sturridge and Gerrard coming back to the team. Maybe it’s time for us to have some Spurs cover, Eriksen or Lennon for Lallana or Adebayor (if his injury is not serious) for Jay Rod could be a good shout (but not worthy for a 3-5-2 side), agree it could be a bit earlier to decide that but I’m having this is mind. Overall it’s a good team, may I ask you how much is your budget? I’m also with the WC active and mine is a mighty 101.4 so I’m between a 3-4-3 and a 3-5-2 side, yet to be decided.
sterlign will be replace by mutch, in order to fund rooney—->aguero.
i have rooney (aguero) and suarez up top, so jrod will be a 3rd forward. spurs cover does sound good, havent got any at the moment.
team budget is 106.6
I wish I had that budget!
Pay attention to Mutch, he got injured and is to be assessed today to know when he can come back.
Good luck mate.
Would it be wise to hold on your WC until 29th of January in order to accommodate late additions to squads and totally neglect team value? My TV is 111.3 and I do not know if to just go all in and try and build as much TV as possible or just sit back and use the WC wisely. I still have my other WC available and my current team is satisfactory. What do you guys think?
Mignolet (Harper)
Evra, Gabiddon, Koscielny (B.Turner, Bardsley)
Hazard, Cabaye, Wallcott, Cazorla (El Crapmahdi)
Lukaku, Rooney, Suarez
1FT and 2,5 in ze bank.
In short, if you need or want to change your team now, play it….if you’re satisfied with your team and only tinkering is needed, hold it until the end….I played mine…best wishes
Cheers ATF!! The only worry is TV! Hope players won’t increase too much (or decrease)! Thinking also to wait, hoping a big name comes to the PL I can get in without shuffling the pack too much! But an early DGW might force my hand!
Hi KFK, Personally i think you need a city midfielder such as Nasri, Silva or Toure. Most likely from dropping Cazorla, he hasn’t been doing it for some time.
Another one i’d drop is Evra, perhaps for Nastasic or Evans. This will free up some cash.
Rest looks good.
If all you are worried about is TV, I wouldn’t activate your wildcard as your TV is high enough to accommodate pretty much all the players you want at the moment. I had the same TV at this time last year, and its after January that building TV becomes less important.
The only reason you should WC now is to change your squad if you are not happy with it.
I see nothing wrong but would suggest reassessing:
Santi Cazorla
Other than that, good luck with the rest of the season
Cheers Burnsy1 and Bean Is Back*!
I only got Cazorla last week as a punt instead of Silva and it did not work out that well! I do want City coverage for sure. But transferring Silva in for Cazorla would seem waste of FT atm. So will wait till I activate my WC. I do not know why I am persistent with Evra (secretly hoping he scores and keeps CS’s but that is a very long shot!). So yes downgrading to Evans is the best option (if I stick with United defense that is). And also Mignolet I have been thinking of swapping him out for a while and play 2 cheap GK’s that rotate well for the remainder of the season.
You both actually hit it spot on with the players that I need to reassess!! 😉 I will follow your advice and activate my WC later on (earlier if there is a interesting DGW) and not worry about the TV at present time.
Good luck to both of you!
Krul, Marshall
Turner, Coleman, Koscielny, Chester, Vlaar
Cabaye, Hazard, Yaya Toure, Walcott, Ward-Prowse
Lukaku, Rooney, Suarez
0.1 in the bank.
2 FT.
What changes should i make?
TBF yr teams looks great. Looks like a wildcard team. Maybe ward-p for Mutch but thats only cos mutch plays further forward and looks dangerous. Prowse is a normal 2pt midf. Turner is a slight Q. Is it Turner Norwich or Turner Cardiff?
Ben Turner from Cardiff.
Yes all good mate. Make that move I said and the circle will be complete. How many points you got?
Morning boys WC team what do you think?
Davis/+4.2m GK
Much appreciated
Rooney looks spent for me right now, Chopper – I wouldn’t pick him for a wildcard team. I would also use this chance to sort out your keeper situation…Boruc will be back at some point soon – I’m not saying pick him, far from it, but get two keepers that will play for as long into the season as poss…Davis won’t play when Boruc is back.
Cheers lad. I see that as a prob. I agree with the Rooney sit but Im still looking at Aguero or even Sturridge when hes back. The GK situation Id really want Speroni but cant afford him AND Oscar.
Future moves cud be:
Who to swap Rooney for tho? Are you keeping Rooney?
Ps. Did you notice Rooney was furthest player back yesterday for Totts 2nd goal?!?!?!?grrr
he’s playing deep, he’s not fit and Moyes says he will miss games……Welbeck, Podolski, J Rod are all better alternatives for me mate
Cheers brother
Some Potty Feedback needed please.
Due to my kind heartedness i want to run a ….
FF247 Fa-Cup Sweepstakes (i will award the Cash Prize).
So shall i do it Lads,Lasses and Oap’s?
I have been monitoring you all posting and those who have posted 25 or more times will go into the Sweepstakes Ball Bag for a Fa-Cup Team.
So is this a Potty goer????
You best give Raz 3 teams as he posts 2500+ times!
Sounds good Poo catcher. Whats the prize?
Ps. A Potty ‘Goer’ makes you sound like a pimp
Hey Potty, that sounds great, very generous!
..just hope I don’t have to duplicate this comment 24 times first 😉
No you dont james