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Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 181
    Veer says:

    Hey guys! I hope you are having a good gameweek. I am not. If anybody has not yet joined, I would like to invite everyone to join my league, ‘The Second Half’ starting GW 20. The league code is: 205650-681484 . Thanks :red-flag:

  2. 182
    Veer says:

    Seems like I will be going through my cup round, my opponent captained Rooney, vice captained Yaya, and the 8 points he’s made so far are cancelled out by a 8 point hit. Me? I would be very luky to have 10 player this week, it could be 9 or even 8!

    • 182.1
      The B says:

      My Cup Rival has 7 or 8 players out of 15 who wont play this GW. But the thing is, he has Suarez as captain, which could ruin my chances of advancing.

  3. 183
    The B says:

    Really feel like selling Ozil this week, but Cardiff, Fulham and Palace in next 5 GWs is motivating me not to sell him yet. :cuss:

    • 183.1

      If it was me – I wouldn’t do it…
      Fab. schedule ahead !

      • The B says:

        I have almost nothing in the bank, and really need to fund Rooney’s purchase.

        But the thing is, my defence will fall apart next week as i dont have much CS potential. So if i replace Ozil, i lose a solid midfielder, let the defence go to the dogs and risk my GW score.

        Kind of stuck in a messy situation. :cuckoo:

        • jamesimmo says:

          Veer stick with Özil, Rooney has Spurs next, can wait surely

        • The B says:

          Ozil faces Cardiff, AV and Fulham next. Really want to keep him against Fulham, considering the fact that our defence has been doing nothing but crapping all over the place.

          So the current plan seems like, ill get Rooney once he is done with Spurs and Chelsea, which means 3 more GWs without Rooney. Ah!

        • jamesimmo says:

          I think you’ll survive that period, especially with Özil if he starts

    • 183.2
      Veer says:

      If arsenal’s fixtures are making you hesitant, why don’t you do Ozil >> Walcott?

      • The B says:

        Veer i already have Walcott. Just thinking that the amount of goals Arsenal is scoring recently, it would be easier to gain points from Arsenal with coverage from 2 mids.

  4. 184
    Ripcurl82 says:

    RMT please: 1FT 0.4 Bank


    Subs: Marshall-Ravel-Dawson-Rosenior

    A, Ravel – Stirling or ???????
    B, Ridgewell – Gabbidon or Gibbs

    Other suggestions?


    • 184.1
      The B says:

      I think getting Sterling is a pretty good option. Good fixtures coming up.

    • 184.2
      NIN says:

      Ripcurl82 – Both moves are as good as eachother i think,i’d make the Morrison >> Sterling switch first.

      • Ripcurl82 says:

        That was my original gut.

        Play him instead of Lallana seeing as he has Chelsea?

        Next problem is Lukaku,. I might 3-5-2 the WC and just have Rooney/Suarez for now

        • NIN says:

          Ripcurl82 – Yep,to be fair..if you get Sterling he kinda has to play the next 5 games,or 4 of them at the very least,Hull(H),Stoke(A),Villa(H),Everton(H),WBA(A)…yes please!!

  5. 185
    jamesimmo says:

    If Baines scored tomorrow, with an Everton CS, I may yet lose my cup tie…

  6. 186
    NIN says:

    I cant wait for the next games to begin,all four should be good games.

    • 186.1
      The B says:

      True. I dont know why but its seems like each of those 4 games will have at least 3 goals. Exciting matches coming up.

      Really looking forward to Spurs vs Stoke in particular.

      • NIN says:

        The B – Arsenal-Newcastle for me,two in form attacking sides going at it,should be a great game,they have a history of producing huge scorelines could easily be correct about the 3 goals per game,the potential is definitely there..

    • 186.2
      inittowinit says:

      Evening NIN, your Midnight Prowler is here! Thank you for my video last night it did not go unnoticed. laugh

      • NIN says:

        Howdy init,Haha,it could be your new anthem! Hows things? Sneaky move there with Dzeko…

        • inittowinit says:

          NIN I was asleep again by the time you had posted it! Saw it this morning and had a chuckle though.

          Hmmmmmmm… Dzeko! Bought myself a problem there though. Was going to just transfer him straight back out but then Silva’s gone and got himself suspended which throws a massive spanner in the works as I also have Brady and Morrison. May need a hit to get me out of this one, which I don’t like doing…..

        • NIN says:

          Haha,cool.Yes the injuries/suspensions are mounting,i have 4 myself,at least Dzeko got a solid 18 points though,would have been a nightmare if he whiffed!

        • inittowinit says:

          I have a sneaky feeling that Suarez may kill that 18 points tomorrow though. Loads had him as vice to Rooney and may well turn despair into delight. We will see…

          I have him of course and cannot decide whether to cheer any points or wince. It’s a cruel game FF…..

        • NIN says:

          Yeah possibly,Suarez is the right man to fix the broken week that a lot of managers have had,still..could be worse,a mate of mine scored 1 point today,from 5 players which included his (c)&(vc)..and he has 3 injured players on the bench..i’ve never seen a week quite as bad as it..he’s in for a dismal score haha,poor f****r.

          I’m hoping for a big score from Theo tomorrow,pretty confident he’ll do the business again,a Krul peno save from Ozil would be nice too..think that’s asking a bit much though ha.

        • Veer says:

          I have Suarez as my vice, but my captain is Walcott. I’m really hoping it works out an dot isn’t just another useless gamble…

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