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Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 193
    JEET TOP 4 says:

    If LUKAKU doesn’t score today am transfers him out for Welbeck what do u guys think ?

    • 193.1
      Bisto says:

      do it.

    • 193.2
      chopper2540 says:

      Im not that keen jeet. I can see him picking up again. Hes prob a 20 goal a season man atm so im being patient. Did that last time an he got 2 in following game. Hes a decent 3rd striker…as is welbeck tbf. Rvp an rooney back soon tho

  2. 194
    Kop Warrior says:

    Morning all…So can anyone better my -1 points from yesterday? :stupid:

    • 194.1
      blue_moon says:

      Morning Kop. Mate, it was a disaster all round. Who have you got left to play?

      • Kop Warrior says:

        Hi Blue…still have Coleman, Dawson, Mertesacker, Walcott, Cabaye, Sterling, Lukaku, Suarez (c) left to play!!

        How’d you get on?

        • blue_moon says:

          Kop – 8 points from 3. You’re still in for a monster weekend. I still have Distin, Dawson, Walcott, Hazard, Eriksen, Suarez, Lukaku. Captained Silva unfortunately. A lot of people may benefit from “default” to Suarez as Milky Bar points out below.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          Not sure about a monster weekend, but I might manage to keep my head above water!

          I’m getting knocked out of the cup by a ghost team…

        • blue_moon says:

          Kop – yeah, I’m watching my Cup opponent closely. His captain will default to Suarez, so as long as he doesn’t go goal-scoring crazy, I should have him covered (and he’s ranked higher than me so it would be a great result!). Moreover, I simply can’t lose to someone called “Sexy Andy” – a travesty of justice!!!

    • 194.2
      Demsie says:

      Kop I did see someone on here that was saying he bad -3 from 5 players playing.. It included a -4 hit but still, it’s harsh.

      At least you have Suarez as your cap.. I went roo cap & negredo vice.. Gives me 2 points from my cap. I bet you can at least double that 😉

    • 194.3
      Milk and Busquets says:

      How did you manage a negative score?! hahahahahahahahaaha. I mean, sorry Ken sad

    • 194.4
      chopper2540 says:

      Kop. Just as i thought u an i turned a corner. Im doin ok 12 with 8 comin in from subs. Early transf rams out cabaye in. Not happy as price dictated the move

    • 194.5

      Morning Kop…
      Long time no speak…
      Yeah, it was a Mental Day yesterday… sad
      Sorry to hear about the -1 …Crazy…

      Hope things will get better today, for all of us…

  3. 195
    flingy says:

    After a brief discussion with Cookie and Kop on Twitter yesterday I thought I’d put the main point out there on our boards to see what you guys think.

    My argument was that Manchester United, although winning their last four games, aren’t really performing well. From a general point of view, that’s fine. Some may argue that it’s what makes a good team, that being able to win games even when not playing your best is vital to finish in the top four or even challenge for the title. My concern from an FPL perspective is that when looking forward to teams that are ‘in form’, the so called ‘Premier League form tables’ do not portray a full picture of how a team is performing.

    So the question I put to you is, do you think that results dictate the ‘form’ of a team? Is your view the same as a fantasy manager when compared to a general supporter?

    Cookie seems to think that I have a general hatred towards Manchester United, hopefully you guys can clear this up! I didn’t think I did but since I’m reluctant to bring in any of their players based on their data, he got me thinking.

    What are your thoughts?

    • 195.1
      flingy says:

      For reference, here is the ‘form table’ I mentioned:

    • 195.2
      Milk and Busquets says:

      Well I do hate Manchester United, I’m a Liverpool fan. However, in terms of FPL: the only reason option is Rooney. Cheeky punt could be Januzaj, and if you want to waste money Evra, since he picks up points. Having watched their game yesterday, Evra was USELESS, and still bagged 3 BPs? lol.

    • 195.3
      chopper2540 says:

      Flingy. Not a bad thing hating manu or cookie smile i think certain fpl managers get blinded by their fav team/players. Iv brought players in that are in form ie. Playing well but not necessarily scoring. Iv also brought in players that dont look good on the eye ie. Ozil but score.
      Answer-Whether a team wins or notvis not good form. Whether a player scores or not is not good form imo. In an ideal world-good form=nice looking play And points to back it up

      • Veer says:

        I can very much relate to that with Ozil, and my friend who joined fpl for the first time yesterday got 3 united players (Rooney, Januzaj, De Gea) because he supports them!

    • 195.4
      KungFuKingCantona says:

      Being myself a United fan doesn’t really blind me. I have Evra and Rooney on my team because atm they deliver FPL wise. All other United players are useless (Welbeck has a weird rise in form but it won’t last?). But being a United fan I find it quite difficult to also have Suarez in my team hoping he plays well and scores points because ultimately I wish he would bite someone again or just plays like Emile Heskey! laugh United have had good results in the past 4 GW but imo that doesn’t dictate that they are an in form team. Rooney is the only one holding the boat afloat!
      So Cookie may have a point because if you only looked at points you maybe would have brought Rooney a long time ago! I do not hate, per say, any other team hence me only trying to go for FPL players that guarantee points regardless of their club!
      That’s what makes FPL so painful: cheering for players playing at rival clubs!! So if you pick a player that plays for a rival team it will always be a win-win. Either he scores big and you are happy FPL wise. Or he fails in FPL and then in real life you are happy. Therefore also the need to pick players from your team, the joy just becomes that much intense!! Gotta love FPL and everything around it! FF247 sure contributes to us FPL managers enjoying the game even more!!

  4. 196
    Milk and Busquets says:

    All those who captained Rooney, and subsequently have Suarez as their captain are rather fortunate. Some of us took the risk on Suarez at Chelsea, and you blokes who went safe bet Rooney vs. Norwich will reap our risk! 😛

  5. 197
    Kop Warrior says:

    So this mornings rumour on twitter is that Ozil wont feature today!!

  6. 198
    JEET TOP 4 says:

    Does anyone know if Podolski a 90 mins player ?

    • 198.1
      Desmo says:

      i don’t think so. he might play 90 mins over next 2 – 3 games. but when giroud fit again, he will only get 60 – 70 mins average. just like last season.

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