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Fantasy Football Live Match Chat

Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 205


    2 FT and thinking I’ll lose Ozil and Barkley tonight for Walcott and Sterling.

    Marshall (Harper)
    Coleman Terry Chester (B Turner Clark)
    Ozil Silva Hazard Barkley (Pozuelo)
    Suarez Negredo Rooney

    Changes like Pozuelo to Mutch, B Turner to M Olsson and Harper to Mannone can wait til the WC.

  2. 206

    Looking like Ozil and Jags out today, but Kos back by all indications.

  3. 207
    NIN says:

    Check this team out lads,it’s a friend of mine haha,now what we call a disaster!!

  4. 208

    Afternoon All B)
    Ready for some high-scoring games today smile ?!?
    Lukaku+Wallcott+Suarez –> brace would make up for all the chaos from yesterday :satansmoking:

    • 208.1
      chopper2540 says:

      party time. If that was the case Id be wearing that pink T shirt and nothing else! quite happily. Only for mitos pervy self tho

    • 208.2


      Even after a horror show yesterday (compared to recent weeks), I’ve gone up the rankings.

      Coleman, Terry, Barkley, Ozil, Hazard and Suarez today. So Everton and Chelsea wins with Suarez scoring an ‘in vain’ hat-trick in a Hazard inspired 4-3 loss!

      • GP – greetings, mate :beer:
        I went up 22K places yesterday – with a score of 10pts laugh … ludicrous …
        It’s just most of the Cpt’s will be playing today – in the likes of Wally & Suarez (even Lukaku – he’s my Cpt , let’s say) – and also the VC’s from yesterday will also get doubled pts …
        So the final calculation and overall table positions today – will be even more chaotic than yesterday – believe me…once all is over…

        Expecting a high-scoring match between EVE/SOT’ON & NEW/ARS and a >2.5 goals match from CHE-LIV & especially TOT-STO…

        p.s. Tot’nam’s last game surpised me a lot – as they were playing a very open game/smtng like what Man Utd was playing last season – a “try to score a goal more than what ur opponent scores – to win the game” approach…so this game it can produce a few goals as well…
        Let’s wait and see, though…

  5. 209
    chopper2540 says:

    A few of my bargain basement watchlist
    Mannone SUN 4.4 50
    i Gazzaniga SOU 4.0 13
    i Kelvin Davis SOU 3.9 0
    Defenders £ TS
    i Turner CAR 4.2 48
    i Bardsley SUN 4.5 47
    i Williamson NEW 4.4 43
    i Celustka SUN 4.2 38
    i Chester HUL 3.9 34
    i Mariappa CRY 4.0 26
    i Baker AVL 3.9 24
    i Lowton AVL 4.4 20
    i Bruce HUL 3.9 18
    i Riise FUL 4.5 9
    Midfielders £ TS
    i Mutch CAR 4.5 65
    i Livermore HUL 4.5 59
    i Oviedo EVE 4.5 32

  6. 210
    Veer says:

    Heard a few rumours saying Guroyd would be rested today, and Walcott will be played up front. That’s good for me as he’s my captain, and for a few of you as well (NIN). I guess TJ will let us know in a few seconds.

    • 210.1
      chopper2540 says:

      Dont say that bubbles, Ive got a touch on at the thought. Walcott upfront(my plan all along) then to get ozil in when everyone boots him out…..we’ll see

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