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Fantasy Football Live Match Chat

Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 271
    Slow Poison says:

    Lukaku scores when I sell him

  2. 272
  3. 273
    Milk and Busquets says:


  4. 274
    Slow Poison says:

    Does Suarez get an assist there?

  5. 275
    Josh721 says:

    Suarez got a touch on that right?? So he should get an assist?

  6. 276
    Tekno-kun says:

    Suarez assist has been added, but it’s rather likely for it to be taken off him after the match.

    • 276.1
      Milk and Busquets says:

      Why Tekno? Suarez header on target towards goal, hits defender, Skrtel finishes? That’s the definition of a rebound, no?

    • 276.2
      Josh721 says:

      Well if he got a touch on it, then it’s likely he’ll keep the assist. It’s just hard to tell if he actually touched it or not…

    • 276.3
      Tekno-kun says:

      “If an opposing player touches the ball after the final pass before a goal is scored, significantly altering the intended destination of the ball, then no assist is awarded.

      If a shot on goal is blocked by an opposition player, is saved by a goalkeeper or hits the woodwork, and a goal is scored from the rebound, then an assist is awarded.”

      So essentially, if Suarez touch counts as a shot, he should get the assist, but if it counts as a pass he shouldn’t get it. If it was a header on target, it’s not unlikely for him to keep the assist actually.

      • chopper2540 says:

        Good lad. Im happy now. Suarez assist. Shame about hazard…

      • Milk and Busquets says:

        A header on target is just as good as a shot on target? How else do you classify a headed goal? By the very definition you quoted, it supports the fact that the assist should remain for Suarez?

        • Tekno-kun says:

          Yes Milk, I didn’t see the goal clearly so I haven’t seen whether or not it was a header on target. As there has been several situations this season where assists have been removed due to deflections, I jumped to the conclusion that this one would be removed as well. It it indeed was a header on target the assist should stay.

        • Tekno-kun says:

          *If it indeed was a header on target the assist should stay.

        • Milk and Busquets says:

          Not to be rude, but if you haven’t seen the goal, how are you calling the situation as a removal of assist to Suarez? o_O

        • Tekno-kun says:

          Milk if you read my post then you read that “I jumped to the conclusion that this one would be removed as well”. I also wrote that I didn’t see the goal CLEARLY, so I have obviously seen the goal, but I didn’t see that it was a header on target. Taken this into account it should be easily understandable that I no longer hold the position that the assist should be removed as I don’t know if it was a header on target, and need to see a replay to determine this for myself. Ok?

        • Tekno-kun says:

          Just saw the replay and it was obviously a header on target, according to the rules it should count as a rebounded shot then and the assist should therefore stay.

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