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Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 337
    chopper2540 says:

    beginning of DEC I 90% wrote myself off. I was about 130 off the pace, No risks just steady playing safeish today Im 30pts off the top of my cash league. 59 this week.

    EVERYBODY turn it up!

  2. 338
    Bigpopz says:

    Thinking ahead to next GW…

    Picking team..
    Should I ..
    1. Chester (A) to Liverpool (who’ll want revenge against Hull)..?
    2. B.Turner (A) to Arsenal (Cardiff conceding bucket loads of goals at the mo.)..?
    3. None of the above… & go 3-4-3 with…..(Fabian “i only average 2 points every game” Delph)…
    as 4th Mid..?

    • 338.1
      The B says:

      I think you should play Delph, if you can manage a stable score. If not, then go ahead and take a risk with one of Chester and Turner, id prefer Turner.

  3. 339

    51pts – with a non-playing keeper + 3 players on 1pt (making cameo appearances ) + my 1st sub going in for Rooney is on 0pts !!!
    So, I had only 9 players on the field – bringing me pts this week…

    Hope I will be above the average in this MENTAL GW !

    • 339.2
      gpriley22 says:

      57 with a non playing keeper, I’ll take that

    • 339.3
      NIN says:

      HL – Nice,that will be waaay above average,i think it will be 35 at most this week,which is the lowest in quite a while.

      • NIN -> 56pts is not so bad, either 😉 …
        Thank God this week is over…
        What a :whacky: way to end the year, eh smile ?

        • NIN says:

          HL – Yeah i’m happy enough,just getting pissed looking at the failures in my team..’the usual suspects’ if you will,need rid of the lot of them haha.Yeah it was a great way to end it, so many teams were turned upside down..managers with nothing benches may think differently after this GW..

        • NIN & Chopper – although Gameweek 20 start (1 Jan 11:30h) is 72hrs from now – for me it seems like an eternity !!!
          Wish I had the VC now – cause as NIN said, people with shallow benches will think twice…

          Feel like I need ship out like min. 3 players at this stage…tbh

        • NIN says:

          HL – Same here mate but i think i’m going to hold it for a bit,i could actually make 7 or 8 changes,no problem,i think i’m going to just fix it one by one,use WC mid month-ish.

      • chopper2540 says:

        Great stuff lads. No surprise people use this site gain the points. I aimed for 40 after sat

        • NIN says:

          chopper2540 Absolutely,this is my first season here,and i’m miles ahead of where i was this time last season..miles ahead,good scoring from your lot too..sweet!!

  4. 340
    chelsea4dayz says:

    When will they give captain points to my vc? Suarez is still showing 5 for me even though Rooney (c) didn’t play!

  5. 341

    Evening all, so pretty awful week for me but we all have them so onwards and upwards! Looking at using WC ASAP so what do people think of my first draft?

    Harper / Szczesny
    Coleman/ Debuchy / Turner / Chester / Gabbidon
    Touré / Osman / Hazard / Mutch / Walcott
    Suárez/ Negredo / Rooney

    Obviously a lot can and most probably will change before next week, but pretty keen on getting Hazard in. Maybe I should look at downgrading Negredo to strengthen midfield?

    • 341.1
      The B says:

      Harper doesnt play, unless you are going with 1 playing keeper only.
      Find alternatives to Osman, he’s not a FPL giant. See if you can fit in Lallana/Cabaye.
      Remain updated on Aguero’s return, once he is back, Negro might not get much game time if City rolls up a formation with 1 striker up front.

      • Thanks B, yeah I know Osman is the weak link at the moment, can’t bring in either with current funds. Ideally would like to bring back kun once he returns.

  6. 342
    Bench@BanterburyLeagues says:

    Guys a reminder its Banterbury Cup 4th Round, New Years Day

    Banterbury Cup 4th Round Draw
    1 Park Bench Exports v Fergie’s Henchmen
    2 Busby Babes v Bocadillo Allstars
    3 Gasco’s athletic v Monty (Caz Daz)
    4 Son of a Pitch v Cookie’s Monsters
    5 Horse FC v Manlet F.C
    6 Kop Warriors v DavesRedDevils
    7 WhoIsRonaldo v Buzz’s Bomb Squad
    8 Owls Rule v Gallowgators

    • 342.1
      Gallowgate says:

      All sorted Bench smile
      Transfer done ( note transfer NOT transfers 😉 )
      No hits for this game, quarter final place at stake.
      Looking forward to it mate!

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