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Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 397
    redmecca says:

    I have Chester, Gabbidon, Mert, Clyne and Burner as my five defenders.
    Three from five – Chester, Gabiddon and Mertesacker?

    • 397.1
      The B says:

      Clyne is due a start soon, so keep your eyes on team news. Clyne could be a better option than Chester/Turner as Chelsea will probably score only 1 to win, which means confirmed 2 points and no negative deductions.

  2. 398
    The B says:

    When are we able to see our next Cup rivals?

    Im guessing Tekno should have an answer to that. laugh

    • 398.1
      Tekno-kun* says:

      The B
      I’m the man to ask. I doubt we’ll see it today, as the H2H tables haven’t even been updated yet.
      My bet is… tomorrow afternoon, between 2 and 5 pm GMT.

      • The B says:

        Thanks man, the curiosity is killing me. Cant really make a transfer before looking at the rival, thats my thinking.

        • jamesimmo says:

          You take the cup seriously then? If not I think basing / influencing your transfers on a one-off opponent team could be damaging to the long term success of a team. Just my opinion, though like I say, no harm in checking first or treating it seriously

        • The B says:

          Just prefer being well aware of my rivals. laugh

        • Tekno-kun* says:

          The B
          A good strategy is to captain a player your opponent doesn’t have, as long as you suspect they will captain a player that you have. For example I had Rooney C and Walcott VC this week and neither of my opponents had those players, while they had Hazard C and Silva C, two players that I have. So I benefited 100% from my captaincy, since I doubled the score of a player they didn’t have, while my opponents only benefited 50% since I received half of the score their captain received. This strategy could provide a big advantage over your opponents.

        • The B says:

          Thats actually a very nice strategy. Will keep in mind Tekno. Thanks. smile

  3. 399
    Shep says:

    So Im thinking of selling Dawson… his SP is 5.1m for me… thinking of going for Smalling since Rafael is injured and his the only real RB cover… that and the CB’s rotate too much for Evans… thoughts? Else what other options are there?

    • 399.1
      Shep says:

      Can anyone help with this?

      • gkw says:

        There isn’t any replacement at that price who’d be a radical improvement. You may as well trade down to, say, Ward (Palace) so you’ll have enough cash to replace Gazzaniga with someone who plays regularly.

  4. 400

    Evening all, should i do turner (nor) out + gabbidon in, as gabby could rise in price tonight ?

  5. 401
    The B says:

    Is there any news over Collins injury? Would be of great help.

  6. 402
    Tekno-kun* says:

    Yeeessss broke into top 10 of the Fresh Start league ^^

    • 402.1
      inittowinit says:

      Well done Tekno. Just looked at it and I am being beaten by mine and elleffcee’s doubles team in that!

      • Tekno-kun* says:

        Thanks man. I still haven’t broken into the top 100k though, even though I rose 75k spots today from 180k to 115k. I hope to do that next GW, I doesn’t really feel like I can compare to the big guys until I get a more respectable ranking!

        • inittowinit says:

          A 75k rise aint to be sniffed at mate. That’s brilliant. The standard is amazingly high on here – just look at our main league, some great scores and rankings in there. Cookies in the top 2k now but convinced it won’t last. It will.

        • Gallowgate says:

          Cookies bubble will burst soon Chicken 😉
          How’s things mate? Good scoring there today by you? Your gaining on me you git sad
          Bad news for you and Cookster is my hits are being forced out of me by my involvement in Banterbury league, Shield and cup.
          Can’t give 8 and 12 leads at this stage and expect wins.
          Good move on Dzeko BTW, fancied that myself but pointless for me as I’m bound to the Pact captain, got stitched up bad this week, Rooney my captain didn’t play and my vice Silva was crap this week, got out of jake though with a quiet day for Goofy.

        • inittowinit says:

          Hello Gallow, you’re having a fantastic season mate, I’m really pleased for you.

          About time :p I’ll be out of sight shortly though laugh

          Joking aside, it’s going to be a great competition between the 3 of us I imagine and I hope we can all drag each other into a top 1k finish this year, that would be something…

          Your pact choice was the correct one as such but you got stung by the injury. I’m not sure about being bound by it though as you all tend to pick the obvious one anyway and end up with 3 different captains due to the issue of the pick actually being in your team or not in the first place which is an understandable issue.

          Your hits have worked out in some cases so don’t be scared of them.

        • Gallowgate says:

          Lol my hits have ALL worked out mate, not a word of a lie.
          Keep telling the lads not to be afraid, if you think it’s right it usually is.
          I’ve done 4-5 big hits this season 3 of which paid immediate dividends, the others in subsequent weeks.
          That 12 hit last week for instance, I ended up jut 3 points down on the 4 transfers as if I hadn’t done the moves, this week those same transfers produced 29 points as opposed to just 10 had I kept the same players, that’s 16 up on the whole and a far better team and squad.
          Mito seems to be getting in on the act and is back to his old self, done cracking two weeks running, coincidence? I think not.
          I’ve absolutely no issue with taking any amount of hits mate BUT and it’s a big BUT it will either knock me out of the Banterbury cup, the overall cup, cost me in the Banterbury league for which I’m top, or kill my chances in the Shield.
          I’ve a good squad now, big value and nicely poised in the top 7k to try and push on as you say into the top 1k.
          The hits must now stop unless totally necessary .
          Don’t mind the odd -4 here and there but no more 8s and especially 12s, it will get me knocked out mate.
          What you doing encouraging hits anyway? It’s blasphemy on this site LMAO smile

        • Gallowgate says:

          Forgot to add Chicken
          The Pact vote, it’s usually 1-2 that get voted in, captain and vice, obviously you can only do one or both IF you have those players.
          We have started a new voting system which will hopefully result in a more streamlined choice that all or most have but it’s difficult when not everyone has both elected captain AND vice.
          We’ve had our issues which you have likely seen or read about but I can see it getting better.
          We’ve had a tremendous run up until this week and last, we went Adebayor last week and looked totally stuffed until Suarez saved us with his 1 point Lol
          This week it was Rooney and you know all about that, again we were saved by a relatively quiet day by Suarez.
          Next GW it’s looking between Wally and Suarez, it’s going to be a heated discussion within our group.
          We had a sacking this week, someone totally disregarded the vote last week and went Suarez, ironic he got just 1 point, talk about justice eh? Lol

        • inittowinit says:

          I’m not encouraging hits in general. I’m encouraging YOU to take hits laugh

          LOL 😉

        • Gallowgate says:

          Ahhh underhand tactics is it? 😉
          Time to pull clear of you now Chicken, no more toying with you giving hope smile
          Cookie is proving a tough nut to crack, take my hat off to him, as I said a couple if weeks back though I’m confident I will have him.
          He’s actually having an adverse effect on my transfers, I need differentials to catch him but it seems every bloody move I make he does the same player on the same week.
          Got a little surprise for him coming though, something that WILL close the gap, watch his lead erode smile
          The Gallowgators are coming!!!!!!

        • Look at here Chicken, I see you have ruled out the rest of us. I am coming like gangbusters. I expect to be near the top by the end, the road has been straightened out and I just broke into 100k. I don’t see anything impossible and I like yourself am a second half player. I came from a terrible start the first half of the season last year, to finish in 12k. I am going to chase you all down as you get more conservative, in particular when Blue & Gallow start Cock blocking. 😉

        • Milk and Busquets says:

          James is almost top 1k, I’ve made 2100 odd, so it is a strong league around here. Good news for everyone though, Milk and Busquets is making steady progress down towards relegation!

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