Happy Sunday to you all! While there are just the two games today there will be fantasy interest aplenty as Swansea host Spurs at 1.30pm and then at 4pm Man Utd visit Stamford Bridge to play Chelsea.
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck for GW22 from all at FF247!
The Crowds are Gathering in….
Pottys Bookies…
Many bets been placed on Rooney starting
The fun starts now
Would not surprise me at all that Potty but that sort of move has Fergie’s stamp all over it. Would indicate that the old master has rolled his sleeves up once more.
That would be awesome! And so unexpected from Moyes! Shows Fergie is still hanging around the grounds and dressing rooms throwing a tip or two on how to run things! Would like to see Mourinho’s grin if Rooney starts! 😛
yeah would be amazing!!
Classic fergie though
Adebayor goal Eriksen assist
Get In :dance: !
Ade !
So HL, have you taken a look at who you face in the Banterbury Quals next GW?
OMG ! Impressive Team Value & a scary looking team you’ve got urself there, Tekno
“Fight of the Titans” :satansmoking: !!!
p.s. got Kun myself, as well…you’ve got the edge though…a slightly better team, my friend…
Have to admit that 😉 !
Yeah I saw that you had made two transfers so I reckoned that Kun in was one of them. It might be worth noting though that I have 4 players involved in Tot v City and 3 in Liv v Eve, so if these matches turn out to be low-scoring I could be in trouble. Then again there’s usually a lot of goals when these teams face each other so having several players involved could turn out to be really great too!
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
Tekno – both teams are pretty damn close on overall pts, both teams are strong and looking good, you’ve got 1 mil more in TV though – but all in all, should be a close one !
May go down to a Cpt choice as well 😉 , you never know…
Let’s both score Big ! next week and whoever wins – congrats !
Adebayor you beauty, my GW keeps getting better
Adebayor goal, Eriksen assist! Perfect!
was gonna get eriksen aswell!!
Poor Shelvey off with a possible hamstring injury, damn he may be out for the cup game next week.