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Live Match Chat Gameweek 29

Live Match Chat Game-week 29 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. Time to sit back and see how your chosen players fare for you this week. Hopefully your players will perform, did you give the armband to the right player this week?……

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW29 from all at FF247!

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  1. 127
    The B says:

    Im overtaking Tekno in Theo what a blow H2H laugh

  2. 128
    Raziel says:

    Suarez from 13.4m to 13.1m. Sorry, but I don’t get why people have dropped him. Will be nearly impossible to get him back and also get Kun.

    Anyway, I should have 9 DGW players for GW31. That is if Pool plays. I heard it’s possible the Hull/Pool/WHU/Sun matches could be cancelled if there is a draw between 2 party’s tomorrow/? Forgot which one.

    • 128.1
      jamesimmo says:

      Hull and Sunderland I believe.

    • 128.2
      The B says:

      People should stop caring about players’ price rises and falls who they are supposed to keep for the entire season.

      P.S. Ill have 8 DGW players.

      Currently debating whether Nolan or AJ for the DGW.

      • Raziel says:

        Don’t care about the drops or rises, just think it’s stupid people dropped him because of a blank GW. Let’s say you bring in RvP or Rooney. I don’t think they will give you back netto what Suarez would’ve given you long term.

      • TheDreamers says:

        its just surprising I guess The B. Makes no sense in selling Suarez. Don’t really care on TV for Suarez as wont be selling him unless he gets injured, and if he does , its a game changer anyway

        of your two choices I’d prefer Nolan for what its worth

        • The B says:

          I was thinking the same thing. Since Sunderland plays Liverpool and Norwich, and both are tough opponents.

        • TheDreamers says:

          B – some players are keepers anyway, some are keep only on form. For me, Nolan is one of those that is at worst “unlikely to sell”

  3. 129
    TheDreamers says:

    12k people have already transferred in Aguero today and he is off price protection.

  4. 130
    inittowinit says:

    Good evening all.

    • 130.1
      HL says:

      Evening man…
      How did GW29 treat ya 😉 ?

      • inittowinit says:

        Evening HL, it was a bit meh but I livened it up somewhat with a massive -16 point hit!!! Just about to whip the old wildcard out as well…. How did you fare mate?

        • TheDreamers says:

          Inittowinit – you did a 16 hit and you a) have a Wc and b) you now plan to use it?

        • HL says:

          Init – if only u had Cpt-ed Haz !
          That would’ve paid off ur mad -16 hit, big time !
          But, nevertheless – u ve scored well above avg, so all should be fine, mate…
          Keep it up – I believe there is a good strategy behind this all, so I’m with ya mate 😉 !
          Pull that WC out of ur pocket, chicken !! smile

        • inittowinit says:

          HL it was a last minute toss up between RvP and Rooney to be honest. I got it wrong mind but hey ho… I was up 7 points on the whole deal as it is whereas had I gone Rooney it would have been 15 up which is more like what I was looking for. Made the whole afternoon a bit more entertaining anyway!

          And yes mate there’s a decent strategy behind it all. In theory… 😮

        • HL says:

          Init – it was literally last min Cpt-cy pick for me, too…
          Luckily enough – it worked !
          Haz gave me 18pts + 9pt from Jay Rod + 8 from Shaw=35pts from a Total of 50pts ( incl. 7BPS)…
          50pts from 7.5players is not bad (Ince with 1 pt)…not bad at all ! (last 2 weeks I had 49 & 48 from 11 laugh )…

        • inittowinit says:

          That’s a great score this week HL, well done mate. Maybe that’s the key then, play 7.5 every week! 3-3-1.5 formation laugh

        • HL says:

          Climbed 15K up the rankings :dance:

    • 130.2
      The B says:

      Seriously Chicken? 16 points hit?


      • Evening Innit and took a huge 1.8 on ur value ,fair play mate!!!! Whats the wc plan who are the core players u will base ur team around ?!?!?!?! smile

        • inittowinit says:

          Evening both Dreamers and Peaky!

          Dreamers yes mate – see my reply to The B below that partially explains it… Plus yes I’m playing the WC this week but I’ll be doing 2 things in 1. Prepping massively for 31 but also setting myself up nicely for 30 in the process.

          Peaky I’m just about to start looking at it now mate but I’m guessing off the top of my head – S&S, Yaya, Nolan, AJ maybe, Zab/Kompany, Gerrard/Sterling etc. Either way there will be 11 of them!

      • inittowinit says:

        Hey up The B. Did you catch your personalised mention in the Fixtures article on Wednesday? Anyways yes I should explain that massive hit! My thoughts were – I was replacing players who weren’t playing so each hit was effectively a -2 not a -4 if that makes sense. It was a very intentional ploy/gamble as I intended to play my WC this week so had very little to lose from it all. Other than a bit of cash on Suarez but so what. It worked out as well in my favour so can’t complain!

  5. 131
    Raziel says:

    Haven’t watched todays game but been wanting to sell Oscar for weeks now. Just didn’t make sense to yet (other more urgent players had to be sold first). Still really like the kid though and Mou didn’t play him as much because he was tired. Oscar was great in the Brazil game and I think Chelsea started to create much more today when he came on? Or was he shit?

    Anyway, wanted to do Oscar or Lallana to Yaya. Which transfer would you make? Really like Oscar but Toure always plays 90 minutes, Lallana as well.

  6. 132
    JEET TOP 4 says:

    So No FPL Games Tommorow Anyway! Who is everybody going to Captain For GW 30 ?

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