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Live Match Chat Gameweek 29

Live Match Chat Game-week 29 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. Time to sit back and see how your chosen players fare for you this week. Hopefully your players will perform, did you give the armband to the right player this week?……

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW29 from all at FF247!

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  1. 157
    Mr Crawley says:

    Pleasant Sunday everyone.

    Does Lallana to Sissoko and Adebayor to Aguero sound like a good move? I need 0.2m to get Aguero in. Although I hate losing Lallana when he’s facing Norwich, Sissoko faces Fulham and has a DGW coming up.

  2. 158
    Starfox says:

    Hey Guys,

    Here is my team –

    2 FT, thinking of making these moves

    Ade > Aguero
    Mata > Sterling

    Im reluctant to get rid of Mata but I dont see any other way If i want Aguero in,

    What do you think? Thanks

    • 158.1
      jamesimmo says:

      Starfox. These are the exact moves I’m planning. For me there’s two questions:

      1) Sterling (better team, rotation risk) or Sissoko (lesser team, nailed on)?

      2) Do we save money and do it tonight or avoid risk and wait til Wednesday?

      But yeah, I like the moves haha, just need to sort this..

      • Veer says:

        Starfox, sterling is fairly nailed on and is a better player.
        Hey jamesimmo, watch the game last night? We’re now just two wins away from that trophy! Ignoring the controversy of having a semi final in the national stadium, ‘Arsenal are going to Wembley’ has a nice ring to it.

        • jamesimmo says:

          I sure did Veer, Özil is back, and we we nearer to silverware! Very happy indeed. We’ve taken out 3 of the top 6 teams already… I’m very happy.

      • Starfox says:

        Yeah, I know there’s a risk but its worth taking just see how Aguero is after tonight’s game, but midweek will be a battle so close your eyes and hope for the best lol

  3. 159
    NIN says:

    Is anyone on here NOT buying Aguero for the DGW ?? I was just messing around on FPL and made a very strong DGW team that would not need a -4, has 10 DGW players + Hazard but the risky part is no Kun, team would be ..

    McGregor (x2)
    Kolarov (x2) – Demel (x2) – Coleman (x2)
    Gerrard (x2) – Yaya (x2) – Hazard – A. Johnson (x2)
    Suarez (x2) – Sturridge (x2) – Lukaku (x2)

    Speroni – Ward – Shaw – Redmond

    1.4m in the bank to upgrade Johnson after week 32, Coleman back to Ivanovic pretty quickly too i’d say. This is by no means a plan of action haha, just a thought.

    • 159.1
      Andy says:

      I want the SAS + Lukaku for the DGW

      No Aguerwho for me. If I have balls upped I should be able to afford him in for GW 32 for a straight FT.

      • NIN says:

        It’s ballsy Andy, i was just messing around and really liked the team, tough to say no to Kun though.

        • Andy says:

          To get him in now for me will cost a -8 or even a -12 when I could just get Lukaku for this GW. Can’t see Kun outscoring Lukaku by that much this weekend and you have to fancy the SAS in the DGW to come out with goals.

        • NIN says:

          I could get him for no hit, but it would mean selling players who have great fixtures like Lallana and Ivanovic this week, or make 3 transfers for a -4. I’ll likely still buy Aguero but the smooth route of this team entices me haha.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          I’m going to need to sell Lallana which I’m not happy about, but needs must…

        • @Kop, I am also and hold onto your pants, I am going to bring in Yaya. :0

        • Kop Warrior says:

          Get off the bandwagon Mito smile

        • NIN says:

          Cookie – I agree mate, it’s too good a fixture to sell him in my opinion.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          I’m hanging onto Lallana this weekend and will just hope Aguero doesn’t go up by 0.3!!

        • NIN says:

          You’d have to be lucky Kop haha, i’d say he’s guaranteed to cap this week.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          Yeah you’re right lads, I’ll just have to pay the extra 0.3

    • 159.2
      Kop Warrior says:

      NIN – It’s a decent team mate…the problem is, how much will Aguero be after the DGW?

      Oh and I doubt Kolarov will start both games.

      • jamesimmo says:

        +1 and I feel Agüero vs Fulham at home is too good to miss.

      • NIN says:

        Kop – Yes that is the worry, i think for that specific week it’s a great team though and saves a hit. I’m actually confident Kolarov will get the minutes, i’ve had him for a while now so i hope he starts both. Life without Aguero can be a very, very lonely one though hahaha

        • Kop Warrior says:

          You’ve got to assume that City will be knocked out of Europe this week meaning they’ll concentrate on the league!!

        • NIN says:

          Indeed mate, if it took a -4 to get him in in a couple of weeks then so be it, i’m getting very tempted by this haha.

    • 159.3
      HL says:

      Afternoon All smile ..
      Nin – that looks very solid, mate !
      I will join the non-Kun DGW team scenario – gives you so much more options..

      • NIN says:

        Hi HL, looks good doesn’t it? The problem is will Lukaku score 5 goals in two games haha because Aguero might, and a few assists ha. I should also mention, i’d have enough in the bank to keep Coleman AND go Kolarov >> Ivanovic post GW 31. It’s making more and more sense to me by the minute.

    • 159.4
      EBC says:

      I don’t have him at the moment. I have Rooney, Suarez & Sturridge.

  4. 160
    JEET TOP 4 says:

    What Do Guys Think Of This Team For GW 31 – 4 PTS HIT – 9 DGW Players ?

    Zabaleta – Distin – Demel
    Hazard – Yaya Toure – Gerrard – Lallana
    Jelavic – Aguero – Suarez

    Bench : Mannone – Olsson – Ward – Redmond

  5. 161
    Veer says:

    Afternoon guys! I know it’s a but early but Aguero is on 90 something percent. Please help out with my team:
    Szczesny Ruddy
    Coleman Ivanovic Shaw Davies Gabbidon
    Hazard Mata Lallana Sterling Mutch
    Suarez Giroud Adebayor
    2 FT and 2.5 in the bank. So to do Adebayor >> Aguero I need to find 1.3 somewhere. I would preferably want to sell a non-DGW player for a DGW one. Of course I’ll do the transfers after making sure Aguero doesn’t get injured tonight. Thanks in advance for your help.

  6. 162
    Kop Warrior says:

    I’ve just seen Tim Sherwood’s post-match interview…you’d actually feel sorry for the bloke.

    • 162.1
      Veer says:

      Sherwood is quite a likeable guy (coming from an arsenal fan!). After his first PL game in charge, where some team scored a late equaliser, he said it was like a ‘kick in the balls’!

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