Live Match Chat Game-week 29 – FPL Fantasy Premier League
The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. Time to sit back and see how your chosen players fare for you this week. Hopefully your players will perform, did you give the armband to the right player this week?……
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Good luck for GW29 from all at FF247!
Just put in aguero and still have 1 free transfer.
Howard Boruc
Koscienly Sagna Coleman Collins Turner
Hazard Mata Sterling Ince Noone
Aguero Suarez Sturridge
Thinking of getting Johnson in for Ince this week and then Toure for Mata next week. What do you guys think?
@patterman, that seems like sensible moves going forward. I prefer Nolan over Johnson, two home games in the double and his positioning is more central, but A.J may well deliver for you.
I was thinking about that but Johnson has another two DGW to be arranged. Also I wouldn’t be able to afford him. £6.9 is the highest without taking a -4 point hit.
That’s the reason I’m going for Johnson.
Evening all, hope your GW has been good, I had the 1st green arrow in the last 4 weeks.
Just hit the WC button, so it’s transfer time!
Need your thoughts on these drafts (very low budget of 102.6):
Draft A: Adrian/Mannone
Distin, Ivanovic, Williamson, McCartney, Chester
Hazard, Livermore, Silva, Colback, Adam Johson
Suarez, Sturridge, Agüero
0.1 ITB
Draft B: Boruc/Gazzaniga
Coleman, Azpilicueta, Williamson, Bardsley, Chester
Hazard, Meyler, Yaya Touré, Colback, Sterling
Suarez, Sturridge, Agüero
0.2 ITB
Any suggestions much appreciated.
Hi Albertini, I’m liking draft B better because of the inclusion of Coleman and Yaya.
Bash well done, top 10!! Keep it up mate, step by step!
Thanks Init and B-Bash, I’m also liking more draft B, maybe because it’s the last one.
I could also put in there some West Ham defender for Williamson, the problem would be in the midfield with two cheapies.
In draft A, I could put Sterling instead of AJ, which would leave enough funds to do Silva to Yaya.
Still a whole week to play with this, it will be some hard days!
Albertini I’m on a WC too so it will be interesting to see your thoughts and progress on it all this week. Mainly because I’m lazy and won’t do mine until 11pm on Friday night!
Init don’t worry mate, I’ll be showing every change and looking for every advice, it’s a bit frustrating to have a so low budget which doesn’t allow me to have some other players but I have to live with that until the end of the season and try to do my best with it.
Cool, look forward to seeing your thoughts on it all Albertini. Your TV is a bit restrictive as you say, mines very average at about £106m but hey we all all know it’s not about the size it’s what you you do with it that counts
Hey Albertini, I think that with a low team value that you have I don’t think you can afford both Yaya and Hazard in the midfield. On team B I’d possibly downgrade Yaya to Silva, Coleman to Distin and then upgrade Williamson to Zabaleta. I think it may be important for you to get 3 Man City players in straight away as over the coming weeks their players are only going to rise and I doubt your budget could handle it. Citeh will still have another 2 DGW’s after GW 31.
Cheers Andy, it’s a good suggestion, I’ll take it in consideration. What’s your thoughts on Kolarov? I know his game time is a risk but if he plays against Fulham it could pay off and he’s 1.0 cheaper than Zab.
I’d prefer to go with the guys who look nailed rather than taking the risk, even for the future DGW’s Clichy will always be there but it could be worth a punt.
Albertini – I have Kolarov and the Fulham game is the aim, hopefully he plays it at least. I think he and Clichy are one in the same at the minute, could go either way really.
Thanks guys, I know Kolarov can be highly frustrating to own with his 15 min cameos which is a pity as he is really a threat attack wise…
I have such a temptation to make my moves tonight. But I mustn’t…
Don’t james, Champions League this week mate, much can happen….
Cheers init, I won’t
sucking up those price changes!
Ha, i caved and made a transfer, oopsie.
Haha, what did you do mate?
Why am I not surprised NIN!
Go on mate what have you done?
Ha, Adebayor > Lukaku.
#TeamNoAguero has begun eh! Fair play, it could work out given the fixtures, bold move.
Nowt wrong with that NIN. Cardiff at home and no fixtures in midweek, possible captaincy this week as well perhaps?
Lukaku for (c) as well NIN?
Yes, taking this week into account as well as the double it leaves me with a stronger team i think/hope, bring in Nolan and Baines next week for no hit and good to go hopefully.
Worst case scenario, Coleman&Nolan.
Ha, knew it :satansmoking: !!
He who dares HL, the anti Kun!
Nin – we’ll be in the same boat, me thinks
Made 10’s of scenarios lately and I might “pass” on Kun, myself, mate…
All of the Kun-less ones – made more sense…
Andy, me & you – might be the only ones who will dare to do this…
We might get mentioned from Cookie & Init in their following articles for being brave or for being stupid :dance: !!
Let’s wait and see
Dear lord, in for a penny in for a pound, transfer done. Least Everton don’t have European games.
HL – Lets call it a calculated risk, the additions that can be made elsewhere are substantial so to hell with it, lets go Romelu!
Don’t worry HL, I will specifically ask for a City game in the reviews so you can have a special shout out.
Andy – Indeed, cant afford to lose even 0.1m if i’m to get Bainesy so it had to be done as Ade was plummeting.
Mito, City are loosing it, imho…
But anyways – who’s a better pick between Yaya & Silva ?
Considering I’ll be Aguero-less…
Would have to be Yaya. Silva for all his good looking skills is still not producing, I wouldn’t mind having both, but if I only got one it be Yaya.
NIN – decided to go Agueroless? Afraid he might be dead again soon mate? Lukaku has really good fixtures and it could be a brilliant move.
Albertini – Too much damage elsewhere mate, this way i can keep the likes of Gerrard and Ivanovic, bring in Baines and maybe go back to Ivan later. Also, City aren’t exactly at full tilt recently, Wigan.
Oh, and avoid having to take a -4 this week, always a plus.
You’re right, bringing in Aguero is really damaging and to go without him might be a good shout. I’m trying to make some ground (more than 100 points…) in some ML and Aguero is my last hope as my main rival has also a low budget and I reckon he won’t bring him in soon.
Hmm, if Aguero is a differential in your ML then yeah, go with him i’d say.
Well, I can’t be 100% sure as he is now back from his injury, but I’m betting he will be. My rival has just sold YYT and has Suarez, Rooney and Ade up front and only Hazard and Terry as big names. It’ll be really hard but I’ll have to take some risks these 9 weeks left.
Same here Albertini, i’m chasing too so hopefully it all pays off ha.
Yes good luck mate!
James, I can understand your thoughts! I’ve nearly hit the go button, but like Initt says, lot could go wrong during the week!
It’s frustrating but true! If I was 9th in the world id be torn apart by it all..
What us / are your planned move(s) mate?
Evening B-Bash, what are your transfer targets this week mate? No worries if you’d rather not say!
9th, ha! in there like swimwear B-Bash, nice one!!!
Mata out for Nolan or Fellaini (both double GW)? Need funds to get Aguero in for Adebayor. Already have Januzaj for Man U cover
Do Mata for Sissoko,he too has a double game-week,and also this Weekend coming a beauty of a fixture,away to Fulham.
Like I have said before on here.
Aguero is a huge risk to take on.
He does not recover well from injuries.
At least another 3 weeks at least before he will be up to speed.
Currently he is just going through the motions as he has a fear factor in his head of this injury going again.
For me its Giroud who is the man to pick.
Potty – Aguero has already started two matches, and will probably play barca midweek before his next PL match. It’s still a risk but with his price set to rocket and his DGWs I’m taking it.
Good luck mate,your going to need it.
You holding out til after the Barca match?
No, I need to catch him before his price rises., haha
Good morning, to anybody still online. I’m mking my transfers now, would appreciate if you could give it a quick look.
Szczesny Ruddy
Coleman Ivanovic Shaw Davies Gabbidon
Hazard Mata Lallana Sterling Mutch
Adebayor Giroud Suarez
2 FT and 2.5 in the bank. Should I go ahead and do Adebayor >> Aguero + Szczesny >> Mannone?
Seems like a good idea.
But do you have plans to change Giroud? Lukaku/Sturridge would be good replacements.
No, with Giroud being my only arsenal coverage for the DGW. Also, he’s in good form with a brace on Saturday.