Pottys Predictions Competition – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League
Welcome to another weekend of manic fun here at Pottys Bookies. After the midweek Champions League Comp its back to what we know best – the Premiership.
But first let’s have a recap of the past 7 days here at Pottys.
Last weekend saw my takings increase as 34 of you came through the door plus a dodgy looking South African who has now received a ban but as we all know bans can be broken!!
So with 4 games to predict last week, all were low scoring affairs. A 1-1 draw at the Hawthorns followed by a late winner for Newcastle in a 1-0 home win gave us a Potty Winner whose whole family are delighted with his achievement and it went to…….
PEAKY DAVE…..PEAKY DAVE…..well done mate.
Next up was Tuesday night and the Champions League, a new Comp was unveiled the “6 a side Hotshot’s” and those involved will vouch for one thing, it was eventful to say the least!
The Real Madrid super show in Germany had one FF247 poster dancing round his Bombastic stereo to the vibes of No Limits by 2 Unlimited as Bale’s brace gave him a Potty Prize and the winner was……
TECKNO………. TECKNO……..super effort buddy.
So onto this Weekends Competition.
“Midfield Maestro’s”
Based on your own Fantasy Football knowledge here we go.
1=Pick 5 Midfielders.
2=From one of the 4 teams below or a selection from them,your choice.
3=Highlight a Captain = (cpt).
4=Winner is the FF247 poster with the most points after Bps are added.
5=The matches are below but its the team in BLOCK CAPITALS that you must select from.
6=Simple ain’t it???
The Matches are…..
HULL CITY v newcastle utd
stoke city v ARSENAL
SWANSEA v crystal palace
TOTTENHAM v cardiff city
Post your selection’s below thanks.
Another thing, all Potty Punters may enter any Competition as many times as one wishes to do so.
Pottys Plonker of the Week – the Euphoria of winning his first Potty prize led this FF247 poster to enter the “6 a side Hotshot’s” Comp, great I hear you all cry??? But he named 3 Chelsea men amongst his selection’s but sadly Chelsea were not in the team list so…….PEAKY DAVE is Pottys Plonker of the Week.
Can both Tekno and Peakydave e-mail FF247 with your home addresses please – contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk
Thanks all for tuning in.
Potty, here you go
Rosicky (c)
I have just received my Pottys Prediccos prize,the username says it all!!!Lets just say I will be slathering my tea with the ‘Chips shop curry sauce’ and wondering how to spend my £2 scratchcard winnings while watching one of my favourite films!!!!!!!
Cheers Potty you are a star!!!!
Now you got me excited for my prize, can’t wait for it to arrive.
Tekno and Alex, I appreciate the time and effort for all the competitions and articles,its what makes this a brilliant website.Hats off to all the guys involved who contribute and make this such a fantastic community!!!
Did you guys have to answer some random questions???? I did and all my answers were accomadated in the prizes received !! My kids thought it was hilarious!!!!
Plus 1 to that Peaky! Yer I did too, makes it all the more intriguing! How you shaping for this week pal?
Unsure Alex will prob do 3 transfers for a 4 pointer this week
Out Silva,Jrod,Sterling-In Adebayor,Oscar and Johnson/Bentaleb
Will leave me 10 players for next week and will take 12 points in hits before Gw 31 and that will leave me with
10 DGWers i’m very excited!!!
How are you set,what are your plans mate?!?!??!
Nice planning mate! I haven’t looked that far ahead (but think I will now!) Im struggling with this and next week TBH, I sat on my transfer too long and now can’t do Dze to Ade (0.1 out!) but have two frees; so will get rid of Johnson or Kolarov to finance it. Who to bring in would be the question, any suggestions?
Olsson??? Intriguingly he will be on my bench this week but good as a cheapie that plays Gw29!I cant believe ive gone round the houses with my team ie silva in/out etc but ive got a really good feeling about Adebayor this week and had to get him regardless of cost!Besides 38 points (ie 19 x 2,3 goals,I assist,+60 min,3 bps and a booking!!) will comfortably pay for all my hits!! 😉
Peaky haha nice planning down to the yellow card! Agreed you will have gone round the houses but 10 DGW players will be well worth the drive. I did read that some are not 100% confirmed yet due to possible cup replies, which maybe worth baring in mind. So you would think Kolarov to Olssen and sticking Johnson on the bench? It would mean a move to 4-3-3.
Yes mate but it gives u an extra player for next week!All those games are defo on if u check the gw on the FPL fixture page you can start planning mate,its well worth the effort!! 😉
I hear you Peaky and got that figured, just didn’t want to take a hit this week so it was either Kol or Johnson to go and the other to bench but i guess i will make the other next week so it boils down; will Norwich keep a CS (Olson), will Ince or another mid score? If it was you mate?
Peaky; mine had to come all the way over to the mighty NZ, still waiting and the suspense is killing me……….
The package arriving might kill you if the suspense doesn’t. :whacky:
Mito,we have pretty good customs here and with Pottys reputation I’m sure they keep a close eye on things he sends!
Pottys finally arrived in his Bookies.
Peaky Dave I am so pleased you liked the contents of your Brown Jiffy Bag.
The questions I asked by e-mail and your answers do in a abstract way relate to what anyone Wins
Cheering on Henderson are we Peaky???
Teckno…..Nz Alex….Desmo……Pa Fealy!!!!
All your Prizes are in the Post
Enjoy Lads.
Midfield Maestro’s is awaiting you all.
Please predict your selections
Ah cool, thanks Potty, don’t think I have entered this yet 😉
Ox (c)
Virgin entry I believe???
As im on a roll!!

Bentaleb (c)
Cheers Potty!!
Oi!! What’s going on here…
I think they might be setting themselves a nasty precedent NIN…………. 😉
I don’t know what precedent means haha, i do know that these two need to be watched though !!
need some help with my team
I have 2ft with 0 in the bank
Krul (Henderson)
Ivanovic Coleman fonte Chester and mariappa)
silva hazard mata Lallana (Lucas)
j rod Suarez Sturridge
Obviously silva isn’t playing so do I leave him on the bench for the double later on and replace mata and Lucas for who?
Mata out mirallas in and Lucas out routledge any good? 1.3 would still be in the bank
Any suggestions
Mata out sterling in and Lucas out routledge in and save 3.1 mill I’m only saying sterling because he has being doing well these past few weeks
am4r77 – Have a look at GW 29 mate, all the players you’re looking to bring in have blanks.
Half of my players aren’t playing in gw 29 so I can bring some one in next week
Paulinho and routledge in
am4r77 – That’s just wasting FT’s mate, if you’re already short of players then why bring in more who will be missing next week too?? Spurs, Chelsea, Norwich, Stoke and Palace play both weeks so two from them will do just nicely. Well, there’s actually more teams who play both weeks but i think the ones i’ve mentioned are the better shouts.
Or ince instead of Routledge
Ince and paulinho in silva stays on the bench and what would you recommend then?
That sounds much better mate, the more players you have form week 29 the better !! Then it’s just a matter of planning for the DGW haha, nightmare.
Or just take mata out and paulinho in and leave it like that and leave silva in for no points
Nothing really, that’s your 2FT’s used up on Ince and Paulihno, happy days.
Defo get rid of Lucas mate, he’s injured and shite (FPL wise) when he’s fit so i’d ditch him.
Sorry for doing your head in NIN the 1st move of mata out paulinho In and Lucas out ince in or 2nd move mata out Willian in 1ft used 2 ft for next week if needed nd with the willian move I can save 2.1 in the bank
At the moment, how many players have you got for week 29?
5 players
am4r77 – Exactly mate, 5 players!! Not enough, your midfield is weakened a lot this week too, i’d sell Mata and Lucas this week, Paulihno and Ince sounds okay to me.
Ok thanks for the advice appreciate it mate I think I’m going to go Suarez captain what about you I have Sturridge but I’m feeling Suarez this week
Sturridge (c), Hazard (vc) for me, it’s my first time giving the armband to Sturridge over Suarez haha, i think it’ll work.