Pottys Predictions Competition – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League
Welcome to another weekend of manic fun here at Pottys Bookies. After the midweek Champions League Comp its back to what we know best – the Premiership.
But first let’s have a recap of the past 7 days here at Pottys.
Last weekend saw my takings increase as 34 of you came through the door plus a dodgy looking South African who has now received a ban but as we all know bans can be broken!!
So with 4 games to predict last week, all were low scoring affairs. A 1-1 draw at the Hawthorns followed by a late winner for Newcastle in a 1-0 home win gave us a Potty Winner whose whole family are delighted with his achievement and it went to…….
PEAKY DAVE…..PEAKY DAVE…..well done mate.
Next up was Tuesday night and the Champions League, a new Comp was unveiled the “6 a side Hotshot’s” and those involved will vouch for one thing, it was eventful to say the least!
The Real Madrid super show in Germany had one FF247 poster dancing round his Bombastic stereo to the vibes of No Limits by 2 Unlimited as Bale’s brace gave him a Potty Prize and the winner was……
TECKNO………. TECKNO……..super effort buddy.
So onto this Weekends Competition.
“Midfield Maestro’s”
Based on your own Fantasy Football knowledge here we go.
1=Pick 5 Midfielders.
2=From one of the 4 teams below or a selection from them,your choice.
3=Highlight a Captain = (cpt).
4=Winner is the FF247 poster with the most points after Bps are added.
5=The matches are below but its the team in BLOCK CAPITALS that you must select from.
6=Simple ain’t it???
The Matches are…..
HULL CITY v newcastle utd
stoke city v ARSENAL
SWANSEA v crystal palace
TOTTENHAM v cardiff city
Post your selection’s below thanks.
Another thing, all Potty Punters may enter any Competition as many times as one wishes to do so.
Pottys Plonker of the Week – the Euphoria of winning his first Potty prize led this FF247 poster to enter the “6 a side Hotshot’s” Comp, great I hear you all cry??? But he named 3 Chelsea men amongst his selection’s but sadly Chelsea were not in the team list so…….PEAKY DAVE is Pottys Plonker of the Week.
Can both Tekno and Peakydave e-mail FF247 with your home addresses please – contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk
Thanks all for tuning in.
Over here folks.
Pottys Bookie’s
Now open
Potty my picks are….
Townsend (c)
My hungover picks are…
Lennon (c)
wake me up when I win 😉
Last chance corale
Townsend (c)
Cheers Potty
Making a new entry Potts
Lennon (C)
Potty see comment 43.1 above !!
The “Midfield Maestro’s” Winner is….
Well we have ourselves a god dam tie between…..
who both scored 23 points each.
So lads a Potty Tiebreaker comes into play…
Predict the scores in these 3 Monday night matches please,
They are….
Chesterfield v Portsmouth
Lens v Tours
Barbados v Jamaica (and also time of the First Goal scored too).
Post below lads.
I’m flabbergasted. Just shows sometimes one go is enough! However, what with the strict Japanese custom laws, I’m not quite sure I want to risk deportation if I win!!! 😛 Nothing would beat the prestige, though so……oh well, nothing ventured…..
Chesterfield 3 v 1 Portsmouth
Lens 1 v 1 Tours
Barbados 0 v 2 Jamaica (52)
Bloody Hell Football. Okay Potty here goes nothing.
Chesterfield 2 v 0 Portsmouth
Lens 0 v 0 Tours
Barbados 0 v 1 Jamaica ( 44 ).