Well lads and lasses these game-weeks are flying by as this season comes to a close and here at Pottys Bookies we too are feeling the pinch as our weekly entrant numbers dwindle.
But apart from dragging you in by the curlies its the Punters choice as to where their loyalties belong and I do believe many have decided to concentrate on the big push with one’s Fantasy Football Team which is understandable indeed.
Onto the Matchweek 35 Winners who were….
Pottys Predictions = NZ ALEX…..NZ ALEX
Champions League Competition = PEAKY DAVE…..PEAKY DAVE
Both the above FF247 user’s did very well in winning their respective Competitions as many big Hitters were involved so well done indeed the pair of you, parcels to Rotherham and New Zealand are now on the way.
This weeks Competition is entitled “Moving Forward is Down to You”.
Its a simple format.
Out of all the 20 Premier League Teams you must –
Pick 5 Forwards only and all must come from different teams.
Highlight a Captain.
Most Fantasy Football points gained wins the prize.
Enter as many times as you wish.
Thanks for tuning in.
Rooney (c)
Has anyone just gone for it before and posted like 30 permutations? 😛
Calvin Clyne!!!!
Just recently McButcher posted 8 Predictions but did not win.
So feel free to beat this record.
But their is a risk factor.
That is “Pottys Plonker of the Week” if you fail.
Fire away buddy.
So I win a title either way
May go for it some time haha.
Pottys Bookies is now open.
Sam Fox will be working behind the counter all day and she will give you a melon flash only if you pick your men.
I have an important appointment at 1pm which is critical in my recovery, its post operation Breathing Test day and if I reach the required levels I get permission to go out,obviously I have to be sensible about this if I pass as in ….where I go and not to be near anyone with the slightest sniffle too….but my Flat has such a sunny balcony and just to sit their will be such a lift for my spirits.
Keep those Predictions coming in.
Morning potster, good luck at your appointment mate, hope all goes well, catch you on here tonight. :worthy:
Dear Mr. Potster,
All my best wishes for your recovery and the appointment today.
My guesses for this week
Rooney (c)
Many thanks for organizing these competitions.
I’m due to win something . .
Bony, Borini, Giroud, Lambert, Rooney (C)
Pottys Bookies is Open.
While on Teamchat please nip on over here for 2 minutes and post your Chosen Few.
Right – here you go Potster :
Rooney (C) ; Suarez ; Podolski ; Bony ; Ade….