Bundesliga Fantasy Football 2023/24
With the Bundesliga also nearing a start we figured we give it a home again that way you Bundesliga managers have a home to discuss bad transfers and terrible captaincy choices.
We won’t be posting a weekly article, but we will keep this article up and though it will disappear from the front of the site, just use the “Hot Topics” link on the right to find your way back to this chat.
We will do our best to post relevant tweets and links to pages that are helpful in fantasy on the chat below so you all have the best possible help.
Bundesliga Fantasy rules changes season- 2024/25
Unlike previous seasons, now you can select only 3 players from each team. That shouldn’t be a great shock as we are well used in the FPL.
New points system goes huge:
80 points for a goal from a forward, 100 for a midfielder and 120 for a defender. Wait, a massive 200 points if somehow your goalkeeper scores. Assists are rewarded from 40 to 150 points, depending on position. Penalty saves get 120, bonuses of 20 for a brace and 60 for a hatrick are added too.
For a first time, dribble earns you 5 points, challenge won, either on the air or the ground, gets 5 points as well. Every successful cross brings 7 points and 1 for every successful pass.
On the flipside:
Deduction of 20 points for a yellow card, get a second one and it’s another – 60. Miss a spot kick is -60, scoring an own goal -80, every foul prompts 5 and a massive -100 for a strait red card.
Where to get fantasy tips > BULINEWS, Fantasy BL Stats and Fantasy Tipsters
Where to get predicted XI’s > KICKER & DNL FANTASY SITE
Twitter account to follow > Follow @DNLFantasy
Fantasy Podcast > TALKING FUSSBALL also follow their twitter account Follow @talkingfussball
To all FBLers
Do we keep the star on Lewa with 20 points or try our luck with Haaland?
I kept it on Lewa. Haaland could do well also, but he is not as involved so doesn’t tend to pick up those extra little points he will probably need to score a brace to outscore Lewy.
Mito, moved the stars from Lewa and Stindl to Haaland and Kostic.
11 points gamble in total. Let’s see
It’s not a bad gamble you still have Silva if Haaland doesn’t do well and Stindl didn’t score enough for you to worry about moving the star there. I think in your case it was probably the right thing to do. I didn’t move from Lewy because I had both of my forwards playing in this Dortmund game so there was no third shot at the captaincy.
Only at FBL a defender can score 42 points in a single game
Mito, we are both on 151 points atm
The greatest striker Gerd Muller
What is wrong with effing Leipzig today?
Silva on 0 and Angelino -1
have to see the highlights. I went with Weghorst as 3rd striker.
I see u put Sosa. I went with kempf from stuttgart but sadly did not make him star player
So pissed off

Forgot to put the star on Thielmann, could have finished 5 places higher in the ML