Fantasy Football 247 League Updates September
Hello everyone and welcome to the September round up of the FF247 leagues. So how did everyone do this month? Injuries were more common than a scouser in a car park and managers were dreading to be the first one to get the bullet, so lets see who managed to steer their teams through the mine field that is fantasy football and top our compliment of leagues. Any successful managers will be added to our Hall of Fame which is coming soon.
FF247 League
Top spot in this league has stayed with Tom Farmer, who was also top in August with his team ‘Blame It On Debuchy’. Tom had amassed 394 points up to the end of September and was sitting pretty in 6th overall in the world, keep up the good work Tom. (The pic above includes this weeks scores that include week 1 from October). 2nd spot goes to Gerrie Pistorius, with his team ‘Pick_And_Hope’ on 387pts, and that points haul took him to 27th in the world. A further 6pts back in 3rd with 381 is team ‘Societa Esportive77’ and owner Boblewo-Garutti Brasil, who has also stuck around in the top 5 for 2 months. 4th place goes to Jaye Williams with his team ‘FC Yayunomi’ on 379 pts. In 5th, a further 5pts back with 374,was Hammad Mudassar and his team ‘Fantastic 11’.
FF247 Manager Of The Month
Top spot for September goes to A Khan with his team ‘Disneyland’, he managed to achieve 190pts from only 3 gameweeks, this score had also propelled him to 44th in the FF247 league. Ivan Bosnjak with his team ‘Leafs FC’ pushed for top spot all the way but finished just 1pt behind to take 2nd place with 189pts. Konrad Wojtowicz and Richard Prowse came in with 187pts to tie for 3rd spec with their respective teams ‘Gooners FC’ and ‘Tinkerman United’. 5th place went to Richard Jagers team ‘Wolf Pack’ with 185pts.
FF247 Doubles League
The overall positions in this league are changing every gameweek and top spot at the end of September goes to Timmy + Cartman, alias our Colombian friend Mito + his sidekick Suarez, with their team ‘We Will Bite You’ and a respectable haul of 339pts, NZ Alex + Peaky Dave fought tooth and nail to reach 1st place but just failed finishing 2nd by 1pt on a total of 338. 3rd spot went to an unknown entity, Mr + Mrs Facepalm, with their team ‘No Hope Bob Hope’ who since the start of the season have been slowly picking up momentum to achieve 335pts. Last seasons champions Aditupem have dropped from 1st to 4th place with 330pts. In 5th spec are the up + coming FF247 article writers Calvin + Chins, they appear to have dropped off the pace a bit on 319pts with their team ‘Belly + Clyne’ but will probably blame it on their time writing superb articles rather than amassing points.
Well folks that’s it for September, so congratulations to everyone mentioned. Don’t forget there are only 3 gameweeks in October as we have another international break. Good luck to all for the next month, especially young Tom Farmer, keep the flag flying for FF247 with that high overall ranking.
Evening All
Blue_moon here once again, all the way from beautiful Sydney. Been over 6 months since I was last on here (I think someone referred to it as “NIN leave”). Life and work have a funny way of taking you away from the things you love, top of the list being FF of course and this great forum!
I see some of the regulars are in outstanding form this season. Well done Raz, for example!
As for me, languishing in 100K due to my useless differentials (first Bony in the first 3 GWs, now Balotelli).
Anyhow, it’d be great to have an RMT again. Here’s how I stand at the end of GW7:
Baines Bertrand Duff Moore Wasilewski
Di Maria Siggy Sterling Fabregas Mikel
Balotelli Pelle Costa
1 FT; 0.5m in Bank.
Obvious target for execution is Balotelli, despite favourable fixtures. Thinking of Aguero but don’t want to downgrade Baines. Perhaps Sterling could be culled but am mindful of Sturridge’s imminent return. Alternative is a mid-priced striker and upgrade defence for some City coverage (Mangala?).
Great to be back fellas!
yes. Another aussie
Now here’s a blast from the past! Welcome back Blue Moon, hope all ok pal.
How about Welbeck mate?
Evening Cookie – great to see you again mate. Wellbeck definitely in my plans, which leaves me plenty to splurge on defence.
Tom – keep flying that Aussie flag mate!
will do mate. Aussie through and through. Living in Adelaide at the moment. It’s a pain in the neck with the time difference though. It’s 9:30pm here so it’s going late but love this site.
Welcome back Blue, hope life is treating you well.
Welbeck for me too. I think he will deliver in the coming weeks given the fixtures. Mangala would be a good shout at the other end. NIN will be proud.
Ballo i think is the right target to look at first Blue, with Sturridge back on the horizon he’s game time will be even less and Rodgers really rates Studge.
Good replacements are Wellbeck, Pelle and Sakho at West Ham is on a good run.
Welcome back
Sorry, i just noticed you already have Pelle.
Welcome back blue, good to see you on the forum again matey. Yeah Balotelli has to go now so Welbeck or Aguero would be preferable i think. Which one will depend on how tied you are to Sterling. Personally, i would get Aguero.
Come join me on the Mangala train if you wish, good sir. I’m the only bozo on it just now and could use the company
Cheers Gents. Great to be back. Thanks for the advice. Mangala bandwagon it is!!!
2 FT – 0.0 in bank
Lloris – Heaton
Moreno – Pieters – Clyne – Taylor – Moore
Di Maria – Fabregas – Sterling – Sigurdsson – Jones
Aguero – Costa – Ulloa
Hi Mighty, do you have a question or are you just showing off? 😉
Init – What to do with my transfers 😉
I know I’m only messing, Welbeck or Pelle for Ulloa jumps out. Not sure how much you’d need though to get there?
Well Pieters is essential to get out!
So can you raise enough from that to fund the move up top?
I’d have to raise 1.5 for Welbeck & 2.1 for Pelle :/
Ditch Moreno then?
For Who?
RMT for next GW. My idea is to switch between Sturridge and Aguero… And.. Pelle and Welbeck in coming weeks. Is the hit worth taking? I had to drop Balotelli and downgrade 2 of my defenders.
ab, who’ve you had to lose to arrive at this?
Moreno to Hutton. Shawcross to Moore. Balotelli to Aguero.
Seem sensible moves those. The alternative is to downgrade a mid but long term that could be detrimental in which case the -4 will look like nothing. The alternative would be Sterling to Tadic. That would give you the Southampton cover as well?
Thanks. I had Tadic for a while , but fails to impress me. I d rather go for Chadli or Downing. But at the moment, just want a safe midfield lineup. I know my def looks like shit! But I almost never seem to predict a CS correctly.So a little bit of gamble in the backline.
I know it’s a bit early still, but who would you guys play out of Taylor, Wilson and Moore? Looking for a CS.
Moore.. My bet
Ruben Taylor for me Stk dont travel well
Swansea are travelling to Stoke. But I think I’d pick Swansea over Stoke anyways. You think Leicester will concede against Newcastle?
Taylor for me. It wouldn’t be all that surprising if all three failed to get a CS though to be fair.
Yeah true. I’m going for Taylor as he at least has the greatest chance of a CS.
Afternoon all Im busy today but was thinking of putting Wilson in but had another look & like the look of Robertson I know he has tough games coming up but who would you have ???
I would definitely go with Wilson. Robertson has a terrible history and scary fixtures ahead. It could end very badly for his points.
Wilson for me, Silverback. If my memory serves me well then Hull have it tough until around gwk 20 or so. That’s a long way away so i’s steer clear of their defenders for a while yet.
Hey all – could I get some feedback on a few possible moves? Not going to beat my head against a wall for the next 2 weeks but hoping to get some thoughts and put it to bed early!
1- Right now 1 FT, and 1.4 itb
2- Thinking Fab > DiMaria this week.
3- Barton > Matic (cheeky punt?) following week
4- Then DDG > Mannone and look at Terry > Baines? Also would look at Downing > Chadli.
Right now:
DDG, Krul
Terry, Clyne, Wilson, Duff, Chester
Fab, Sterling, Siggy, Downing, Barton
Costa, Aguero, Ulloa
Colriles, personally I would sell Sterling for ADM rather than Fabregas mate.
+1 i would rather have ADM and Cesc on current form
Cheers Cooks and Pho – I agree on both points but Sterling > ADM would leave me no cash to fund my other upgrades and would have to do it right now to beat price changes. I also have 3 CHE now and only Sterling for Pool cover. Still good idea?
Colriles, completely your call Colriles – personal preference time mate! For me Fab over Sterling, but I understand your desire to spread the coverage.
Ha! Soon as I start making my own decisions… that’s when it all falls apart! Cheers.