Fantasy Football 247 League Updates September
Hello everyone and welcome to the September round up of the FF247 leagues. So how did everyone do this month? Injuries were more common than a scouser in a car park and managers were dreading to be the first one to get the bullet, so lets see who managed to steer their teams through the mine field that is fantasy football and top our compliment of leagues. Any successful managers will be added to our Hall of Fame which is coming soon.
FF247 League
Top spot in this league has stayed with Tom Farmer, who was also top in August with his team ‘Blame It On Debuchy’. Tom had amassed 394 points up to the end of September and was sitting pretty in 6th overall in the world, keep up the good work Tom. (The pic above includes this weeks scores that include week 1 from October). 2nd spot goes to Gerrie Pistorius, with his team ‘Pick_And_Hope’ on 387pts, and that points haul took him to 27th in the world. A further 6pts back in 3rd with 381 is team ‘Societa Esportive77’ and owner Boblewo-Garutti Brasil, who has also stuck around in the top 5 for 2 months. 4th place goes to Jaye Williams with his team ‘FC Yayunomi’ on 379 pts. In 5th, a further 5pts back with 374,was Hammad Mudassar and his team ‘Fantastic 11’.
FF247 Manager Of The Month
Top spot for September goes to A Khan with his team ‘Disneyland’, he managed to achieve 190pts from only 3 gameweeks, this score had also propelled him to 44th in the FF247 league. Ivan Bosnjak with his team ‘Leafs FC’ pushed for top spot all the way but finished just 1pt behind to take 2nd place with 189pts. Konrad Wojtowicz and Richard Prowse came in with 187pts to tie for 3rd spec with their respective teams ‘Gooners FC’ and ‘Tinkerman United’. 5th place went to Richard Jagers team ‘Wolf Pack’ with 185pts.
FF247 Doubles League
The overall positions in this league are changing every gameweek and top spot at the end of September goes to Timmy + Cartman, alias our Colombian friend Mito + his sidekick Suarez, with their team ‘We Will Bite You’ and a respectable haul of 339pts, NZ Alex + Peaky Dave fought tooth and nail to reach 1st place but just failed finishing 2nd by 1pt on a total of 338. 3rd spot went to an unknown entity, Mr + Mrs Facepalm, with their team ‘No Hope Bob Hope’ who since the start of the season have been slowly picking up momentum to achieve 335pts. Last seasons champions Aditupem have dropped from 1st to 4th place with 330pts. In 5th spec are the up + coming FF247 article writers Calvin + Chins, they appear to have dropped off the pace a bit on 319pts with their team ‘Belly + Clyne’ but will probably blame it on their time writing superb articles rather than amassing points.
Well folks that’s it for September, so congratulations to everyone mentioned. Don’t forget there are only 3 gameweeks in October as we have another international break. Good luck to all for the next month, especially young Tom Farmer, keep the flag flying for FF247 with that high overall ranking.
Evening all!!
This international break is killing me!!!
Been thinking about what to do with my team over the coming weeks
Would you downgrade tadic to Downing for a hit? I have already done ulloa for welbeck, it would free up 2.3m to sort out my defence
This is my team at the moment
Downing for a hit must never happen
In all seriousness, i wouldn’t do that move at all let alone for a hit.
Lol!! It did seem strange when I was writing my post!! I’m looking for a decent cheap midfielder. Don’t really want to be benching one of my expensive players every week!!
Any recommendations?
diame or moses??
Diame is a great shout!!
Diame does look like he will get a goal here and there and always play.
Jedinak as well at Palace – penalty taker.
nice green arrows there nitro
see you sneaked those in 😉
that definitely seems a sensible move, but wouldn’t take a hit for it in my opinion!
Ha ha!! Didn’t even notice when I did the screenshot!!!
really want to improve my defence especially with some of the Great fixtures coming up!! It will just mean I will have to wait a few more weeks if I don’t do the hit now!!
for me… i have 2 decent ‘premium defenders’ rotating with 3 cheapies..
imo, if you wanna spend money go baines/ivan.. but if you wanna go lower then azpi looks a good choice (6.0) as chelsea are usually pretty solid. southampton have most cs so obviously hold onto clyne!!
Mitro – I don’t think the hit is worth it. I’d be tempted to just leave it this week and take a hit next time round for Tadic&Duff -> Boyd&Baines. You like?
Not a big fan of Baines!!! I can’t justify having that amount of money in my defence!! Willing to spend 6.0m max!!
Right, i think we’ve had this conversation before!
That’s Everton out the window anyway. Azpi? Mangala?
Either way, i think you’re better off going with a cheaper 5th mid than Downing mate. Your front 7 is gift so i wouldn’t really mind getting a big defender like Baines or Ivanovic as you don’t really have anywhere else to put the extra £ that i can see.
Unless you upgrade Sigurdsson but i don’t think that’s the way to go at all. Welbeck has great fixtures. I really do think Baines is the way to go mate but if it’s not to be then yeah, Azpi or Mangala.
Tim Howard could be a good option too. He’s worth a thought anyway
I’m going to go with azpillicueta!! Chelsea have some great fixtures coming up!! Thinking of Forster or fabanski for my keeper, what you reckon??
I would prefer Forster. Southampton’s next five are really juicy 😉
yup forster all the way!!
baines baines baines eh nin? 😉 :big-lol:
There’s nothing wrong with losing a 7.5m bench player for the best defender in the game 😉
in your opinion 😉
ivan seems to have most points
I said it in gwk 3 and i’ll say it again now. After gwk10 is finished, Baines will be the #1 defender 😉
If Fiso, FPLStatistics and TotalFPL all have Pieters and Baines at around -15% and 20% respectively, would you say it is almost certain that they won’t change in price tonight? Really don’t want to pull the trigger early but don’t want to lose team value either.
The price change websites seem to have got closer to the algorithm..
AT – It’s hard to say. Personally, i don’t trust the %’s on any of those sites. I’ve begun keeping an eye on NTI’s for my squad members/targets daily but that’s about it. I’m hearing that fplstatistics is the closest to being legit but again, i don’t 100% it.
NIN – with them all in agreement and very close to 0, I reckon they’ll stay out tonight, no?
AT – Check out these lads seem to have the price changes cracked.
Here is my thinking.
Baines and Wisdom in
Moreno and Taylor out
have 2 FT’s
Looks good to go, unsure on wisdom though… maybe moore?
Have Schemichel as my second keeper Hazard.
have you got an extra 0.1 to get duff? think i am right in saying wisdom didn’t play GW7? maybe check that, but if not I would go ahead :thumbup:
I think the two coming in would probably outscore the two you are losing so if you are happy the rest of your team is OK, then those moves seem good
Wisdom only sat out the last game as per the terms of his loan from Liverpool.
Wisdom couldn’t play vs Liverpool (loan). I think Burnley’s number might be up – clean sheets will diminish. Given you’ve got Kasper I think Wisdom’s the obvious choice. Especially as with Clyne/Kompany/Baines you won’t be playing them that often! Lot of money in defence though…be wary if you get caught out with an injury to one of your cheaper strikers – you’ll need a hit to replace them probably!
hi Hazard – he didnt play as he was playing against his parent club so wasn’t eligible. I can afford Duff, just suspect based on the last game that Burnly wont be as tight at the back.
TGP – thanks
yeah should of know that my bad dreamers :cuckoo: :cuss:
Partisan – I agree. Huge money tied up in defence then. Everton need to smarten up at the back. Possibly somewhat in part due to the attacking full backs – but if they do get their act together, and need to, then Baines could be gold. Welbeck and Pelle both have good fixtures so giving them a chance.
Anyone seen a team with the ‘standard top 7’:
Nope Hazard, I tried hard and I know GP did too. I had to sell Sterling to get him, which is fine. Two matches vs Real Madrid, Brenda already talking of resting him again, 2 internationals looming. Not saying he won’t score or assist but I’m really pleased to have Baines – squad feels nicely balanced.
iv kept sterling and gone for baines with a silva/naismith combo… bring on the aguero injury!!
@ Hazard.
Yep Peaky Dave has Baines and the template 7 up top with Welbeck.
Here’s Peaky’s team
haha cheers horse my plan for world domination has just been blown apart! lol
Please note that my other 4 defenders are just about the cheapest playing defenders money can buy!
Hi Peaky.
Just showing off for you.
Mind knowing who to have in your team and actually getting them in are two different things altogether imo.
haha copying now 😉
looks good, not sure if i could make myself have 4 cheapies at the back. also, for the long term, would azpi and clyne or baines and 4.0 score more points?
aguero is still worrying me aswell :cuss:
Horse , I know exactly what u mean but tbh I hate keeping my wc its like a dead weight in my eyes! 😉
Hazardeden , don’t worry about Aguero for me hes fit until he gets injured! and azpi and clyne are 11.5 million,baines and 4.0 is 11.0 million! 😉
Well I still have both of my WCs weighing me down
Just biding my time
yeah sorry peaky, clyne was 5 when I bought him!!
As Cookie says I spent a morning and half an afternoon trying. Unless you have great team value, then it is very hard.
I’m in the same boat as Peaky – i have the standard 7 up front & Baines in the back thanks to aggressively chasing value early on. I took a number of hits to get here, but I think it was worth it.
My team:
Forster – Elliott
Baines – Taylor (Swa) – Van Aanholt – Hutton – Wisdom
Siggy – Sterling – Fab – ADM – King
Aguero – Costa – Welbeck
Do I bring Baines in now or wait till after the Internationals? Can’t see him injuring himself in such slow paced, tame games…
These are the games (against the minnows and lesser sides) where England players get kicked about. If you can afford to wait, I would.
GP – can afford but Pieters and Baines losing/gaining value will make my team value plummet!
The risk is yours mate. Fingers crossed for you.
GP – where’s the fun in fantasy without risks? 😉
No point doing it tonight anyway as their prices look very stable on all three price change websites…I know they aren’t 100% accurate but they are far from +/- 100%.
AT – In case you missed my previous post check out for price changes.
Cheers Kop!
Kop – interesting site that
Indeed it is, interesting to see if the maths works!
yeah! is it legit?
Haz it’s perfectly legit, we will be running an article on them soon and likewise we will be doing one on theirs. There is a link at the bottom of the page to it and we wouldn’t do that unless we knew that they were.
@horse/about Pesky’s team. A tough call. The tradeoff, in the big 7 plus Baines, is a second premium defender-Ivanovic, or perhaps Kompany. I just don’t know. Sometimes defenders are as good a bet as strikers.
And Fab seems stitched to Costa’s briefs right now, but Hazard will possibly outscore him. In either case, I always get nervous with 3 from the same team CFC is on a roll, but what happens if…