Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 17
Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 17 article. Parachutes at the ready people, we are in free fall! Well ok, it’s not that bad to be fair but we did suffer our second consecutive slump in the rankings landing at 70,792nd with a total score last week of a poorly 43, 5 below the average. So what went wrong and which players do we need to take aside and have a word with and which ones do we need to take outside and dispose of?! Captain Kane against struggling Hull was a no brainer. With two braces in his previous two home games he would surely get at least that and more in this one. He brought home a captains duck of 4, and so set the tone for the rest of our numpties… Our top scorer was Walker with 11, followed by Sanchez with 7 and Pieters with 6. The rest all managed 3 or less. We shall put it down as just one of those weeks and move swiftly on. Everybody back inside. No Firmino, not you…
Transfer – Sold Roberto Firmino and Bought Christian Eriksen
Having already picked our ‘victim’ you would think it would be a simple process to land at the logical conclusion for a replacement this week now wouldn’t you… Think again! A debate which began on Wednesday still raged on Friday evening. Raged may be putting it politely. As a committee we do generally agree on most things and certainly it has been a settled voting process this season with most things agreed without incident. And then this week happened. If we could screen shot the entire conversation we would as it would be comedy gold. We can’t, there isn’t a web page big enough to accommodate it all, but as a snapshot this was the process we went through in terms of actual suggestions, the debate itself we can’t really convey as it was so long and arduous –
Sell Firmino & Iheanacho, buy Eriksen & Carroll
This got 2 votes but was largely dismissed by the others. For now anyway…
Sell Firmino, buy Eriksen
This was popular but was ultimately not as popular as…
Sell Firmino, buy Lallana
This one was a winner! Job done. Or so we thought…
Sell Firmino, buy Eriksen
A late bid was submitted to re-examine both the evidence and the voting process. There’s only 5 votes FFS! No wonder the Americans struggle to keep tabs on stuff. It was re-examined and despite no ludicrous claims of Russian intervention it was found to be flawed and Eriksen was back in charge. Or was he…
Sell Firmino & Iheanacho, buy Eriksen & Carroll
Full circle and Carroll popped his ugly head up again! We had to consider this as a new suggestion really as it was days later and with more team information than when it was originally mooted. And to our surprise it got a majority vote initially. Full steam ahead then you’d think… Think again! Votes may be votes but when one member passionately disagrees we listen. And listen we did. So much so we nearly dozed off. But ultimately he had a point and with new evidence to the contrary submitted we did a re-vote and decided that Carroll for a hit was perhaps a stretch too far given that we din’t even know for sure if he would start this week. Not that we were much the wiser with Iheanacho, with a much tougher fixture on his hands.
Keep Firmino, sell Iheancho, buy Carroll
Seriously! Not that it wasn’t a serious suggestion or indeed a potentially viable one but having somehow and improbably overturned the previous ‘hit for Carroll’ vote this committee member then decided to announce a 6th option! We’d gone too far though, Firmino was already blindfolded and tied to a post.
And we were tired. 3 days of debating. To end up at probably the most logical decision of the season. It’s good to talk though, eh…
Our Captain is… Diego Costa Harry Kane
Yep, another long one! It started as Diego, went to Kane, back to Costa and ended up with Harry. Costa won the popular vote, Kane won the underhanded one. It’s a debate many will be having with themselves this week and trust us we had it too. Many, many, many times. Both have their merits – Kane had scored two in both of his two games at home prior to Hull, Costa has delivered points more consistently. We landed on Kane eventually but it was a long process and we could well have gone for Costa. If only we had a picture of a fence…
If anyone is interested in following the site teams progress then you can do so here and we wish you all the best of luck this week with your own teams.
What’s your thinking of putting fletcher first choice on your bench over holebas as it’s likely iheanacho won’t start?
No mate
Firstly I would like to start Holebas in the team
But it’s your call
But I would at least place him ahead of Holebas on the bench
I think he was asking why the site team did it 😉
Fight Club is live by the way!
I have given the armband to the wrong player 3 games in a row. My captain-crisis team is having a riot soon, someone please save my sorry managerial career.
Costa? Kane? Hazard? Erik? Origi?
Interesting to see Nyom placedin the Playing 11 while Voting on the bench.
Makes me think of starting Mc Auley ahead of Friend
Hmmmm 😉
A pretty safe cappo

Great team guys
Correction ****
Interesting to see Nyom placed in the Playing 11 while Cholevas being on the bench.
My question is for those who decides ff247 site team and specially for those who were in favour of bringing in Caroll.I m considering giving armband to Caroll.How good of a option he is in respect to Eriksen and kane.. After a long discussion with myself…. I decided to sell firmino ,Iheanacho ,cedric… Bought Lallana , Caroll and walker..took an extra hit of Cedric..because can not take much minus from next cup starts
ASXE, don’t want to worry you but apparently this weeks scores will determine which teams are in the Cup. You need to be in the 2097152 top teams. Hope your hits pay off.
@leprechaun I m well aware of the cup qualification rule … But i think the rank is considered what it shows for current gameweek..not what the rank will be after the transfer deduction of point….it’s based on total point scored in gw17 without the minus we take for transfers.
ASXE, just to let you know that Carroll wasn’t considered as a captain even in the brief time that he was almost in the team!
I went with Eriksen again this week…hope he maintains his run..afterall it’s a home game
Do you guys agree with my starting 11? Or would u make changes?
So u think the Merseyside Derby will be 2-3 ? If so if team is cool , if not Phillips ova Baines
Looks good I would put Costa captain though