Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 18
Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 18 article. Another week and another tumble down the overall. After scoring 37 points we should have not expected anything good to come from it. That score put us in the 3.5 million range for the gameweek and dropped us 37k in the overall. This now leaves us in 117k and adds to our recent struggles. That is three red arrows on the bounce and just think, it could have been worse. During the transfer decision last week we had a fight over buying Andy in for a hit. Thankfully we didn’t, otherwise this could have really been embarrassing to narrate. It is not common that you find great success when your keeper is your highest scorer and we were not the exception. Pickford came to play, Walker got involved and got a nice six points, but other than them there isn’t much to write glowingly about. Sanchez got an assist and settled on 5, Costa got a goal but got himself suspended so that wasn’t ideal. We had one guy score zero, two score one and three score two. Not very impressive and we fully admit that. But as you know a captain can save or sink a gameweek. Quick someone throw us a life preserver!! Another one of the battles we had last GW was over the captaincy. Members of the committee made passionate cases for Kane and slowly but surely
swayed demanded the vote in his favour. Costa had won the original vote in slightly controversial fashion, but he had won. However the decision didn’t sit well with some members and before posting our article one member gathered enough signatures for a revote. This time we chose Kane and sealed our fate. Trust has been broken, not sure if time can heal the wounds on the site committee. It will be a long time…sorry, I was just notified there was only a four point difference between the two captain choices. Hmmm, maybe we just move on to the team for this week then.
Transfer – Sold Harry Kane and Bought Zlatan Ibrahimovic
The transfer decision was not the all out brawl it was last week. There was an early push for Costa to go out to make room for Zlatan, but once we realised that it would require a hit to do so, Kane was eagerly brought up as the person to sell. Two point Harry was the exact amount we needed when coupled with our funds in the bank to get Zlatan for no hit. So this transfer was quickly ratified. However there was a second person brought up as a possible hit to fix our Itchy problem. Take a guess…it was Andy. That committee member will be missed. He was right though about us having problems in our squad, ones that we will hopefully address very soon if they don’t miraculously work themselves out this GW. In part keeping Costa saves us down the line. We would have wanted our Diego quickly back in the fold if we sold him, so we decided to just bench him for a week. So welcome to the team Zlatan, we are expecting big things from you old boy.
Our Captain is… anybody but Harry Kane!
It is Zlatan Ibrahimovic this week for us. Not only does he carry the pressure of his debut for us, but now we have added to that with the captaincy. Hopefully he doesn’t crumble like his predecessor under the weight of expectations. The Swede is in great form, scoring in five of his last six games and grabbing three double digit hauls. If that wasn’t enough to convince someone of his qualifications then there is the matter of his fixture. United hosts 18th place Sunderland. The Black Kitties have showed some combativeness in the last two weeks, but they are still a team who is more likely to paw at you than scratch. They still sit in a relegation spot and as recently as GW16 lost to Swansea 3-0. So based on form and their fixture we went Zlatan.
If anyone is interested in following the site teams progress then you can do so here and we wish you all the best of luck this week with your own teams.
Its been a rough few weeks for the site team – and they have showed no mercy or seasonal goodwill to a certain underperforming striker this week!
How much do you guys have left ITB, I can’t afford him unfortunately
nothing left in the bank Dean
Hey Cookie,
Kane has been a let down so it’s all fair. Of course he will probably score lots of goals in the next few weeks just to annoy all the FFL players..
Leprechaun, Happy Christmas!
You’re probably right, but nearly scoring one vs Hull then blanking again vs Burnley was too much for many of us!
Does anyone think iheanacho will start?
hope so, but not confident!!
Ibra was a must but i think your team needed a hit this week
Needs a hit?? Needs blowing up more like!!
That’s a bit harsh Cookie! We’ve had a poor couple of weeks but then again so have most who have actually been active!
Mahelmy what hit would you have taken and why? There’s still time to convince us.
Just trying to make myself feel better
Thanks for your reply
The team need enhancement
Inacho is doubt
Fletcher will get 1 or 2 points max
Pedro not good option since u get him
Amat useless
I thought that you could afford kane one more week and get ibra for costa with another change in midfield
I think u need Liverpool cover like lallana for ericsson if u need to get rid of spurs
Good points Mahelmy. Probably not going to do any of those now though. Hoping Pedro and Itchy play basically. But then most of us are just ‘hoping’ on a lot of starters this week. Makes sense to keep the pair if they do, looks daft if they don’t, looks even worse if they leave for hits and do! Damned if you do and damned if you don’t and all that.
Good luck Site Team!
Sensible move I think, hope you can kickstart yourselves with a monster show from your captain!