Fantasy Football FF247 Team Gameweek 22
Wow. It’s tough at the top! Despite registering a respectable 69 (-4) and outscoring the average by 13 points we still managed to slip back 332 places overall to find ourselves in 1,976th. We blame Hazard. And Sanchez. Although we owned both. More on those two scampsters later. We very nearly wildcarded last week and it was a close call but instead chose to wait and took a small gamble on a hit to get Kane and Hazard. Kane delivered for us but it was Hazard that hurt most which is quite ironic as the reason we took the hit was in fear of Hazard hurting us massively if we didn’t have him and he went off on one. As he can do. So despite having some decent scorers in our midst this week it does go to show what a difference nailing your captain can do. We went for Hazard as he’s been on fire and he was at home with a decent fixture but he managed to pull in just the 3 points, doubled up to 6. Here’s how the rest fared and what we have decided to do ahead of GW22 to try and haul ourselves back up that leaderboard…
Our defence really hurt us this week, pulling in just 9 points between the sorry lot of them, while our current kryptonite nemesis Mr Baines sat on our bench with a smug little assist waving at us, just out of reach. Prior to Christmas doubling up on City in defence looked a good idea but it’s certainly something we will be addressing with our WC. Hutton and Taylor were more ‘ones we sort of had to do with’ this week and in all honesty we feared the worst. And got it.
7 of our front 8 actually delivered attacking returns this week. As luck would have it the only one who didn’t – we captained! Sanchez delivered massively of course and we just had to count our chicken’s that we had him and Downing and Silva proved their consistency with an assist and 2 bonus each. Up top we were delighted that new signing Kane grabbed a goal as did both of the old guard Costa and Austin.
So all in all hardly a disaster and the good news is that despite slipping a few ranking places overall we remain No1 in our adopted ‘home country’ of Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba!
Transfer for GW22
Our team itself wasn’t in bad shape this week and so we felt once again that we could hold the wildcard with a view to playing it in the two week break ahead of GW23. In light of this we decided to make just the one alteration this week and having lost Toby Alderweireld to injury and Alan Hutton being the only alternative up against Liverpool we fancied West Ham to keep a clean sheet against a striker-less Hull. We wouldn’t ordinarily bring in a West Ham defender at this point as their fixtures after this week are pretty challenging but given as we will likely wildcard anyway this felt like a nice one-off.
So to confirm our transfers we have –
Sold Toby Alderweiereld and Bought James Tomkins
Our team in full…
Our captain this week is Harry Kane
Our vice-captain is Eden Hazard
The team in text format is –
Zabaleta Tomkins Baines
Sanchez Silva Hazard(v) Downing
Austin Costa Kane (c)
Bench: Krul. Boyd Hutton Taylor
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football FF247 Team Gameweek 22.
And don’t forget to vote in our Captains Poll for GW22
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hi all
this is my wc team that is complete in my eyes. do you see any problems i need to deal with.
also who should be my captain and what would my formation
thanks stewy in advance
here is my team
My worry would be Austin Stewy. Also Burnly not been too secure of late
Looks fine to me, Stewy. Or maybe upgrade Cameron?
Grand team lads. Well done and good luck!
Anyone thinking of bringing in Defoe when he signs?
Oi Dreamers. Few months back you told me by the end of the season you would be ranked higher than me. >.< Better hurry and hope for a miracle. 😉
Or did I just mix you up with James……………………………. if so I’m such an asshole.
Ha I think I did.
Just lulling you into a false sense of security
or to put it another way.
I think Id need 2 thinks to happen – you to have a shit time and me to fire up the leagues to the same extent that I dropped
Only way that’s possible if I sell Hazard/Sanchez/Costa/Kun/Kane for the likes of Lamela/Davis/Fernandinho/Rivière/Soldado.
On that note. I noticed Torres scored 2 goals for Real Madrid tonight. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. How funny?
Hi guys,
Any feedback on team?
1 FT , 4.7 ITB
Godo team, should do well. Jan WC already played? Is Giroud to Kun possible by the way? That’s the move to make right?
hi Raz – ya that move is the plan as it stands. Played wc last week.
what you think of captain choice?
Think that’s the one you’ve got to do Dreamers. As for capo, I fancy Costa may do well this week.
thanks guys
Evening one + all, i’m happy with my front 7 for this week, wc next week, heres my defence :-
Baines, Duff, Chambers, Naylor, Dummett.
I have 1ft + 2.8 mill itb, i’ll play Baines, so out of the other 4, which one would you play + which one would you transfer out + who would you bring in to be the 3rd defender ? Obviously cash isn’t a problem. Cheers.
How about Cresswell for Dummett?
Thats 1.
Dreams, who would you play out of Chambers, Naylor + Duff ?
ellef – probably Duff
I keep striving to get me a perfect team. The more I think about the more clear it becomes that team won’t help me climb the ranking. Around 2k-ish now. Hmmm. Go with the safe option or take a risk? And what’s the point of the risk if you can have Terry/Bertrand/DiMaria/Hazard/Sanchez/Chadli/Kun/Kane/Costa in 1 team. They’ll outscore most punts anyway.
Raz, from experience, you need the odd differential to make a climb at that rank. Whether that’s the odd player or just switching the captain from the norm. Last week and Sanchez was a prime example. Think it was 3% in the top 1000 who capped him and 80%+ were on Hazard. It’s risky but that’s what you’ve got to do.
Indeed, cap choice is the most important factor. Players like Hazard/Sanchez/Kun are a must have in your team regardless. Happy on 3 percent choose Sanchez, just wish I was amongst those.
He was actually my vice. *cries*
Still, haven’t watched the Chelsea game but I heard Hazard was quite unlucky?
I believe so Raz but in all honesty I fast forwarded the highlights to the goals this week due to time but even if he’d gone on and scored 2 or whatever it wouldn’t have made much difference to you as everyone else had him. Which is your point and mine I guess!
Init, thanks for all the emails. I’ll get back to you after I’ve given it a try.
Raz, my advice is different from Init’s: I’d say play it ultra-safe at this time in the season and with the quality squad you’ve got. Focus on fine-tuning your squad to take advantage of likely DGWs: which team is in which cup, when will a postponed match be played, etc. Only about 20 points separate 1k from 2k – so with sensible management and almost the same team as people around you, you could (on average) expect your slightly stronger squad to make up that ground in a few weeks. Or in one go if you’re lucky, or maybe by the end of the season even if you’re unlucky but play for the percentages.
What you shouldn’t do at this time is attempt a “Hail Mary pass” that could wreck your squad. GW38 is the right time to do that: sign Peter Crouch, play 5-2-3, hope all your cheap defenders score and captain your goalie on the off-chance he saves a penalty
Like all big risks it probably won’t come off, but if it does you’ll be laughing. What you shouldn’t do is try to pull that sort of stunt every week.
You’re right gkw, I certainly wasn’t advocating wholesales risks! DGW’s could be the key for Raz here. If he can get through those with some degree of success and be up there then he can take the odd risk I think. GW38 may be a bit late though. Come on live a little. GW37? 😉
the thing is Raz – will that team drop in rankings as most have them. Its getting the form player earlier than your competitors can or getting the captaincy wrong
True, I got 3 bad cap choice in a row myself. Still ranked within the top 3k, which is quite amazing.