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Fantasy Football Live Match Chat

Live Match Chat Game-week 38

Live Match Chat Game-week 38 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 33Welcome to the final Live Match Chat of the season. Well there isn’t a whole lot left to play for in the league itself, unless Man City have a massive catastrophe and that’s not likely to happen is it. Is It? Surely not… There will doubtless be an awful lot left to play for in fantasy terms though as many managers look to seal victory in their mini-leagues or indeed salvage an unlikely win from an impossible situation. Whatever your scenario this week be sure to keep us updated on the drama as it unfolds. Today is unique in the PL calendar as all the games are played at 3pm for the only time in the season so expect break-neck updates and dreams both realised and shattered in seconds. This could be a stressful one!

FF247 would like to thank every single fantasy manager who has contributed to this thread throughout the season. We have thoroughly enjoyed your posts on your joys, your frustrations, your elation and your dismay. If you watched it unfold from afar then we thank you too and would encourage you to get involved. We won’t bite, we promise. Well some may, but hey that’s part of the fun….

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points and the mini-league dramas right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.


Good luck for GW38 from all at FF247!

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  1. 121
    Josh721 says:

    Hey guys, how was everyone’s day? Finished on a cool 66 (-4) which sealed my top place in 2 mini leagues and a rank of about 36,000. I improved on last season so I’ll take it! smile

    • 121.1
      SAFs_hairdryer says:

      Congrats on the ML top place Josh.

      I had a mixed bag. Finished a shade outside the top 5k but still not enough to top my ML. Gotta feel for Luke Weston who topped the table all year and crashed to 8th on the last day

      • SAFs_hairdryer says:

        Also just need to say thanks to all the guys for their work in putting together the site this year. Top work

      • Josh721 says:

        That’s still a great ranking! Yeah that’s gotta suck for that guy. So close to winning it all, but just missing out.

    • 121.2
      inittowinit says:

      Hi Josh, got 53 (-4). Puncheon finally let me down the little scamp. Still love ya Jason don’t worry 😉

      Finished up 6k odd which all things considered I’ll take. Was hoping for top 5k and I was well in there a few weeks back but I chased the final DGW too much and went the other way. Still, live and learn. Won my main ‘mates’ ML and the 2 others that I care about so happy enough. Congrats on winning your 2.

      • Josh721 says:

        Haha I wouldn’t expect Puncheon to keep up that for he was in haha. That’s a great ranking you have there. My goal was 10k but all of those injuries ruined me the past month or so. Oh well, looking forward to the World Cup and watching USA win their group 😉

  2. 122
    Jeet Top 4 says:

    98 DAYS TO GO until the 2014/15 BPL Season Begins………

  3. 123
    serendipity says:

    Thank you to all the article writers & everyone who posts with their views and advice on FF247. I have had a really amazing first season in FPL which would not have happened without you all smile . Looking forward to the fantasy World Cup & next season (in 98 days time, thanks Jeet).

    • 123.1
      inittowinit says:

      seren, I know I’ve said it on twitter but I’ll say it on here now – brilliant season, well done, you must be very proud. 402nd is superb. Be very proud.

  4. 124
    theswirly says:

    Managed to finish the season at 14,613 – my highest position ever – following a 63-point hit haul today (-8 from transfers). Have managed to win every league I’m in, one of which has won me £50!

    A few other stats. Team value finished up at £112m (did get as high as £113.1m before all the injuries recently), did get as high as 7,775 in overall ranking and I went over the 100-point mark twice (I’d never managed to do it once in the seasons before this).

    Couldn’t have done it without this site and everyone on here. Absolute legends.

    • 124.1
      inittowinit says:

      Great stuff swirly, well done. Highest ever is always great news. Winning your ML’s is the main thing I always feel so to have won them all is brilliant. Your TV is terrific as well. Think mine was about £108m so maybe that’s something I need to learn and work on next season too for sure.

      • theswirly says:

        Cheers, Init! How did you get on, matey?

        I’ve been lucky with quite a few transfers, to be honest in so much as getting them the evening before their value went up (which would have put them out my price range), however that usually meant doing my transfers the Saturday or Sunday night. As a result, anything could have happened to them in between. The two times I remember that catching me out was Aguero when he got crocked in the CL and Rooney just before GW37.

        Dead chuffed with my overall result, though. Wouldn’t have expected to get anything like it back at the start of the season.

        • inittowinit says:

          swirly it’s a risky business that and as you say it will bite you occasionally. My policy is to ignore all price changes and act on a Friday night 99% of the time but that explains my low TV I guess and that came home to roost when the Jan WC came around as I was seeing teams with that extra 3/4mil who could fit in a Rooney when I could only fit in a Lukaku or whatever, Something to consider for sure.

          Posted to Josh above about my finish etc so won’t repeat but it was 6k.

        • theswirly says:

          Yeah, I think I need to worry less about values going up and down next season, ironically. 6k is fantastic, though – further proof that the overall points, rather than TV, are more important.

          Looking through the most recent pages of posts, it seems most people are happy with how their teams have ended up anyway, which’s great to see.

        • inittowinit says:

          swirly you are right most people seem to have achieved better than they expected and it’s a really high standard on here which is fantastic but everyone helping each other all the time contributes to that and it is great to see and really the main point of the site to be honest.

        • theswirly says:

          This site has more than succeeded in that respect in my opinion. There is no way my team would have done half as well were it not for the advice on here.

    • 124.2
      Drexl says:

      well played TS – top 15k takes you into the second ‘echelon’ of serious players imo
      Top 5k to me is the dividing line between us and them
      Nest season eh…

      • theswirly says:

        Cheers, matey! Previous best before that was 98k or thereabouts back in 2009. Yeah, would definitely like to finish in top 10k or 5k next season – that would be awesome!

  5. 125
    Quallathon says:

    Finished at rank 762 overall, really happy.

    Thanks to all the site writers and to everyone who has helped me out on FF247

    Looking forward beating some people in the BB qualification league C next season and of course the world cup fantasy and the Potty competition. Gooooo Russia lol.

    • 125.1
      theswirly says:

      I’d like to say that triple digits is my target for next year. Not quite sure how the hell I’ll manage to do it, though – think I should be realistic and aim for top 10k first. I’ll give it a go!

    • 125.2
      Drexl says:

      762 from over 3.2m players round the world…amazing stuff, as to you all who finished with 3 figure scores…tremedous respect for you all

    • 125.3
      inittowinit says:

      Brilliant rank Quall, well done mate. Really looking forward to the WC stuff now also and Potys comps. Last time I checked though Potty was sweating on qualifying himself in his own comp! laugh will have another look now and see if he made it…..

  6. 126
    Drexl says:

    Long term team (to be joining BB qual leagues and starting at the bottom n/season).
    Global Score 1403
    ML – 1st by 101 pts
    Football team league – 1st by 181 pts
    Classic random league – 1st by 142 pts
    Classic H2H – 1st – won final play off 60-37
    Final global position – 8, 367
    Immense season for me

    BB Leagues
    Shield – semi finalist
    BB League II – 4th but promoted (just I think) by high score 4th league 2 versus 3rd bottom League 1), so up a league – Bench I am hoping will confirm this

    A season beyond all expectation and thanks guys for your help on the way

    Beyond pleased

    Well done all those who achieved their goals, and for me personally a bright light in some dark days

    Roll on next season

    And in the infamous words of that stalwart of bygone football days…..’its been emotional’


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