Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles
Here at FF247 towers we’ve often wondered what driving forces skulk behind a comment or a rate my team reply, do we really know the mindset and the persona of the people we are conversing with?! To find the answers to these questions we have lured some regulars from out of their caves and got them to endure a simple Q&A session.
Hopefully this will help us to uncover whether each member can be viewed as a ‘fellow sports enthusiast’, ‘colleague’, ‘fantasy friend’, ‘internet troll’ or indeed ‘sociopath’! Let’s take a look inside the minds of our first two ‘victims’ then and see whether, hiding behind the cute monkey gravatars, lurks a sadistic, megalomaniacal, psychotic keyboard warrior. Or just a normal guy or gal who likes to play fantasy football…
First up on the chopping block are Tekno and chins and bellies.
Members name: Tekno-kun
Real name: Jostein Bjørkum Andersen
Occupation: Student
Country of residence: USA (Norwegian of birth)
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game: 47,738
Current position for the season: 382,685
Planned finish (at the start of the season) for FPL in 2014/2015: Top 20k
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015: Top 20k
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words: I’m smart, rational, intellectual, independent, rebellious, eccentric, arrogant, handsome, and honest. I excel at logic and reason, but suck at emotions. I care little for conformity, preferring the eccentric and unique instead.
Food: Special Brownies
Drink: Orange juice
Band/Type of music: Gorgoroth/Norwegian black metal
TV Programme: Game of Thrones, anime
Films: This Is England, The Last Samurai, Pineapple Express
Book/Author: A Song of Ice And Fire, Nietzsche, manga
Joke: David Moyes
Country visited (and state why!): Netherlands, wanted to try their special brownies.
Country would most like to visit (and state why!): Japan, anime and manga fan so interested in Japanese culture.
Sport: Soccer
Sporting Team: Manchester City
Sporting Personality: Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Sporting moment on TV: When Aguero scored in injury time and City won the title. Sobbed like a little girl.
Sporting moment witnessed live: Seen some PL matches and Norway’s national team. Nothing noteworthy.
Sporting venue or event you’d most like to visit: Superbowl
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about: In 5th grade I scored 10 goals in one schoolday. Legend.
Person you most look-alike in the celebrity world: According to a celebrity match-maker I look alike Orlando Bloom, Justin Timberlake, Leonardo Di Caprio, Adam Sandler, and Robert Duvall.
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party: Nietzsche, Einstein, Oscar Wilde, Napoleon, Aristotle, Anton LaVey.
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!): Adult ‘Art’ magazines, Nintendo 3DS and special brownies.
If you won £100,000 what would u do with it: Buy all the video games I want, then invest and save the rest.
The perfect afternoon would be spent: High.
My Epitaph would read: What the fudge is an epitaph.
Members name: Chins and Bellies
Real name: Iain (That’s an “I” at the start, not a “L”. Honestly. Some people.)
Occupation: Currently unemployed. Finance person by trade, currently unemployed. Just moved countries and seeking work! Anyone?
Age: 35
Country of residence: USA.
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game: Somewhere in the top 5k. I don’t recall exactly. Oh ok, it was position #3,961. (I have it tattooed on my arm).
Current position for the season: 284,379.
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for FPL in 2014/2015: 1st. Obviously.
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015: Top 50,000 would be nice after that start.
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words: Essex boy with Scottish roots. Father of two. Family and I moved to the US in June. Loving the American life. Tacos and American Fantasy Football are my two current favorite things.
Food: Despite the Taco references, you can’t beat Chicken and Ham pie, or a Roast Dinner.
Drink: Cold Stella Artois. Although a glass of Sancere is pretty damn good too when I’m feeling a bit more cultured.
Band/Type of music: I listen to a bit of everything from Rap to Country Music. Favorite band are Phoenix. (French Electronica-type coolness.)
TV Programme: Can’t pick one. Love list includes The Wire. Pointless. The Trip. Mysterious Cities of Gold (80’s cartoon!). Alan Partridge. 24. Breaking Bad.
Films: Office Space. Dumb and Dumber. Dragnet. NWH (Fear of a black hat). Talladega Nights. Night at the Roxbury. AnchorMan. Don’t be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood. Hoop dreams. White men can’t jump. Naked Gun.
Book/Author: I have all of the Andy McNab and all of the John Grishams. Love them all. But my favorite single book is ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ by Tom Wolfe. Highly recommend you read it.
Joke: My two favorite comedians are Stewart Francis and Milton Jones. A joke from each of them: “My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance; we’ll see about that.” (Stewart Francis) And… “The worst job I ever had was as a forensicologist for the United Nations. One time I thought I’d come across the mass grave of a thousand snowmen, but it turns out it was just a field of carrots.” (Milton Jones)
Country visited (and state why!): Not very exciting, but probably Germany! Beautiful countryside, towns and villages. Cool cities. Brilliant roads. Nice people. Great food and beer.
Country would most like to visit (and state why!) Japan. Just for something completely different. And I like Fish.
Sport: Football (Soccer), but the players nowadays make it very hard to love it as much as I used to.
Sporting Team: Arsenal, but with the same caveat as above.
Sporting Personality: Dennis Bergkamp. I was lucky enough to have a season ticket at Highbury for Bergkamps first season at Arsenal. Best player ever.
Sporting moment on TV: Ray Parlours goal in the 2002 FA Cup final win against Chelsea.
Sporting moment witnessed live: Vieira’s FA Cup winning penalty against Man Utd and last ever kick in an Arsenal shirt, or… Bergkamps first goal at Highbury.
Sporting venue / event you’d most like to visit: Seattle’s NFL stadium.
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about: Sadly, no.
Person you most look-alike in the celebrity world: Gary Kelly. Right back that used to play for Leeds Utd. Not exactly a celebrity but its the best I could do.
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party: Alexander the Great, Robin Williams, Jesus, Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein and Jim Carrey.
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!): A football. Fishing equipment. A boat.
If you won £100,000 what would u do with it: Buy a bigger house or invest it for the boys future. Sorry, boring.
The perfect afternoon would be spent: Having a picnic in a park on a sunny day (not too hot), playing with my boys, keeping up-to-date with the football as Arsenal put 8 past Chelsea. Mourinho getting sacked and Wenger retiring immediately after the game.
My Epitaph would read: Loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Oldest ever debutant for Arsenal FC. First man to live to 150 years old.
Many thanks to both Tekno and chins and bellies for being so candid! We hope you know your two fellow ‘fantasy friends’ a little better now. Next up for inspection are B-Bash and NIN…
If you feel that you would like to expose your inner self then please feel free to mail us at contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk and we shall have peakydave interrogating you quicker than you can say ‘no really, those are my wife’s pants’.
Thanks for reading Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles – Fantasy Premier League 2014-15. This article was written by peakydave
The FBA Awards
You may have noticed a new banner on the right hand side of the site. We have been entered into the Football Blogging Awards in the category of ‘Best New Football Blog’. This is quite a prestigious annual event and we have to say we would love to win it! If you get the chance we would appreciate it if you would vote for us via the links.
Well well well …look who’s injured. Its Mr. Mesut. That changes a lot of things now.
I read it could be 12 weeks!
Why? You had him in your team?
Nopes … But if Ox can get 90 mins in now, hel be an awesome buy. Have to wait it out and see.
Hey guys, as usual I’m struggling to find the time to post on the boards, but still managing to read the great articles! Got a bit of a dilemma on my hands at the mo, when you look at my team you’ll understand…
Currently have Baines AND Ivan, and no Aguero, so now (well not now, but over the next week or so!) I have to decide whether or not I’m going bring in Aguero. If I were to do so, I would have to get rid of Dzeko and Ivan, and also bring in a 3.9 mil defender :/ That would leave my defense with Baines, Clyne, and Moore or Duff each week… A tad light or should it be fine?
Any price change sites accurate these days? Is there any chance Aguero’s price will rise anytime soon? Cause I won’t be able to make this change if it does.
Other option I’m considering is Sturridge in for Dzeko, which is slightly more risky
Cheers in advance for the help!
Hey PVR,
Problems what problems? I really like your side mate, strong in all areas. I wouldn’t make those changes you suggest as I think it would weaken your squad too much with a shitty defence.
Dzeko is Dzeko – he’ll annoy you continually but will
score goals and get gametime while City have just the 3 strikers and they remain in all comps. Over the course of the season I’d back Dzeko and Ivan to out score Aguero and Moore/Duff.
Hey Cookie!
Thanks for the reply mate, still early there I see…
Yeah, I know what you mean about Dzeko! Bloody plonker looked like a schoolboy against Villa!
I just can’t help feeling like I might be missing the boat with Kun, and that having both Ivan and Baines is overkill.
What do you think of Ivan to a >4.8 mil defender and Dzeko to Sturridge, if he is fit by the game against QPR?
Thanks again for the tips mate!
bottom line is that you cannot have everyone, of course. Is Baines AND Ivan overkill – no, not necessarily. It means you keep City coverage and indeed attacking coverage of all the major teams as well as probably two highest scoring defenders.
It comes down to how much you want Aguero – now I am a big fan of his as you are aware, but as much as I’ve been banging on about him all season, he hasn’t really had any blow out weeks where those who didn’t have him were affected. That could all change at any time, for he is that sort of player – but its not like Dzeko and Ivan are bad options – far from it!
I wouldn’t touch Sturridge – you have Sterling and two Liverpool is defo overkill, in my view. They’re not the side of last season and are laden with fixture congestion, injuries, a forward who is never far away from an injury and when he is crocked, they are average.
Conclusion – I would keep what you have – it’s also a bit different from a lot of others, which is great – different in a strong sense. If Kun continues just the one goal per game, then your Dzeko/Ivan combo will be ok, in my opinion!
Alright, cheers mate, sound advice there! I guess i’ll be hoping for another trademark injury for Aguero sometime soon then haha! And it’s a pity my ranking doesn’t reflect my “strong side” at this stage, but I’m sure it will come right eventually…
Thanks again mate, always much appreciated!
Personally, i think Ivan and Baines is overkill, you’re talking about over 14 million spent on 2 defenders, who like any other defender can let 1 goal in and get a 2 pointer. I’d dg one and use the money to strengthen my attacking options.
Agree with Cookie on this one. Team looks great as it is.
Hi PvR, On the price changes Fantasy Football Fix are telling us they’ve more or less nailed the ones rising and are working on the fallers. Horse did an analysis or spot check yesterday which fitted in with what we have been told. Comment 25.1 here – https://fantasyfootball247.co.uk/grab-avoid-bore-3/comment-page-3/#comments
Alright, thanks chook, bout time someone worked it out for us 😉
Cheers Peakydave, Tekno and Chins. Great stuff lads.
Tekno – Save me one of those brownies you speak of 😉
Evening NIN, great to see you mate.
Too late – the Aussie & Kiwi contingent polished them off while the rest of you slept…
Well i never. No fair 😉
Good to see you too buddy. How have you been?
NIN – great mate. And your good self? Waiting in anticipation for the write up on you. My guess is “Mangala” will be used no less than 12 times
I’m good thanks for asking. Haha, i don’ think the Frenchman got any mentions, although, i could be wrong there. I was a little worse for wear when i answered the questions!
I’ve just had a look at your team. What’s the plans for Balotelli? I think he’s run his course now..
NIN – Balo’s gone this GW. That differential didn’t work. As much as I’d love Aguero, I don’t want to sacrifice the midfield or Baines. Looking at Welbeck at this stage due to excellent fixtures, and leaving plenty of cash to boost defence. So long as Kun doesn’t explode Suarez-style and bang in 20+ points weeks on a regular basis (and sticks to his 1 goal per match), I can live without him. For 12.2m, I’d want more than a goal a game.
blue – I’m waiting patiently for Sergio to rip it up. He’s starting to look pretty sharp. Yeah Welbeck is on my radar for next gwk’s FT too. When Arsenal get some players back from injury he could be gold at that price. Here’s hoping
Evening all. Who else is struggling to refrain from hitting “confirm” during the international break?
Want to confirm Baines, but afraid since i have never owned Baines in the past two seasons.
Just get him in Baines, you won’t regret it…………
Morning FF Freaks
My team is finally linked
Admin…….I thankyou
Is that an early transfer i see? Oooooh
So Im at that point in the season where I am convinced I need one significant player from each team.
If i do Cahill > Baines this GW, Id still have 0.6M to swap Hazard for ADM (rising continuously).
So the question is, which transfer should be done first? Baines in first, or ADM in first?
Could also bring in Lukaku, but I think Pelle is still a better alternative and has the fixtures on his side to justify his place.
Evening B. Agree Pelle is the better option.
Baines for me, especially home to Villa next GW. As potent as ADM is, I still can help but think Hazard -> ADM is a sideways move.
Baines is essentially another midfielder. Even when conceding goals, he is in BP contention as well. Would have had at least 2 BPs last week bar the penalty miss, and scored 3 BPs in the 3-2 loss to Palace.
I’m hesitant to use the term “must have”, but as far as defenders go he is as close as they come.
Great thinking Blue.
Im also motivated to kind of own Baines since I am already playing a couple of weak mids including Siggy and Chadli. Well, they arent weak, but you get my point?
I think ill go for Baines this GW, and assess Hazard > ADM again next GW since Haz has been a great differential so far, and is already at equal footing with Fab.
B – yep, good thinking mate in my view
morning B,
ADM has a tough run of fixtures to come with Ches (h), Man C (a) and Arsenal (a) in the nxt 5 but his proving to be a player that it doesn’t matter about the fixtures. Personally, i’d bring him in over Baines but i’m attack minded.
I know! ADM is just becoming fixture proof as GWs progress, but can you justify leaving out Hazard for him who plays Palace away, where Chelsea will be on the counter attack every second?
yeah i only saw after replying that you meant hazard to adm, i agree with blue its abit sideways and haz is starting to look good, 3 of the nxt 5 fixtures look great for potential points.
you haven’t already got ADM!!!??? Get him now!!!
Thats cause Im a lone soldier who still owns Hazard. B)
B – if it’s any consolation, it took me weeks before I brought in Costa
Damn Bony and Balotelli. Gem differentials in theory, and great fixtures, but bombed spectacularly
Morning B. I would do the Baines move first. United play Chelsea in gwk 9 so that will be a tight call on who to go with between Di Maria and Hazard.
Well, if ADM scores a brace this GW and Hazard blanks (very likely, cause he is producing returns in alternate GWs), maybe Ill choose for ADM considering the fact that United plays Chelsea at home.
Brace for Di Maria you say.. i’ll have some of that!
me too