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Fantasy Football Community Team

The FF247 Community Team – We go again

The FF247 Community Team – We go again

Fantasy Football The FF247 Community Team – We go again

It was around this time twelve months ago that another team joined the 3 million-strong throng of Fantasy Football Teams vying for the crown of overall world champion. Except in this case it would be “champions” as this team was a little different. You were in it. And you. You, too. I was as well. The FF247 Community Team (founded 2015) was born, and indeed borne out of a curiosity of a few regulars who wondered if we could have a fantasy team representing all you good good people. Let’s embrace what we did last year, with an overall respectable final rank of 100,193 and see if we can improve on that the second time around.

For those new to this concept, your management team of myself, elleffcee and NZ Alex will guide you via comments on our dedicated article which sits on the tab at the top of the FF247 homepage. These comments will advise you when we are looking for your interaction, namely to let us know how you think we should manage the Community Team. Once our original squad has been selected (more of that soon), we need you to advise us how many transfers we should make, who should be transferred out, in and how we should line up for the forthcoming gameweek and also who will wear our captain’s armband for double points.

All our voting is based on a first past the post system – most votes wins. Simple.

The initial squad selection last season was a little laborious so we have decided to streamline this for this season. We will soon open voting where we will ask you to vote for your desired players by each position (hopefully getting a nice mixture of top-end and budget players . . . . or not?) and then the management team will construct the squad based upon your most popular two or three players per position and then by budget as we work our way through the positions.

The management team have our own individual teams so we are not one bit interested in manipulating the Community Team to turn it in to some second team of ours. You will get what you vote for.

We received some positive feedback on this venture last year so we feel we owe it to you all to have another go and we just hope you support us once more.

To the 2016/17 season then. Shall we?

The Gallant Pioneer

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  1. 19
    colonial says:

    Ok done the team vote and kept it to 100M

  2. 20

    *FF247 Community Team – Initial squad selection voting*

    Good morning everyone and welcome to the beginning of the two-week FPL countdown.

    At this time, we would like to offer you the distraction from your own squad selection by helping the Community Team pick theirs. Interested? Course you are. smile

    We have simplified the initial squad selection – what we require is for you to follow the link below and select fifteen players. It it s that simple!

    We place no budget upon you but we remind you that like your own squads you’ll understand we can’t afford all the big hitters so budget selections are greatly appreciated.

    The two (or three) most popular players by your votes will have their place in our squad assured. The management will analyse the votes and then select the remaining players to ‘best fit’ the remainder of the squad (again by the most popular as voted for by you).

    The vote will remain open for one week where thereafter we will announce our FF247 Community Team squad for Season 2.


    Many thanks

  3. 21
    KI says:

    First, great to see the team back, and thanks for all the effort the big compromise in the sky requires!
    I tried to keep within the budget, but may be out 0.5 or so.
    I’ll be curious to see the starting lineup, for sure!

  4. 22

    The Gallant Pioneer (@mitchellcraig81) says:
    July 30, 2016 at 7:08 am
    *FF247 Community Team – Initial squad selection voting*

    Good morning everyone and welcome to the beginning of the two-week FPL countdown.

    At this time, we would like to offer you the distraction from your own squad selection by helping the Community Team pick theirs. Interested? Course you are. smile

    We have simplified the initial squad selection – what we require is for you to follow the link below and select fifteen players. It it s that simple!

    We place no budget upon you but we remind you that like your own squads you’ll understand we can’t afford all the big hitters so budget selections are greatly appreciated.

    The two (or three) most popular players by your votes will have their place in our squad assured. The management will analyse the votes and then select the remaining players to ‘best fit’ the remainder of the squad (again by the most popular as voted for by you).

    The vote will remain open for one week where thereafter we will announce our FF247 Community Team squad for Season 2.


    Many thanks

  5. 23
    constantine says:

    Morning FPLers..need your views on the following:
    1. After the 4-0 thrashing, what’d you suggest on Leic def? esp on Fuchs. They have avg starting games.
    2. why not much of love for Alder? i mean, yes he’s too expensive for a def. but, what would you suggest for my squad below, if not him?
    3. Views on Gray vs Long?
    4.most nailed 5.5m and 4.5m MF?
    Team attached for your suggestions..cheers all.

    • 23.1
      • Constantine

        Probably the price of Alderweireld puts most off but I wouldn’t talk you out of him. Great pick.

        If you’re having Alderweireld and Valencia I would downgrade Fuchs and upgrade Drinkwater to Crystal Palace cover.

        I prefer Gray. Guaranteed to play whereas Long may have to rotate. Gray has penalties too and is on top form right now.

        Personally I like Gudmundsson of Burnley, Phillips of West Brom or Davis of Southampton at 5.5 and Maloney of Hull at 4.5.

        • constantine says:

          GP, yes, I’ thinking of downgrading any of my defenders to strengthen my MF. will consider all the options laid out by you..
          Gray seems to be the dark horse for this season. He’s phenomenal in front of the net. Rest Wilson had shown some great skills last season. will check on his form before the start of the games. thanks mate.

      • Smash10 says:

        Yeah it’s good. I think that’s because of Alders price but he is popular. Yeah Leicester did get torn apart community shield will be interesting.

        Gray and Long could go either way. When Butnley score you would expect him to be involved. Long is playing for a much better side but has Austin as competition.

        I prefer Ibe/Gradel and Feghouli to Drinkwater. But not convinced by any of them. There might be a better option

  6. 24

    *FF247 Community Team – Initial squad selection voting*

    Hello everyone. Another little pointer in case you may have missed it . .

    We have simplified the initial squad selection – what we require is for you to follow the link below and select fifteen players. It it s that simple!

    We place no budget upon you but we remind you that like your own squads you’ll understand we can’t afford all the big hitters so budget selections are greatly appreciated.

    The two (or three) most popular players by your votes will have their place in our squad assured. The management will analyse the votes and then select the remaining players to ‘best fit’ the remainder of the squad (again by the most popular as voted for by you).

    The vote will remain open until around Thursday or Friday where thereafter we will announce our FF247 Community Team squad for Season 2.

    Let’s go ….

    Many thanks

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