FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW14
Welcome to the FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW14. Any one of our outfield bench players would have scored more for us last week than five of our starting eleven did, had we played them. We didn’t. Cantwell would have been our 2nd top scorer, had we not marooned him 3rd on our bench. We did. Regrets, regrets. But it happens.
On a positive note we did still score semi-decently with 66 points from those who bothered to show up; namely (C) Vardy with his now standard 24, Soyuncu with his standard CS and 6, Mane with his standard goal and 9, Jimenez with his standard goal and 7 and Pope with an unexpected CS but also somehow standard 9.
Overall then we did just manage to eek out our 3rd green arrow in a row to grab our highest overall rank of the season which now sees us sat 23,086th. And we have all our chips intact plus two free transfers to play with and £0.7 in the bank.
Our GW13 Result…
Let’s go see what was decided…
Our GW14 Transfer(s)
We usually go live with this article on a Thursday but we deliberately hung on this week to catch the Tammy news before making our final decision(s). The fact that he misses the first game for sure also leads us to cast doubt over his inclusion in midweek and so we have decided to move him on for now although we are sure we will welcome him back soon enough. His replacement was the main topic of discussion and it started in our usual chaotic fashion…
“Just get Jimenez, simples”
“Erm, this is awkward. We already own him…?”
“Just buy him again then!”
It’s conversations like this that sometimes make you wonder how we manage to tie our shoelaces never mind run such a slick operation on a daily basis! Once we had got over that initial hurdle though his replacement was an easy enough task. We either downgraded a bit to say Ings (over my dead body, said one!) or upgraded a bit to say Jesus (hallelujah, said many!). The upgrade would need a cash injection but fortunately we found Lucas Digne bent over firing pound coins out of his arse. And so it was done. Baldock of Sheffield United seemed to be the natural replacement and garnered much support.
Or so we thought, as a fight suddenly broke out in the corner! Questions were raised over the need / wisdom of having two Sheffield United defenders, such as when on earth would we ever call on both. The truth is that we wouldn’t. Kelly of Palace was suggested and the brawl escalated as ‘Ward would be back eventually’ and then we would need to sell Kelly. The truth is that we wouldn’t. The truth is that either can happily ride 3rd spot on our bench and so eventually the bald men put the comb down and picked the cheapest one.
To confirm then we have SOLD Lucas ‘the pound machine’ Digne & Tammy Abraham and BOUGHT Martin Kelly & Jesus
Captain – Jamie Vardy
No fights over this one, and we are hoping for a hat-trick of consecutive 24 point captain hauls from the main man himself. Or just a hat-trick, either will suffice. For the record Sadio Mane did get a solitary vote, one more than anyone else.
Our GW14 team in full…
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Lucas Digne bent over to pick up a pound and Jesus were we quick on the draw….
Ha, a chucklesome read as always. Thanks guys :good:
Is Tammy to Jimenez for -4 worth it you think? Or bench Tammy and play Trossard (away at LIV) instead?
Properly on the fence with that one Chips, in all honesty. Goal leaves you equal. He may tip it slightly but it’s a risk.
Thanks Init. Yeah, it’s not clear cut.
Tammy predicted to fall tonight (I’d lose £0.1) and Jimenez is predicted to rise. Does that sway you Init?
If he’s out for the next two too he’ll drop further. And if Raul scores whatever fpl points this week he’ll rise. I say you go for it and buy Tammy back if and when he’s at reach money wise.
Otherwise, you are going to want to sell him anyways if he’s out and the value equation will leave you in a bigger pickle to get him back afterwards.
Not massively as I don’t buy into the price things generally unless it’s prohibitive, but if your replacement was better I’d say hold. But he isn’t. Hence the fence! :shrug:
Thanks guys. I think I’m gonna hold. Even with a £0.1m swing on both players, I can still afford the Tammy to Jimi swap next GW on a FT, and even if Tammy then drops another £0.1, it won’t make a difference on my sale price for him. It also avoids the conflict in fielding Jimenez and Lundstram (I can be wishing for a SHU cleanie)
I can leave with that and as init I am not one to make moves based on the odd 0.1. The thing is I sense this is going to be a 0.4 swing or something commencing tonight as Jim is set to rise and Tammy to fall. It all depends a bit on your Tammy purchase price. In my case, I bought him at 7.4 so if I sell now I earn 0.3 and if he then goes down 0.3 (which is pretty much what will happen if he’s set to miss the midweek and the next weekend games) he’ll be down to 7.7 which is enough for me to buy him not for Jimi but for say Pukki, so, yeah, in this case, I mean in my case, money talks!
I can also *live with that!
Ah, DMC. You got me all nervous now! 😯
I bought Tammy at £7.6, so got a £7.8 sale price if I sell tonight.
Aside from Jimenez, any other options for £7.8? My other strikers are Vardy and Ayew.
C’mon, you being a Christmas t-Rex you can’t be nervous!
Jimenez is on fire right now so no I can’t see any better shouts than him and Tammy at that price range atm.
Ok, perhaps Christmas has gone to my head (in more ways than just donning the hat), coz I now realise I have the exact money to do Tammy and Trossard to Ings and Pulisic. But it’s -8. Is it wrong that I’m more tempted to do this than the straight Tammy to Jimi swap? Do I need help?
Considering I made the straight Jiménez swap, you’re -8 is more likely to get points :laugh:
Chipster: -8 and buying Ings in the same sentence suggests you should now log off!
Look at the fixtures though DMC
But yeah, just for the record, I do agree with DMC here, hence I went for straight Jimi myself!
I know, but Ings will do what Ings always those, which is to score a few when no one’s looking, than injure himself after everyone bought him for his great fixture schedule ahead. It’s (always) a trap!
I did the punt, but for rashford. Hope it pays of
This was meant to answer @chipster at comment number 2
Thanks MHD. I have no money itb, so can’t upgrade to Rash, Kane or Jesus. I’m guessing Jimenez is the best ‘straight’ swap option for Tammy.
Hope the Rash punt doesn’t turn out to be a rash punt for you!
You are absolutely right. The only reason I did that is jiminez being there in my ML rival’s team. So I picked Rash as a differential.
Bench him for Tomori / Lund or just sell for Jimenez? 1FT & 0.1 ITB.
Do you lose much on the Tammy sale Init? Would you look to get him back again you reckon?
If yes, I’d be tempted to just bench him and field Tomori if I was in your shoes. Also, presumably you’ve already passed once on Jimenez, when you decided to get Kane….
Thanks Chips. I’d be perfectly happy getting Jimenez, it’s Lundstram that is causing the issue. A random Sheffield United defender away at Wolves really shouldn’t but he’s genuinely looked more threatening than Sterling in the last month! I’d be playing Tomori regardless btw.
Is it a bit early for the Christmas hat, Init? Or shall I get mine on pronto?
Probably a week early but I saw our first Christmas tree in a house in the village this week so thought why not!
Comes on for me on Sunday, 1st of December, not a single second earlier!
I am not on here so frequently anymore, so I’ve tried to change mine now, otherwise I’ll forget
Yep, it’s on alright, looks good!
Thanks Zed
It’s also nice to show my left profile for a change!
Looks very similar to your right though 😀
You can get away with Tomori I think but the value equation on Tammy/Jim could enter the reckoning. I’m afraid to even think about it, but I think Lundstram blanks at Wolves so Tomori for him and Tammy for Raul for a hit? A CS from Tomori vs Lundstram blanking would pay the hit in itself as things stand. Whatever Jim gets you would be a plus.
There’s no hit in this DMC. It’s just a case of benching Lund if Jim comes in. I’m calling him Jim now which probably says he should :friends:
Ehehe misread something there indeed! Yeah, I’d do it then mate. It’s not that Jim has the best run of fixtures of all time but when in form we know he can return vs anyone. I also suspect Tammy could be out of fpl points for a few gweeks here and then it’s the hectic period. Jim has successfully passed that already so he’s the logic pick imo.
He’s J to me now :wink2:
Sell for Jiménez is what I did (so for the love of god don’t repeat the mistake!!!)
How long is Aguero out for? Kane vs Jesus who’s a better pick at this point of time?
1. No one knows.
2. No one knows. Kane has better stats, Jesus has better fixtures and will be nailed during the unkown period of Aguer’s absence.
Are you sure he’ll be nailed, Sterling might play down the middle…
If that’s the case, then Jesus will be playing wide. Nailed. I think in general Pep preferes Jesus high tempo pressing style of play but he “can’t” really bench Aguero in a normal basis for the lad, so in a way he’s happy that he now cans and I don’t think he’ll pass on that.
You’re right, because there’s no Sane…
Now you are just aiming at straws. It’s because there is no Aguero!
No, it’s because there’s no Aguero and no Sane, if there was Sane then it could be Sane – Sterling – Mahrez for instance with Jesus on the bench…
If there was Sane, Sterling would be on the bench giving his awful form.
I undertand what you mean Zed and of course Pep has played Sterlo in the middle and that’s with Aguero being fit or early subbed but the situation here is that Jesus has shown glimps of form and not to use that when Sterling himself is out of it seems dumb. But yeah, Pep has done dumb things.
That’s what I initially meant, it’s Pep and he’s capable of doing anything, I personally wouldn’t be surprised to see anyone on the bench, bar Ederson perhaps… You just never know with Pep, no sure you can use the word “nailed” when it comes to Pep… But I do understand your point, Jesus really should play all the games in Aguero’s absence
Evening gang.
Thinking Abraham, sterling and Mount for Jiminez, Son and Pulisic. Thoughts people? This would be for a minus 4
I’ve lost patience with Sterling and Mount.
I can’t really advise against that as I’ve done a similar move, but in my case it was for two non playing players (CHO and Tammy). Such high profile moves involving hits when the players making way are fit and set to start the next game (as Sterling is, not sure on Mount) are risky. But if you are ok to cope with it if it fails miserably then we are here to support that!
I’ve been going around in circles DMC.
Me too. You see, if you can get to terms with yourself that you are willing to sell Sterling you then have imense possibilities. You can go Spurs, but which one? You can go Chelsea and it has to be Pulisic. But you already have Mount and that looks sideways. Salah could be a good shout but you have that man Mane already and that’s overkill with gw 18 looming. If you sell Sterling you lose your City cover, but going for KDB is also very much a sidemove. I don’t know mate, in your situation I think I’d roll it tbf. Sonny is great for this gw but not for the next 4 he’s not. Why not just go Tammy-Jimenez to not lose the FT and take it from there? You’d have to bench the legend that is Lundstram I think but yeah he’ll blank some day.
Nice one DMC. Thanks for the reply. I could just be sensible and do Tammy to Jiminez. But the fear of Pulisic doing well worries me as does not having Son.
Flip side is no aguero means Sterling could be more focal and could smash it the next 2 games….no city coverage is probably madness I guess.