FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW18
Welcome to the FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW18. There’ll be no fancy poems here. Or 12 days of nonsense, no lovey dovey Christmas puns and no general glad handing. Why? Well firstly because it’s bidness time. It’s time to get your heads out of Christmas and get back to the things that matter most – FPL.
Secondly, because your Site Team panel here aren’t all young, foot loose and fancy free like your previous writers this week. Au contraire, they’re a bunch of long in the tooth, hard bitten grumps who’ve probably stood in one more long Christmas queue than is healthy for any man, especially knowing that they are about to lavish a month’s wages on gifts that will be discarded by New Year. And all in exchange for tantrums. And 8 pairs of socks. Get within 6 feet of one of them with a sodding cracker and they’ll probably rip your arm off. It doesn’t help that we know for a fact that two members of the panel would actually sell their 90 year old Grandmother on Christmas Day in exchange for a Boxing Day hat-trick from their captain.
Right then, after that cheery start, let’s go see who else we can inadvertently upset this week!
Before we begin explaining this week’s decisions we should point out that nobody is obliged to follow our lead and our advice is only that in so much as we have to take decisions as we see them, as does everybody else. Some we get right, some we get wrong. Some spectacularly wrong (see Salah, etc!). If you agree with them then great, if you don’t then that’s absolutely fine too. Just don’t take it to heart either way…
And so we fast forward to Saturday morning and find that one particular site member (who shall remain nameless), who had clearly taken our decision last week (to sell Lacazette) very badly, was so disturbed by it they were still up at 1am threatening to Triple Captain Lacazette, just to spite the Site Team’s decision to immediately jettison him (in light of him starting Arsenal’s Europa League dead rubber against Carrrier Bag). Chill your beans Frenchie! Oops.
Last week’s result…
This past week we got a fairly healthy 60 points, 17 above the overall average and 8 above the top 10k, a green arrow and a jump of 20k in the rankings to leave us at 59,519th. Patricio and Doherty held our defence together with 13 between them putting the more premium end of Robertson and Alonso to shame who managed just 3 combined. Wan-B looked on wistfully from the bench with his clean sheet under his arm. Our ‘double City mid’ plan finally started to bear fruit as Sane and Sterling brought in 16 but Fraser and Richarlison let us down with 2 apiece. Wan-B looked on wistfully from the bench with his clean sheet under his arm… Our forward line actually brought us the biggest slice for once with Jimenez grabbing 9, Kane 10 (as captain) and Chica with 5, which was one more than Lacazette.
We go in to GW18 with one free transfer and £3.5m in the bank and all of our chips intact, including this periods Wildcard, surely the time is nigh for that bad boy….?!
This weeks transfer decision(s)
The elephant in the room was indeed mentioned, but mainly just because we are fast approaching the deadline for actually ‘using or losing’ it (2pm 29th Dec – before GW20 begins). So basically we have to use it in one of the next two GW’s. Which bearing in mind what they both cover in terms of ‘festive days’ may be a challenge in itself!
The trouble we seem to have every week is that we are always reasonably happy with our lot, and again this week we couldn’t really see a whole to get excited about changing. As such we have gone from the possible extreme of a WC to the ridiculous, and actually used a transfer on a goalkeeper of all players. Let us explain though, before you get either angry or confused (looking at you Frenchie! 😉 )…
As we stood we were facing the prospect of playing double Wolves at the back against the league leaders. And we didn’t much fancy that, funnily enough. And West Ham have a very favourable run of fixtures over the Christmas (*spit) period. Sometimes it just doesn’t have to get more complicated than the obvious.
To confirm then – we have SOLD Patricio and BOUGHT Fabianski.
Our Captain is Raheem Sterling
Fairly black and white this one. The question was posed and the answers came back – thud, thud, thud, thud and thud; all within about 20 seconds –
Sterling (C), Kane(V)
And so young Raheem carries our armband, perhaps for the first time ever. It’s got 4-0 written all over it this game and had Kun been fit and starting regularly in the run up he’d have been carrying approximately 100% of his owners armbands this week. Given that he hasn’t been then Raheem seems the obvious go to replacement in anticipation of a thoroughly typical City rout. Although he probably won’t be on any pens anytime soon judging by midweek!
Should Pep suddenly go full Pep and actually rotate him (is it still rotation if somebody hasn’t started 2 in a row?!) then ‘Arry gets it.
Our team in full…
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afternoon all.. 0.2ITB. am i good to go for this week or should i bring anyone in immediately?
Good to go
That with your FT used up, eresh? Bellerin looks set to be out for two more weeks, which is pretty rough given the packed fixture list. I’m keeping him for this GW but he’s firmly last on my bench. Coleman and WB have pretty poor fixtures to sub in for him, although if it’s for a hit I don’t think I’d do it (you’d essentially have to get a clean sheet and an extra point from somewhere (e.g. Coleman conceding two) to even make a gain.
afternoon AT. unfortunately yes. would have to be a hit. was thinking about luiz but chose not to in the end! might have to accept coleman’s 1 or -1 (if he does another OG)
Did you read my tips article mate? Dedicated 2 verses to you! 😉
However, Bellerin to Luiz won’t kill ya…
All set? 0ft
auba played the full cup match, so i thnk its risky to captain him this gw.
Who should I captain this week
Sane personally.
Just worried rotation
At least Sane did not play midweek. Mahrez played the full 90 so you’d expect Sterling (who played about 20 minutes) and Sane to take the wing spots.
Personal choice but Salah if you fear Sane’s rotation.
Can’t wait for the festive break!
Am I good to go?
1ft and 0.2m
Seems reasonable to me beno
Good luck!
Think so, mate. My question marks would be Hart (Burnley in general) and Wilson for the two GWs after this one. Other than that, love it.
Has Pereyra been doing much recently?
I quite like Hart after this week. Burnley have looked more like themselves again and have a good run of games coming up
The other choice would be Fabianski – whom if his price rises again i can no longer afford.
But Hart isn’t too far off points wise at the moment so i might stick for now
Other than a couple of assists 2 weeks ago, no…
Keen to let him go but i figured with 2 transfers next week i would have more manoeuvrability?
Good evening all, as you can see I have 2 FT and 0.0 ITB. I was planning to transfer out mooy and smalling this game week. Any suggestion for a def and mid combo within 10.7???
Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Robert Snodgrass?
thinking of Digne and Snodgrass…Any thought about them??
Yeah if you can afford – I was rough with my maths sorry.
Haha, fair play guys

Once again you’re obviously making a very solid move 😉 I’m not ironic, the site team’s rank compared to mine says it all!
And sorry in case I sounded a bit aggressive or angry, that was not the intention! Love you guys
On my side I’m struggling to know what to do this week, I need to replace Bellerin and I have a budget of 5.8. Who would you suggest? The names I have in mind are David Luiz, Lovren, Delph, Kongolo (thanks Rosco)…
One thing for sure is I stick to Lacazette, at least for this week 😉
If it was me, probably Lovren, then Luiz.