FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW33
The 100 Club
We began fearing for our Free Hit team early doors, namely the second when our captain Aguero first looked over to the bench. Whenever he does that you usually don’t see him again for a few weeks. And sure enough, there he was gone, albeit with a decent captains score in the bag already, for a single game-week player anyway. Things got worse when Lindelof did indeed fail to appear, especially bad as we had ‘prior’ warning of this but chose to ignore it. That decision did ultimately play into our hands though as had we acted we would probably have dispensed with Azpi and Laporte in some sort of defensive reshuffle to accommodate Smalling and his own goal. Keeping the latter two paid dividends big time as they brought in 34 points between them. Elsewhere Mili got his customary penalty and Rashford got a goal before disappearing for Part 2. Likewise the decision to take Hazard over Kane was looking ropey at best after he was benched but ultimately he came through with a stellar display later on.
And so after a seemingly lacklustre start to the DGW our Free Hit team eventually pulled its socks up and brought us home with a hallowed triple digit point score. 107 to be exact. That put us 34pts above the average and gave us our 4th green arrow in a row with a relatively healthy jump of about 10k in rank which leaves us at 13,915th overall.
Our GW32 Result…
And so onto BGW33. As a reminder then we played our Free Hit chip last week which means our old GW31 team pops back out for a brief cameo before we wave it goodbye again next week as we intend to use our second Wildcard prior to using our Bench Boost or Triple Captain in DGW35. We have 1 Free Transfer and £1.8m in the bank, let’s go see how we decided to use those…
This week’s transfer – we have sold Felipe Anderson and bought James Maddison
Our old GW31 / new GW33 team has 11 players showing with a fixture this week. One of whom is the currently injured Felipe Anderson and regardless of his recovery status he has a tough game this week at Chelsea…
A unanimous vote for Maddison and probably the easiest and quickest team meeting we’ve had this season. Any fixture vs Huddersfield looks ripe for the picking though our decision making progress was made easier by the fact that we couldn’t find anyone who was playing Fulham this week
With the Foxes in decent form under Brenda and Maddison & Tielmans linking up well with Vardy we thought it prudent to up the Leicester coverage in front of next week’s planned Wildcard.
Our Captain is Jamie Vardy
As per our transfer decision, a fixture vs relegated Huddersfield was too good to ignore and therefore we have captained Jamie Vardy this week. Sadio Manè is our vice.
Our team in full…
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***NEW ARTICLE – FF247 Site Team GW33***
100 up and climbing steadily…..
Well done, site team! Brilliant rank!
Should be by the time we’re done. WC, BB and TC to come yet. Hopefully we’ll get our best season rank yet but still a way off that.
Site team is fire! Thank you!!!!!
Hmmm….some folk might start to believe that we know what we’re doing!
Bit harsh! We have a proper, serious meeting every week you know. Kop and I claw Cookie off the ceiling and stop him suggesting weird and wonderful things. He eventually gets down and then asks Floydeth what the hell he’s talking about. He then flounces off. And Mito just stands there shrugging. And then we just take the most sensible route and hope it works out. Anderson to Maddison and Vardy captain versus a relegated Huddersfield probably just about sums up our overall approach.
I stand by my original statement
Nice rank lads!!
What should I do here? I’ve got 1 Ft and 0.5 itb. Should I let it roll or use it?
What’s the chip plan Matt?
Hey mate sorry for late reply. Internet acting up again.
I’m thinking WC 34, BB35 and TC somewhere else.
No point rolling it then when you lose it as a carried one and you probably have a big hole in your midfield.
Felipe to Maddison is the obvious one.
This is excellent work boys.
Make us proud FF247!
Great rank guys.
You seem to be getting g most things right so maybe I should copy you this week and go Anderson to maddison too. Either that or upgrade a defender or the keeper.
Got 2.7 ITB.
What do you think?
Is it WC next week?
Yep it will be
Probably just that then I reckon. Siggy or Rich as Kralin says if you’re feeling more frisky.
Any reason you guys went for maddison over tielemans even though tielemans has scored higher lately?
Was it just that mads is on set pieces?
I’m in the same market for a midfielder and am thinking:
Siggy or Richarlison (has its risks)
Fraser (which for me would be three Bournemouth attacking players, which may be over-egging things). I own Brooks.
Maddison (not a bad choice given the opposition).
Skills guys!! Whilst I’m not about to start copying the site team you can’t really knock those who do! Clearly a great group of minds at work! Already made my move, Anderson went the journey but it was a different Leicester midfield who came in although that was more a strategic move with regard to my ML.
I’m kind of on auto pilot this week, looking forward to hitting WC tomorrow and I’m going to abstain from too much tinkering … then just copy the site team… 😉
Yup, credit where it’s due they make a fantastic committee.
We should put five of us up against them next season to prove the ‘Monkey Shakespeare Simulator’ theory
Oohhh interesting !!!
It’s all still there if you want some 😉
Copying the site team is something I probably should do, what’s its OR? Must be at least 300K better than mine :woot:
I’m sure you’re not 300k off that. (OR is mentioned in the article.)
Still time for you to blast up the rankings, especially if your captaincy choices work out.
Ah, so its 13,915th overall, so you’re correct, I ain’t 300K off that, I’m 540K off that…
Hmm, well, better be very lucky with the captaincy choices.
Fingers crossed 😉
It’s gonna be Vardy this week…
Very sound choice. I’ve moved from him to Hazard but not a lot in it.
I don’t care a lot anymore, just pick once and be done with it, it’s game over for me already, bring on next season!!
Did laugh at the exchange there
But certainly not laughing at you Zed. You’re a stalwart mate, here every day and helping others, and I doth my cap to you for that. Bit like yourself I’m way off that pace this season, but plugging on regardless. I do still have goals though; such as trying not to record my worst ever season, as depressing a goal as that is!
My worst ever season was last season, 150K… I need to be very lucky to make it, don’t think I can really, only 6 GWs left, some 400K off that currently… Before that I was 3 times in the top-10K in 4 seasons… Either it’s a game of luck or I’m getting too old for this %*#% 😆
Could do, if you have the chips left. But granted, it’d be a stretch regardless of that. Some easy waters to wade there though if you do have some left.
Mine’s a bit closer and probably more achievable but it’s still a challenge. Need to climb about 180k to do it.
Still have WC, BB, and TC left, reckon those should get me somewhere, but it’s such an uphill climb… Really need to nail the TC to have any chance, thinking either Salah/Mane against Huddersfield in GW36, or Kane in GW38 against your lot
Hit the “post comment” button accidentally there, Kane would be if it looks like he’ll be battling for the golden boot and Everton have nothing to play for whereas Spurs needs to win to get CL next season, it all depends on how it all unfolds until then of course!
That Liverpool game against Huddersfield looks ripe for it. Which one is ripe on the day is a different matter!
Hah…same score and weekly ranking as site team, so feeling encouraged.
Aguero to Lacazette or Higuin? I have little faith in the latter?
Thanks all!
If you see it as a one-week punt, or just a one-night stand, if you’re in the mood, then Higs at home versus a leaky West Ham side is an ok choice.
But I know you don’t want to hear that. And wiser heads than mine may point out he may not even start.
So Rondon, who I own and am relatively happy with going into this GW, is worth some thought as well.
I may pay for this, but would rather avoid Higs. I guess it is going to be Laca then.
I will WC next week…so clear slate other than loosing .2m on Aguero who is currently in my squad.
Thanks for your comments Kralin and Init.
Lacazette, because you know he’ll play. No telling who gets the Chelsea spot. Higuain will leave after 65 for Giroud even if he does get it. This is assuming there are no future week considerations to be taken?