FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW6
No Hazard, no party, evidently! Seven of our players scored two points or less last week. Although that was a was fairly typical scenario, from looking around a bit. The identity of the other four probably dictated whether you had a stinker, an average week or a bonanza one. Our other four got 6, 9, 11 and 14 (c) so whilst not too shabby it still left us in the middle bracket. To excel last week one or more of them had to be Hazard or Fraser but unfortunately we had neither. We landed on 52 and whilst that was 5 above the average it saw us get the dreaded red arrows and a drop to 168k overall. Certainly one to brush under the carpet and move on swiftly from.
So will Hazard’s obvious form finally tempt us to move on from Salah? Or will we rip up our team in a knee jerk reaction and wildcard? Or will we simply decide on another genius move such as selling goalscorer Firmino for two pointer Vardy like last week?! Let’s go find out what the decision from the headquarters of the Cirque Du Solei of fantasy football discussions was this week…
Last Week’s Result
What have we done this week?
We’ve come to about six different decisions, basically! And at least three of those involved selling Salah. And yet we haven’t, ultimately. We only have one Liverpool fan on the panel and when asked about Salah he rated his chances of actually starting at “less than 50/50”. Which obviously sparked a fierce debate as to whether we should then simply sell him for Hazard. Six hours later, once the storm had calmed, he was asked to vote on the issue. And he declined to sell him! And then when pushed further on the issue still said he doubted he would play, but again wouldn’t commit to actually selling him. Confused much? We were a bit but it probably sums up all Salah owners feelings too. If he plays it’s a great fixture, in theory, if we knew he wouldn’t then Hazard in is an easy and understandable move. But we don’t know. and #LemsipGate doesn’t really clear the already muddy waters.
We decided to keep him, for now. Kane went through a similar spell not so long back and was sold off en-masse and then banged in back to back to hat-tricks out of the blue. That’s the thing with these ‘explosive’ players… they can explode at a moments notice. And it’s also why we exercise patience with them.
So what did we decide to do instead? Our midfield was beginning to look a bit barren, to say the least. Mkhitaryan starting in the Eurpoa League was probably the final straw for us as far as he was concerned. That on top of our 4th and 5th mids looking iffy at best meant that we needed a major overhaul in that department. And so we’ve set out on a path to correct our weaknesses and sold Mkhi for Fraser this week, with a view to selling Cairney next week for either Richarlison or Maddison. And it leaves funds for King to maybe Mtirovic or Zaha in our ‘blue sky’ future.
To confirm then, we’ve… SOLD Mkhitaryan and BOUGHT Fraser
The Team In Full…
Kun took the vote very easily, possibly on the back of our Liverpool fan and his Salah ‘uncertainty’. Aguero got rested midweek, in a fashion, but still came on late doors to show that he is is fit and available, we hope. It is Cardiff after all and with a bit of Pep rage in their sails after the midweek defeat you’d have to think that City may be motivated to prove a point.
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I have done my transfer which is to replace mick >richarlison and now I have injured Mendy can I replace him with holebas or van ?
Yes, you have my full permission to go with Wan-B! 😉
Seriously though, your team is set, go with it as it is and let Wan-B come in if Mendy is out!
Sorry for double post but I think I put this in the wrong place:
Hi all – not sure what to do – carry my FT? Or must I address my poor bench, get Wally out etc.? Not had any time to even read the boards
Any advice appreciated – got lucky GW5 with Hazard as Captain and pulled in 89 points.
£0 ITB.
Hey CC,
sounds like you’re doing very well, maybe we should come to you for advice!!
With the potential of Mendy’s injury, you have to ask if Zabaleta coming in is the best you can hope for, with 0 ITB you’re pretty much limited to Bennett if you chose instead to replace him, will Wolves get a CS against Man Utd? Unlikely but more plausible than West Ham shutting out Chelsea. If you think both Wolves and West Ham will concede then you may as well keep Zaba – Unless of course, you play for more than this weekend in which case Zaba – Bennett would be your move.
If you simply want to play for this weekend alone then Wally – Maddison/Fraser would be the move, if longer term then Wally to Richarlison. However, if you want more bang for your buck then Erik – Dilva could be the best move for this week and going forwards. If you do this you will then have 0.8 ITB, you can use this to turn Peltier to into Doherty and then Hudson to Hojiberg / Ward / other regular playing £4.5.
Thanks for the thorough advice Rosco
… I think I had a fluke of a good week … so don’t anyone start rushing ot me for tips LOL ;-P
My intitial feeling was Wally to Fraser.
Would need to check if I have enough for Wally to Rich.
I think I may do the Erick – Dilva move – be good to get some money ITB to get a playing bench as you say.
So stuff to mull over – thanks again.
Rosco, i never get these detailed RMTs from you.
Haha, I don’t get them either, let’s set up a club!!! 😀
Haha she caught at a rare quiet moment at work 😉
I feel honoured – mwah x
I answered at your other post!
Oh thanks Zed! I’ll go and find it now – don’t suppose you know if there’s a quick way to find it – like a “your last three comments” section?
There’s “My Recent comments” tab on top of the site (or on the side on mobile) where everything else is as well, you’ll find it there, there are loads more than just your last three comments!
Great – found it! Thank you.
GL this week!
2.7 ITB & 1 FT.
Any help pls?
Would Pedro to Richarlison and Cairney to Fraser be worth a hit?
How about Pedro to Richarlison? Keep hold of the money and then, if Mendy doesn’t play, you’ve got Tomkins to come in – or Stepehens worst case scenario. I don’t personally see the need to make hits.
Ok thanks
Hi guys……. Any idea if Richarlison is likely to go up in price today? I have Wally at 6.5 with .1 itb so can afford for Wally to drop but not for Richarlison to go up! I have used my transfers and ideally want to make the change with next weeks transfer
Don’t believe so.
Thanks AT
No price rise happening tonight, well according to fplstatistics.
Thinkhis price is still locked.
Any advice folks?
Got 0.5 ITB with 2FT?
Think I’d probably just do Walcott to Richarlison and save one. Or does Fraser and Alonso for Luiz and Walcott just fit?
How about Peltier?
Is luiz injured?
No he isn’t, just think I’d prefer Alonso and Fraser over the two you have in your team!
Sorry for the repost, was on last site of old article. So I still can’t decide which transfer I should do.. Salah out? Bilva out? Luiz out? I need your suggestions please. What would you do with this team and 2 Ft?
Think I’d get rid of Bilva and Luiz. Kop’s tips article is where I’d go for inspiration
is something up with luiz? injured?