FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW6
No Hazard, no party, evidently! Seven of our players scored two points or less last week. Although that was a was fairly typical scenario, from looking around a bit. The identity of the other four probably dictated whether you had a stinker, an average week or a bonanza one. Our other four got 6, 9, 11 and 14 (c) so whilst not too shabby it still left us in the middle bracket. To excel last week one or more of them had to be Hazard or Fraser but unfortunately we had neither. We landed on 52 and whilst that was 5 above the average it saw us get the dreaded red arrows and a drop to 168k overall. Certainly one to brush under the carpet and move on swiftly from.
So will Hazard’s obvious form finally tempt us to move on from Salah? Or will we rip up our team in a knee jerk reaction and wildcard? Or will we simply decide on another genius move such as selling goalscorer Firmino for two pointer Vardy like last week?! Let’s go find out what the decision from the headquarters of the Cirque Du Solei of fantasy football discussions was this week…
Last Week’s Result
What have we done this week?
We’ve come to about six different decisions, basically! And at least three of those involved selling Salah. And yet we haven’t, ultimately. We only have one Liverpool fan on the panel and when asked about Salah he rated his chances of actually starting at “less than 50/50”. Which obviously sparked a fierce debate as to whether we should then simply sell him for Hazard. Six hours later, once the storm had calmed, he was asked to vote on the issue. And he declined to sell him! And then when pushed further on the issue still said he doubted he would play, but again wouldn’t commit to actually selling him. Confused much? We were a bit but it probably sums up all Salah owners feelings too. If he plays it’s a great fixture, in theory, if we knew he wouldn’t then Hazard in is an easy and understandable move. But we don’t know. and #LemsipGate doesn’t really clear the already muddy waters.
We decided to keep him, for now. Kane went through a similar spell not so long back and was sold off en-masse and then banged in back to back to hat-tricks out of the blue. That’s the thing with these ‘explosive’ players… they can explode at a moments notice. And it’s also why we exercise patience with them.
So what did we decide to do instead? Our midfield was beginning to look a bit barren, to say the least. Mkhitaryan starting in the Eurpoa League was probably the final straw for us as far as he was concerned. That on top of our 4th and 5th mids looking iffy at best meant that we needed a major overhaul in that department. And so we’ve set out on a path to correct our weaknesses and sold Mkhi for Fraser this week, with a view to selling Cairney next week for either Richarlison or Maddison. And it leaves funds for King to maybe Mtirovic or Zaha in our ‘blue sky’ future.
To confirm then, we’ve… SOLD Mkhitaryan and BOUGHT Fraser
The Team In Full…
Kun took the vote very easily, possibly on the back of our Liverpool fan and his Salah ‘uncertainty’. Aguero got rested midweek, in a fashion, but still came on late doors to show that he is is fit and available, we hope. It is Cardiff after all and with a bit of Pep rage in their sails after the midweek defeat you’d have to think that City may be motivated to prove a point.
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After a good start, team is falling apart…with 46, 43 and 38 points in 3 GWs. Either I should take -12PH or, WC to make it clean. What do you think?
0.9ITB and 1 FT
(1) Foster, Fabianski ——(No issue)
(2) Mendy (injured), Alonso (rotation risk), Robertson (rotation risk), S.Cook, Wan-B —- Guess I can get 3 def. out of them
(3) Salah, Moura, Pedro (Injured and 90% chance will not be risked), Bilva (probably will play last 20 mins depending on how City is doing), Stephens (useless bench-fodder)
(4) Aguero (rotation risk with Jesus being too bad in UCL and City has must win match coming), Zaha (PAL against NewC – not the best match-up, but fit), Wilson
I can get rid of Pedro, Bilva, Mendy for Haz, Fraser and WOL def. for a -8…adding 4 more, Zaha > Mitro, but that can wait. OR, WC? As I don’t have any clear idea of why I should save the WC for long (may be if Kane starts firing). Any other idea?
Apologies GM, looks like this was overlooked. I blame the ‘kids these days’, they like pics not words
I don’t think you require either extreme of a WC or a -12, not even a -8. Depends how desperately you want Hazard in though I suppose. Pedro to Fraser this week and you just about have a team to field. I think you’re being a tad pessimistic on some of those possible rotations. You can arrive at Hazard next week for a -4 if need be.
Who would you play/bench here?
I am a Gunner and would like to put Bellerin. Anyway Mendy is out. Pedro might come for few minutes, but may not be risked after yesterday’s injury (plus he played full 90). My intuiition is that Hazard and Kovacic will start (as they were rested) and Fabregas. Willian will come as a Sub or, start and go off for Fabregas. Even Willian played full 90 and due to flight delay, players will be tired.
Drop Mendy on WC for Alonso or hold?
Yes, I would definitely have Alonso in a WC! Mendy could be out for long, who knows!
Drop him.
Great stuff. You’re doing way better than our site team! It definitely presents an interesting challenge trying to come to some sort of ‘mutual’ decision every week. We have so far failed dismally haha. Any tips?
Are you keeping Mendy on the bench purely on the minor chance that Pep is trolling us all and he will start him after all? I kind of like that tactic. Imagine how good you’d feel if he started and absolutely smashed it while everyone else was raging.
On second thoughts…it looks like you may have published this prior to Pep’s conference, so ignore me!
What helps is that we have this one particular bloke who poses the questions and then disappears all day letting the others discuss / argue all the possibilities and then he slips back in, picks the bit he likes and then asks for a vote on just that bit! He’s also been known to ignore said vote and do his own preference from time to time, the sneaky b@stard :oogle:
Yeah we posted this last night. That’s the downside to us resolving to have this live on a Thursday I guess. We’ll get burned occasionally but obviously with Mendy we didn’t expect he’d play anyway so it was already considered. He can stay in the 11, you just never know as you say!
How’s your own team faring so far? Not the site one.
I hate/Love the site team discussions.
That Salah discussion last night was funny. The one who thought he benched was the one voting to keep him.
We know 😉
Haha – an interesting approach! Might try and take that to TSZ.
Yeah that makes sense now re: Mendy. I sometimes do that anyway when I know someone isn’t going to play, purely because it’s a nice little rank booster at the end of a GW when you get some bench points!
Can’t really complain about my individual team. Around 75k at the moment which is far higher than my usual rank at this stage. Think you are close to that, right? Mito is storming our pundits league at the monent!
Who to captain this week fellas?? I am torn between Hazard and Aguero
Both are excellent choices. I don’t think there’s a lot between them so toss a coin. Would be v tempted by the in-form Hazard if I had him.
Guys thoughts on wildcard team please
I like the Lukaku pick on one level but think Aguero will out-point him.
If wildcarding you want to ensure the players you pick are as nailed as possible. Are Sane and Shaw that nailed? David Silva may be a better bet.
Think I’d go for Mitrovic or the Wolves’ guy as the cheap striker.
I’d definitely have Alonso, and a placeholder for Mendy, whenever he returns.