FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW6
No Hazard, no party, evidently! Seven of our players scored two points or less last week. Although that was a was fairly typical scenario, from looking around a bit. The identity of the other four probably dictated whether you had a stinker, an average week or a bonanza one. Our other four got 6, 9, 11 and 14 (c) so whilst not too shabby it still left us in the middle bracket. To excel last week one or more of them had to be Hazard or Fraser but unfortunately we had neither. We landed on 52 and whilst that was 5 above the average it saw us get the dreaded red arrows and a drop to 168k overall. Certainly one to brush under the carpet and move on swiftly from.
So will Hazard’s obvious form finally tempt us to move on from Salah? Or will we rip up our team in a knee jerk reaction and wildcard? Or will we simply decide on another genius move such as selling goalscorer Firmino for two pointer Vardy like last week?! Let’s go find out what the decision from the headquarters of the Cirque Du Solei of fantasy football discussions was this week…
Last Week’s Result
What have we done this week?
We’ve come to about six different decisions, basically! And at least three of those involved selling Salah. And yet we haven’t, ultimately. We only have one Liverpool fan on the panel and when asked about Salah he rated his chances of actually starting at “less than 50/50”. Which obviously sparked a fierce debate as to whether we should then simply sell him for Hazard. Six hours later, once the storm had calmed, he was asked to vote on the issue. And he declined to sell him! And then when pushed further on the issue still said he doubted he would play, but again wouldn’t commit to actually selling him. Confused much? We were a bit but it probably sums up all Salah owners feelings too. If he plays it’s a great fixture, in theory, if we knew he wouldn’t then Hazard in is an easy and understandable move. But we don’t know. and #LemsipGate doesn’t really clear the already muddy waters.
We decided to keep him, for now. Kane went through a similar spell not so long back and was sold off en-masse and then banged in back to back to hat-tricks out of the blue. That’s the thing with these ‘explosive’ players… they can explode at a moments notice. And it’s also why we exercise patience with them.
So what did we decide to do instead? Our midfield was beginning to look a bit barren, to say the least. Mkhitaryan starting in the Eurpoa League was probably the final straw for us as far as he was concerned. That on top of our 4th and 5th mids looking iffy at best meant that we needed a major overhaul in that department. And so we’ve set out on a path to correct our weaknesses and sold Mkhi for Fraser this week, with a view to selling Cairney next week for either Richarlison or Maddison. And it leaves funds for King to maybe Mtirovic or Zaha in our ‘blue sky’ future.
To confirm then, we’ve… SOLD Mkhitaryan and BOUGHT Fraser
The Team In Full…
Kun took the vote very easily, possibly on the back of our Liverpool fan and his Salah ‘uncertainty’. Aguero got rested midweek, in a fashion, but still came on late doors to show that he is is fit and available, we hope. It is Cardiff after all and with a bit of Pep rage in their sails after the midweek defeat you’d have to think that City may be motivated to prove a point.
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Just had a quick play as Mendy’s leaving my side tonight. Can come back in GW9.
Thinking of that rarest of things for me, a -4, as Mkhi is also out for the count.
A quick swap to Walker appeals, but so does Trippier; Valencia is tugging on my sleeve as well. Or I can go cheap (to a Wolves’ defender, probably) and get Pogba instead of Fraser.
It’s going to be a long night.
Rotation wise? Trippier seems good on paper but only that. Walker even weaker. Doherty probably, if completely necessary.
That’s why I left it lol
I know. I was playing slightly more freely last night. The plan is the straight swap back as soon as he’s (Mendy) ready. It’s a placeholder transfer, not a long-term move. He missed the CL game.
I took a hit as well this week, so wonders never cease.
And am captaining Salah.
Remember a lot of my moves are within the context of my work ML. OR will come more into play once the league is in the bag.
Best of luck for this week.
What’s your line of profession? You don’t even have to be specific if you don’t feel like it.
However, I’m very much willing to bet that lawyers take decisions in a different manner than accountants.
I’m fighting against the FF1st Alumni and a mini league of pride. Harder to pin down.
Evening Z
Funnily enough I was reading earlier, in a glancing way, about the assizes that followed the swing riots in the 1830s. And was pondering on the apparatus set up by the state to protect the rich, and so on.
I’ve never quite taken the final step into foolishness and pathos.
To change the subject, I was thinking of forking out a bit of money on Tsirkas’ Drifting Cities. Is it a novel still read / regarded?
Who cares if it’s regarded by the herd, it is worth a read imo. Bit heavy going in places but I suspect that’s the translation of the trilogy.
Z’s from that neck of the woods, hence the question. I asked ZL something similar the other day about a Finnish novel. It’s all interesting background. Adds another layer.
These days the machines and robotics are about to take over leaving jobless workers solely dependent on, like Margaret would probably have put it, other people’s money; or part-time jobs or seasonal jobs here and there, or whatever charity, yet all they riot against is foreigners…
Anyway, Kralinho, do you have any insights on Vonnegut?
I like Cat’s Cradle a lot more than Slaughterhouse 5. I think he was haunted by the profit he made from Dresden. Or surviving Dresden. Have read a few of his short stories. Nothing for quite a while though. Yourself?
“yet all they riot against is foreigners” Who is they?
@Zorro Ah, don’t take this too seriously Zorro… All of the people who don’t like foreigners/refugees/migrants… I was using the word “riot” in a very vague manner…
@Kralinho I do like Breakfast of Champions as well, although Cats Cradle is my favorite!
We’re cool Zed, always will be
I’m probably going to do Mendy—>Holebas tonight before his price drop, with the intention to get him back cheaper when he’s fit again. I’m also tempted to do a -4 and get Dilva for Bilva before Bilva’s price drop. This is last chance saloon for Bilva. He’s playing some beautiful football and he scored midweek but if he doesn’t get points this GW then he’s toast.
I did think about Holebas (or a Wolves’ defender) last night, as that would have immediately enabled David Silva for me. But went instead for the short-term charms of Trippier (plus a similar-priced defender will make it easy to bring Mendy back as/when). But I also had to address Mkhi last night.
Like you my plan this week (7) is the same as you: B Silva to D Silva.
Best of luck for this GW.
Good luck to you too Kralin. If Bilva scores highly tonight that’ll make things interesting…
Any changes to my WC squad pls???
Lost a load of TV as my mate got hold of my squad and decided to do a joke team with a load of the worst players didnt mind until we realised i lost 0.4 on haz alone and 0.7 overall. Is what it is lol. Anyways, ive come up with this lot.. thoughts please!
Friendships have been lost from less! Looks great, though I would say that as it’s almost identical to my team![laugh](https://fantasyfootball247.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/kama-wp-smile/packs/qip/laugh.gif)
Haha cheers swirly! Yeah not too fussed, only really concerned about my mini money league, still back myself though haha. Was my fault aswell tbf, i let him do it, completely forgot about TV