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Fantasy World Cup 2014

FF247 McDonald’s Fantasy Football World Cup Team 2014

FF247 McDonald’s Fantasy Football World Cup Team

McDonald's Fantasy Football

A 23 man squad? Rules that contradict themselves? A site we can’t trust to load up properly come transfer time? Players we have never heard of? Players valued at £1.0m? This all looks a bit odd… Must be World Cup time, bring it on, we love it!!!…. Welcome to our first ever World Cup ‘Rate My Team’ and to kick proceedings off FF247 has it’s very own fantasy team that is entering the competition!

The site address to enter is Mcdonalds Fantasy World Cup, you can register here. The official site league is called FF247 – simply enter this in the search bar on the league section and press JOIN!

Here is the FF247 team as it stands. FF247 welcomes suggestions and criticism aplenty but don’t be offended if you get it back! We jest, of course. Sort of. He has been known to bite though! FF247 himself will be around to discuss the team itself on this article thread and will take on board your thoughts and suggestions for changes ahead of the deadline on Thursday and there will be updates throughout the tournament as to the teams progress and hopefully thoughts on selection and strategies as it progresses.


And the subs…


This is by no means the final squad that FF247 will go into the competition with but rather an initial attempt at building a squad. A lot will depend on the feedback tomorrow and what is learnt from your own submissions and findings. The final squad will be published later in the week.

We also welcome your own Rate My Team posts on here as you begin to finalise those squads and starting line ups. Thoughts on formations, players or teams to watch, bargains, strategies or just whatever you want to post are welcome as always.

Thanks for reading FF247 McDonald’s Fantasy Football World Cup Team 2014 this article was written by FF247

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  1. 1

    New article and a new face for everyone to question his/her every move. FF247 makes his official debut on the boards.

    Love your bench! I think I know one person and that is absolutely it. Are you sure they even play footy?

  2. 2
    Andy says:

    Glad to see this back and up and running, good luck.

    • 2.1
      FF247 says:

      Thank you Andy. If this all goes well then I hope they are going to let me have a crack at the real thing in August. If it doesn’t then back to the day job…

  3. 3
    Josh721 says:

    I don’t know about your team, but these Greek players have some pretty fun names 😛

  4. 4

    Hmmm, perhaps adding the Greek keeper Kanezis who is relatively cheap might work. If you can get him then you can play him before Courtois and hope he can get you a CS. Considering the Greek’s style he can get a lot of extra points in bonuses.

  5. 5


    Nice team, not as good as mine but . . . .

  6. 6
    Vinci says:

    So I guess I understood the substitution rule: any player A who has played can be substituted with a player B who hasn’t played yet (but we definitely loose player’s A points).
    I still have a doubt though. I hope that we can change the formation accordingly, and for instance switch from 3-5-2 to 3-4-3 dynamically.
    I guess that a lot of teams, like mine, have 3 high end strickers, and 2 1M hopeless strickers. If we cannot change the formation, we then should always begin with those 3 strickers – and stick with it, even if one underperforms.
    Does anybody knows for sure whether we can adapt the formation “on the flight” ?

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