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FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 38

FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 38

FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 38

Welcome to FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 38

After numerous seemingly endless GW’s, that have literally lasted for weeks at times, this is the one for the minimalists amongst you. 10 games, all done and dusted within a couple of hours, at most.

After all of the faff all week leading up to a GW, Live Match Chat is the heartbeat of the action as it unfolds, and your points roll in, or perhaps don’t. To those who partake and make it what it is we doff our cap and thank you most sincerely.

We hope that you end up getting whatever it is you need from GW38 to win your ML, although if you are still with us by this point in the season then you probably should be winning it regardless!

The games in full…

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck to absolutely everyone for Gameweek XX from all at FF247!

Thanks for reading FPL Live Match Chat Gameweek 38.


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  1. 25

    Brace yourself, more is coming next season rofl

  2. 26
    AJW says:

    G’day everyone. So nonplussed by my season – and totally anaesthetised regarding my last round score, where I slipped back down to 396k. No emotions whatsoever.
    Tried and failed, so better luck for next season!
    Highlight of the season – coming 20th in the WSL fantasy game, with a wicked score in the last round, despite some Frank Spencer-like trade manipulations (I got in a non playing cheapie defender, and saved my changes, which automatically locks you out of making anymore changes for that game-week!).
    Hope you’re all well, and have had a good season!
    Thanks so much to the FF247 team for the great work, and the laughs.

    Kindest regards,
    AJW 😉

    • 26.1
      Rosco says:

      The game is getting tougher no doubt about it. So much available content and so many people who just follow the moves of their favourite content creators verbatim so take heart in that! Best thing about a season of disappointment is to learn from it and come back stronger next season!

      Enjoy the break and soon enough we’ll be ready to do it al over again!!

      • AJW says:

        Hey thanks Rosco! I don’t know whether you read it, but our WC teams were exactly the same (I’m sorry mate, but I wasn’t copying you, we were just so ‘template’ I suppose!) – the divergence came in GW 37 when you went (I think you said) Van de Ven, and I went Romero (grrrr!). Can I class you as a content creator, or else, as a Fantasy pundit?
        Many thanks matie and enjoy your off-season. I’ll be into my favourite NRL (Oz rugby league comp) fantasy – atm I’m 2500th out of about 150k players, so doing alright (I grew up with it in the bush!). Won’t be watching too much of the Euros, as I find the French team kind of ‘up themselves’ if you know what I mean? My son might convince me watch a bit though (bloody PSG fan:!)
        See you round! Have a brown ale or 2 and toast to my health! 😉

    • 26.2

      Nice going mate.

      Did much better than me. Early in season I managed to be around 180k but from about Christmas to the end I had red arrows and ended the wrong side of 1m.

      Time to study the T20 form guide.

      Oh, and what about the undefeated Sharkies. Get on the bandwagon

      • AJW says:

        Hey BB. Living the dream still mate?
        Yeah I’ve got a couple of Sharkies in my Supercoach side (Hynes and Iro). Good luck to them! Coming up against the Panthers this weekend though – should be the litmus test!
        Speak to you soon matie. smile

  3. 27
    constantine says:

    96 pointer final GW. After many years, a decent season for me. Thanks to all the content creators on this site. Also, congratulations on the performance by site team. I think it’s the best one till now. Kudos to Inintt and team. Cheers.

    • 27.1
      AJW says:

      Well done to you Constantine. Whereabouts did you finish up? I guess I could just click on your name and look at your team, but congrats all the same! Hope all’s well in sunny India! smile

      • AJW says:

        Just checked it out – good work! That will motivate you for next season! smile

      • constantine says:

        Hey AJW. It’s SUNny here. Temps going around 47 degrees. I mean its HOT.
        Yes. It’s been a good season. My 4th top 110k rank this year. Just 20 points could push me to 100k, but always fall short. Anyways, quite content myself.
        Can’t wait for the next season. Cheers Sir.

        • AJW says:

          Now that IS hot!
          OMG, it must be terrible – but not like monsoon season, hey?

          Keep well Constantine. smile

        • Reg83 says:

          Is this in india? I am in was very hot here too but like 38 degrees but now finally it started raining.

        • AJW says:

          Getting ready for the cricket Reg ?
          I’ve lost contact with it for the moment. T20 WC again?

        • Reg83 says:

          Yes definitely. Already playing the ipl fantasy. Once that ends, on to the t20 WC.

        • constantine says:

          Reg. Ever been yo Northern parts of India during summers? Bangalore has one of the best weathers throughout the year. Delhi is like burning right now Need rains here as well for some respite.

        • Reg83 says:

          Nope not really. Only very briefly. Always in Bangalore or Kerala. Kerala is damn hot though bcoz of extreme humidity so i know the feeling.

  4. 28
    Colriles says:

    Many thanks to the whole FF247 team yet again! Not a great season for me by any stretch but always glad to pop on here to catch up with the latest. As we all know, August comes too soon so we’ll see y’all again very soon!

  5. 29
    Kop Warrior says:

    Has any fantasy cricket been identified ahead of the T20 WC?

    • 29.1
    • 29.2
      Reg83 says:

      I am waiting on the same. Lets wait another wee for the official one.
      If nothing else, cricketweb offers fantasy cricket of all kinds of series.

    • 29.3
      Reg83 says:

      I am waiting on the same. Lets wait another week for the official one.
      If nothing else, cricketweb offers fantasy cricket of all kinds of series.

    • 29.4
      The Padster says:

      The ICC/Dream 11 is the one we used for the last T20, iv’e been looking out for it most days, if they’re not having one we have the cricketweb one to fall back on, we’ve used that site as well

    • 29.5
      The Padster says:

      T20 World cup fantasy.. Right i’m not sure the official fantasy game by ICC and Dream 11 is going ahead, looks like the ICC site has some other sort of game sponsored by Fancraze, so i’ve set a league up on the sportsweb site, Primary Competition: T20 World Cup 2024 **WIN PRIZES**
      Competition Key:
      Competition Name:
      FF247 T20 WC 2024
      Most of us should already be registered as we have used it before for The Ashes

      • Kop Warrior says:

        Padster, I’ll sign up to this at some stage before the first match on Saturday night / Sunday morning.

      • The Padster says:

        T20 fantasy WC, here is a list of when the transfer windows are open/closed in GMT… could do with a few more entrants, Reg, Bunnies Constantine, etc,etc..

        • Kop Warrior says:

          So, there’s essentially a transfer window for every game? Am I reading that correctly?

        • The Padster says:

          That’s my understanding of it Kop, 300 modifications (transfers) over 55 matches, so roughly 5.45 transfers a game laugh1 it will cost you 3 transfers to change your captain though, i think the confusion came from people in Timezones where the second game would have been in the next day, would be nice if Reg could confirm our thinking

        • The Padster says:

          Looking at it again Kop, it looks like the game locks before the first game and then opens after the second, so we’d have to do both games, Reg a has left a message on the leagues notice board saying the same, so if we have 3 games we’d have to do all 3 games before it locks at the beginning of the first game of the day, saying that on day 5 it says open again after the second game and locks again before the 3rd,it’s all a bit confusing

        • Kop Warrior says:

          This has disaster written all over it laugh1

        • Reg83 says:

          There are 300 transfers and 55 matches..but there are 26 days of cricket.. some days there are 2 and other days 3 games while few days have just 1 game.. so 300/ there are 11.5 transfers per day.. u have to set up ur team for that particular day. For eg, matchday 2 has 2 games. It locks when west indies vs png starts and 2nd game is Namibia vs oman. So transfer in players from these 4 teams ans select a captain..repeat the process for md3 till 26..i
          See this link for lock times. Note md1 has only usa vs canada game.. atleast this is my understanding.

        • The Padster says:

          T20 transfers open/close, I think this is the easiest of a bad lot to follow, tells you what games are on which match day and when the window opens and closes, I will try and update as we go along

        • Reg83 says:

          There is now an official t20 world cup game. Here we create a team for a set of matches. Set 1 is game 1-10 and then there are unlimited transfers between each set. Its kind of easier to play and there are 5 boosters too.

      • Reg83 says:

        I am also bit confused if md1 is only usa vs canada or this game plus West Indies vs png. I have submitted a ticket to clarify this.

      • inittowinit says:

        So which one are we playing?!?!?!

        • Kop Warrior says:

          Who’s created a team on the official one?

        • Kop Warrior says:

          It will only allow me to create a team for set 2!

        • The Padster says:

          You have a team in our league Kop, to do transfers you need to go to modify team, click on the team and do your transfers, no need to create again

        • The Padster says:

          To be fair it’s a pretty shite site, I can remember moaning about it when we played that Ashes on it, that was just 2 teams and pretty much the same time the windows were open/closed, I came on early this morning HK time to do transfers, The USA v Canada game had long finished but the game was still locked, I can see a few of us giving up when the games are at unearthly hours, windows open now for the next 2 games, see how it goes

        • Kop Warrior says:

          Yeah, I know Padster. I was just wondering how many had signed up on the official game.

        • The Padster says:

          Shit, I see you mean now,, I was looking every day for the official one, when did that pop up, I gave up hope, set 2 for me also, we could start one there as well, we would all be equal, to be fair it’s better run

        • Reg83 says:

          The one on cricketweb is better. But i also playing the official one..but the match fantasy one not the tournament fantasy one.
          The match fantasy allows u to have 5 players each game. While the tournament fantasy u may have only 1-2 players per game or even none.

        • The Padster says:

          Reg, the Cricketweb site is shite mate, feels like you have to keep going 3 steps back to go 1 step forward, it’s slow at updating, i’m not sure if they will give you enough time between some games and i’m certainly not waiting an hour at 3.00am for it to upddate

        • Reg83 says:

          It updates only hours after games finish. It is slow indeed. There are no live update of points scored.
          I just made transfers now after seeing lineup of windies vs png. The time zones might be an issue. Its almost 8pm for me here.

        • inittowinit says:

          Agree with Paddy I’m afraid, Reg. I’ve given up on that one already. It’s worse than useless. Can’t even log in properly and it won’t send password resets. Logged in from 3 different emails now. And don’t even get me started on the accept cookies thing on every single page.

          Maybe if we all agree to start the main one on Tuesday or something then we can at least play something but I’m not playing that one.

        • The Padster says:

          T20 Official fantasy seem the earliest we can start is in set 2 which starts on Thursday 6th June with USA v PAK, still plenty of cricket to be played, League code; HQ0207

        • Kop Warrior says:

          I’ll sign up to the official one at some point before Thursday.

          I’m going to continue playing on cricketweb. It’s a crap website but I haven’t had any major issues with it.

        • inittowinit says:

          Padster, I’ll join that one from Thursday.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          My modifications for the last 2 games didn’t save!
          That’s me finished with cricketweb.

        • Kop Warrior says:

          On the official game, do we just pick a team at the beginning of each set, choose a captain and decide whether or not to play a booster? We then just leave it until the next set?

        • inittowinit says:

          Told you it was crap rofl

          Yes, I presume so. That and the boosters. Does mention transfers but not how many other than unlimited between sets. Unless I’m missing something.

          That said I can’t get past the create a team point. Do we have to wait for that small opportunity between Set 1 and Set 2?

        • Kop Warrior says:

          I’ve managed to auto-pick a team, choose my captain and enter the league which Padster created.

          Oh, and I’ve gone back and made transfers on cricketweb today. I couldn’t help myself! dash

        • inittowinit says:

          What am I not doing correctly then?

        • inittowinit says:

          Sorted. Turns out AutoFill doesn’t abide by the criteria rules! laugh

        • The Padster says:

          Like Init said Kop, You can pick a fresh team for every set, so your team will be just for that sets fixtures, if you don’t make an transfers before the next sets deadline, your team will stay the same for the next set

        • The Padster says:

          As for Sportsweb, my changes weren’t save also yesterday, good chance it was my fault though, after making my changes I pressed the modify my team button after, which you’d think would be it, but you have to scroll down further and then press confirm changes, far too much effort needed for that site.

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