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FPL Tips GW24 – Assistant Manager Chip

FPL Tips GW24 – Assistant Manager Chip

FPL Tips GW24

Welcome to FPL Tips GW24

We aren’t doing a Captain’s article this week, as we assume that the vast majority will simply stick it on Salah, DGW and all that. We were going to do a normal Tips article, until some smart Alec (Jamie Mc) pointed out that it may be pertinent to do something on this new Assistant Manager chip that we have all now been bestowed with, as of GW24.

Given as we then asked the writing team and some had never heard of it (slightly worrying…) and others simply said they didn’t know enough to write about it, that seemed reason enough to highlight it. Below is a simple summary of what it is, and the rules around using it. Followed by a few initial observations from the members of the writing team who were actually on the ball with it.

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  • It is live from GW24
  • You can play it anytime until the end of the season
  • It lasts for 3 weeks
  • Once played you CANNOT play another chip whilst it is active
  • You need to pay for your assistant out of your existing budget
  • Your initial transfer in of him will not cost you a ‘free transfer’
  • You can swap him over the 3 weeks but any change WILL count as one of your free transfers
  • If he is sacked / leaves you will still score points for his previous club (Hi Ange….)
  • Your assistant counts towards the 3 player per club rule
  • DGW’S count in the same way as your players
  • Once your manager (chip) ‘expires’ any budget will be returned to you
  • You get points for wins, draws, goals and clean sheets and then bonus points if your manager wins vs a team at least 5 places higher in the league
  • League position is determined before any GW begins, including for the 2nd game in a DGW
  • Manager prices will not change


Now, for me, with it being so new, the question is when to use it. Most of us will still have the TC, BB, FH and WC chips left, so we may find it difficult towards the seasons end.

I was going to use the TC on Salah this week but with being unable to play any other chips whilst the AM chip is active I’ve decided to use the AM chip instead and save the rest of the other chips for later as usual. I’ve decided to stick the AM chip on the returned prodigal grandfather Mr Moyes. I know, I know, go on OddDane give me a telling off. He’s only been back 2 weeks and Moyes has played 3 and won 2, that’ll change with me on the picture. Everton do have 4 games within the 3 GW period. They start off with 2 games during the first week. LEI (h), points maybe, then LIV (h), Everton will love to put a spanner in Liverpool’s works. Gw2 sees them travel to Palace, some more points in a close game hopefully and GW4 sees Man U travel to Goodison, where they do usually give United a good game.
So there we go folks, come back in 3 gws and see how I’ve done with this new chip, poorly probably.

Stone Frog
My best guess at present is that about 10pts per match is a good return on the assistant manager (AM) chip and as such it is likely best played over a double game week and having a total of 4 games. There’s potential to target a mixture of fixtures with table bonus (high risk, high reward) and very favourable fixtures with opportunity for goal and clean sheet bonus. There may also be more upside in making a manger transfer somewhen within the three game weeks.

Focussing on GW24, Slot (1.5m) does not have the opportunity for table bonus, nor are the fixtures ideal. Therefore, I don’t think Slot is a great option this week. Alternatively, Moyes (0.5m) does have a good home game against the Foxes, but Everton have not been a free scoring side and the Liverpool match is very tough. The Toffee’s fixtures in 25 and 26 are not so straightforward and nor do they offer table bonus, but potentially a switch to Arteta (1.5m) (lei, WHU), Iraola (1.1m) (sou, WOL) or Silva (1.1m) (NFO, CRY) could make sense. Overall, I would rather wait and not go ahead in GW24.

Looking ahead to the blanks and doubles to come. GW29 will have 4 teams blanking due to the EFL Cup final and GW34 will have up to 8 teams blanking due to the FA Cup semi-finals. These fixtures will most likely be rearranged into GW33 and GW36 creating two doubles later in the season. Free hit on the biggest blank (GW34) makes sense to me, leaving bench boost and assistant manager (AM) for 33 or 36. Therefore targeting a double, AM could either be 31-33, 35-37 or 36-38. The slight caveat is if you wish to wild card after blank GW29 and AM in 31-33, you may want to wild card in GW30. The FA Cup quarter finals are between GW29 and 30, so by GW30 we should know who blanks in 34 and therefore who will have a double game week. However, GW30 being a Tuesday deadline, we may not yet know which game week the rearranged fixtures fall into (33 or 36). There could be a panicked Monday night wild card, which is not ideal!

Looking at 31-33, Aston villa and Emery (0.8m) have decent fixtures (31 NFO, 32 sou, 33 NEW) with some opportunity for table bonus and potentially a DGW33. Spurs and Postecoglou (1.1m) may become an option in the same period (31 SOU, 32 wol, 33 NFO) if their form improves. Liverpool have Leicester away in GW33, so could be good for that week if they do double. Analysing GW36, Man City have a potentially favourable visit to St Mary’s. They also have Wolves at home in 35 and Bournemouth at home in 37, so playing AM on Guardiola (1.5m) 35-37 could be good if they have DGW36. Ultimately, I may wait until the full fixture list is confirmed to make the best decision.

Jamie Mc
Since the start of the season, the Fantasy Game has been teasing us fantasy managers with a new chip that would become active from game week twenty-four.

As we now know the “Assistant Manager” chip is a new addition to the game.

Any new feature in the game that gives us the opportunity of a good score, a green arrow and a chance of increasing a Mini League lead or catching a Mini League rival has got to be good.

The first thing to note is that you must have money in the bank or generate money from player transfers to be able activate the Assistant Manager chip.

There are four different prices of Managers ranging from £1.5m for the top Managers, £1.1m and £0.8m for the middle of the road Managers down to £0.5m for Managers of teams towards the bottom on the league. Manager prices do not change as a result of purchases or sales.

Once activated, the Assistant Manager chip is active for three game weeks therefore it is crucial that you activate the chip no later than game week thirty-six to ensure you obtain the full three game week impact of the chip.

The Assistant Manager that you initially purchase can be transferred out during the three-game week period to another Assistant Manager, but this will cost you your weekly free transfer. You must also adhere to the maximum of three players / Manager from any one team.

As far as point scoring is concerned then your Assistant Manager earns six points for their actual team win, three points for their actual team draw with a point earned for every goal your Managers actual team scores with two points for a clean sheet for your actual Managers team. A bonus of ten points is awarded if your Managers actual team beats a team at least five places above them in the league table at the start of the game week.

The Assistant Manager chip cannot be activated along with any other chip so care should be taken with regard to the timing of any double game week when the convention was to Wildcard before a double game week then Bench Boost in the actual double game week.

Forward planning will be crucial as to when you use any of your chips but looking at that best three game week period when a team has a kind run of fixtures for activating your Assistant Manager chip.

The fantasy game has in recent weeks provided information on the Assistant Manager chip with details provided in the following weblink: –

As for me, I will very much be activating a chip this game week with the triple captain armband chip on the Egyptian King. I hope I do better than last seasons one point tripled to three when Salah was substituted prior to sixty minutes in a Liverpool home win against Luton Town.

Thanks for reading FPL Tips GW24. This article was written by Ellefcee, Jamie Mc, Stone Frog and Init. 



Fantasy Football 247 League Codes:

This is our main public FF247 League for the 2024/25 season, which anyone is welcome to join and can be accessed using the code below or this auto-join link
League Code: fh640b


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Our Regulars League* for 2024/25 is sponsored by FF247. The total cash prize pool is £300. The first 4 places are paid out in a tiered system.

To enter this one you need to be an active and recognised site member and you need to e-mail us for the league code:

Our FF247 Cup is also included and attracts a prize of £50 for the winner.

*terms and conditions apply and the FF247 Management reserve the right to review membership of this league on an ongoing basis which is dependent upon regular comment / community activity.

Both leagues will be shut to new entrants as of 01/01/25.

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  1. 1
    inittowinit says:

    ***NEW ARTICLE, and a new CHIP to play with***

    Thank you Elle, Jamie Mc and Stone Frog for sharing your thoughts.

  2. 2
    AJW says:

    And thank you all for coming up with this one at such short notice!
    Dunno what to do – have already used TC (Salah in GW 5 or 6). Using Ass-Man chip now would involve using up some of those precious FTs (Moyes in 24, then Iraola in 25 + possibly 26), though it IS tempting to do something to unwedge my season from the quagmire!!!
    In any case guys, I’d like to thank you again, for your part in this very informative article. (I can feel definite red arrows coming – red hot and poison-tipped!!!)

  3. 3
    Shrivathsa says:

    Hi FF247 Site Team Manager Committee,

    Since the site team has 0.5 Million left, and the OR is seemingly stuck in the 2-3 million range from GW8, would you consider deploying the Assistant Manager chip following the guidance of Ellefcee?

    Looks like a great way to rocket up the OR, as the site team has already used TC.

    • 3.1
      Elleffcee says:

      Yeah go my way. I was thinking of just sticking with Moyes for the 3 gameweeks and not waste any transfers tooing and froing between AMs. But, someone suggested to me that Moyes for one week and Iraola for two could work out well. I’m only using mine now as i don’t want to run out of gws to use all my chips.

  4. 4
    Tekno-kun says:

    Is it madness to consider playing the chip on Iraola this GW? He’d get 16 or 8 points minimum with a win or a draw respectively against Liverpool, followed by matches against Southampton and Wolverhampton.

  5. 5
    ODT says:

    Am I crazy to sell TAA so that I could bring in Slot for the DGW? Then swap Slot to someone else for the next two?

  6. 6
    hammerfan_lm says:

    ITB 0.4m
    Don’t intend on bringing anyone in
    Unfortunately I have 3 pool players, and not enough to do any manager transfers. Slot is a no go.
    Should I wait to use the manager chip?

    Click on image to enlarge:

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