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Fantasy Football Tips

Grab, Avoid or Bore-off!

Grab, Avoid or Bore-off! – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League

Photo 01-05-2014 00 42 50To help you decide or just confuse you a bit more, we have asked 3 of our writers to pass judgment on what players are needed for this double game-week and what players are better left out of the fray. We hope this is a simple straight forward formula that can assist you in your decision making as we near the dead line.

Grab – You need this player on your squad. On the Def/Keeper categories if they select Grab, they will give us a name or two from said team. Eg. Grab-De Gea

Avoid – It’s a trap don’t get suckered in.

Bore off – If you have him play him, if you don’t have him don’t bother getting him. Really not worth the extra effort.





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  1. 19
    Veer says:

    Mito! I’ve been waiting for you to come online. Could you do that thing again, telling me how many points 50k, 40k, and 30k have? Thanks smile

  2. 20
    Veer says:

    Another question: what DGW defenders should I be considering? I already have Mannone, Davies, Demichelles, and I need someone less than either 5.4 or 4.3 (depending on whether i sell Coleman or Shaw). So does anybody know?

  3. 21
    Andy says:

    Great stuff guys, I’m still going to get ‘beautiful’ Ron Vlaar ahead of the double but only so I’m able to afford Rooney and yeah I will be putting him in my starting line up smile

    • 21.1
      Veer says:

      Exact same thing for me, I’m considering Baker so I can afford Rooney!

      • Andy says:

        Yeah, if your after a trio of Rooney – Suarez – Aguero then I feel your either going to have to bite the bullet and sign someone naff or take that extra -4, I’m taking the naff approach but Hull at home isn’t the worst fixture in the world.

    • 21.2

      Heavenly body Vlaar? What could go wrong? 😉

      • Andy says:

        He’s got my favorite profile pic of all the players listed in game, all that ugliness in such a small space is glorious.

  4. 22
    Calvin Clyne says:

    So Chester still stays on the bench despite the DGW right?

    • 22.1

      Calvin he is a ” bore off ” for me. If you have him you play him, but you don’t waste a transfer to get him. Of course it depends on what the rest of your defence is, but the only single GW team defender I would consider playing over him would be a CFC defender. And even then I probably still risk it and hope for the best with Chester.

      • Calvin Clyne says:

        I think that is pretty much what it boils down to as I will probably get Jones in for Coleman so it’s Azpil or Chester for the 3rd spot. I can just see him quite easily getting 0 or 1 at Old Trafford, so it’s a case of who is more likely to score, Villa or Norwich. Tough one.

  5. 23
    LaByRiNtH says:

    Demi azpi dann
    Yaya ramsey brunt mata
    Suarez rooney (c) agueri (vc)

    Boruc puncheon coleman olsson

    How about my team?

    • 23.1
      Kop Warrior says:

      LaByRiNtH – Have you made your transfers already? If not, how about a United defender for Coleman?

    • 23.2
      Calvin Clyne says:

      Dann is your only weak spot there I’d say, but without seeing your bench and available funds it’s hard to suggest a replacement. I doubt you can swap him to a United defender for example?

  6. 24
    Jeet Top 4 says:

    Can’t wait for the transfer window to start Man Utd to Sign Fabreags hahaha Can’t Wait !!!!!

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